Low pass filter: cutoff and peak output

In summary, a 4.7kΩ resistor and a 677.3 pF capacitor would give a cutoff frequency of 50kHz. The peak output voltage for an input voltage described by Vin = 3cos(2π(4000)t) would be approximately equal to the input voltage, but an exact calculation using the complex transfer function would be necessary to account for a small voltage division and phase shift.
  • #1
joel amos

Homework Statement

(a) If R1 = 4.7kΩ, what value for C1 will give a cutoff frequency of 50kHz?
(b) If the input voltage is described by the equation Vin = 3cos(2π(4000)t), what will the peak output voltage be?[/B]

Homework Equations

(a) fc = 1/(2πRC)
(b) Vout/Vin = 1/√(1 + (2πfRC)2)

The Attempt at a Solution

(a) I rearranged the equation to C = 1/(2πfcR). I got 71.2 pF but am uncertain.
(b) Not sure if this is the relevant equation. If it is, than I am uncertain how to get the frequency of the input voltage.
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  • #2
joel amos said:
(a) I rearranged the equation to C = 1/(2πfcR). I got 71.2 pF but am uncertain.
The equation is fine, but you got the wrong number out of it. Can't tell you what went wrong if you don't show your calculation.

joel amos said:
(b) Not sure if this is the relevant equation. If it is, than I am uncertain how to get the frequency of the input voltage.
Recall the general expression ##A\cos(\omega t + \phi)##, where ##A##, ##\omega##, ##\phi## is the amplitude, angular frequency and phase, respectively, of the sinusoid. Match that to what you're given.

After you've done that, think about what the purpose of a low-pass filter is and how it affects signals below and above its cut-off frequency.
  • #3
(a) I rechecked my work and got 677.3 pF
(b) So if without the low pass filter the peak voltage would be 3V. Would the frequency be 2π4000 = 25132.7? What about phase? If I'm assuming the values from part (a), then wouldn't the output voltage match the input voltage as 25.1 kHz < 50kHz and this is a low pass filter? If this is wrong and the frequency is really higher than the cutoff, I know that output lessens as frequency increases, but I'm not sure of the equation that would give me the voltage output.
  • #4
joel amos said:
(a) I rechecked my work and got 677.3 pF
Great. :smile:

joel amos said:
Would the frequency be 2π4000 = 25132.7?
You have ω = 2π4000 rad/s, which is the angular frequency. What is the relationship between frequency and angular frequency?

joel amos said:
If I'm assuming the values from part (a), then wouldn't the output voltage match the input voltage as 25.1 kHz < 50kHz and this is a low pass filter?
Approximately, if the frequency of the input waveform was lower. There'll be a difference in phase.
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  • #5
Ah right, so the frequency is simply 4 kHz, which means Vout would be approximately equal to Vin.
  • #6
Yes - approximately. However, do you think this answers the queston? Why not do an exact calculation?
  • #7
Well, I don't know how to do the calculation. This graph makes is seem as though they'd be exactly equivalent:
  • #8
No - it`s impossible. Because at 4 kHz the capacitor has an impedance other than infinite, you have a (small) voltage division between R and C.
In addition, there is a (small) phase shift, Thus, you have to use the complex transfer function for separately calculating magnitude and phase.
Don`t you remember - in your first post you have given already the correct magnitude expression. Insert the frequency - and you have the result.

(Remark: The shown graph is not very realistic for a first-order lowpass)

Related to Low pass filter: cutoff and peak output

1. What is a low pass filter?

A low pass filter is an electronic circuit that allows low frequency signals to pass through while attenuating high frequency signals. It is commonly used to remove noise or unwanted high frequency components from a signal.

2. What is the cutoff frequency of a low pass filter?

The cutoff frequency of a low pass filter is the frequency at which the filter begins to attenuate the signal. Above the cutoff frequency, the signal will be significantly reduced in amplitude. The cutoff frequency is typically determined by the design of the filter and can be adjusted by changing the values of the components.

3. How is the cutoff frequency related to the bandwidth of a low pass filter?

The cutoff frequency and the bandwidth of a low pass filter are inversely related. A lower cutoff frequency will result in a wider bandwidth, allowing a larger range of frequencies to pass through the filter. Conversely, a higher cutoff frequency will result in a narrower bandwidth, allowing only a smaller range of frequencies to pass through.

4. What is the peak output of a low pass filter?

The peak output of a low pass filter is the maximum amplitude of the filtered signal. This will depend on the input signal and the cutoff frequency of the filter. The peak output will occur at frequencies below the cutoff frequency, where the signal is not attenuated.

5. How can I calculate the cutoff frequency and peak output of a low pass filter?

The cutoff frequency can be calculated using the formula f = 1/(2πRC), where R is the resistance and C is the capacitance of the filter. The peak output can be calculated using the formula Vp = Vin * (1/√2), where Vin is the input voltage and Vp is the peak output voltage. However, these calculations may vary depending on the specific design and components of the filter.

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