Lowering temparture of a gas due to slow expansion

In summary, the conversation discusses the online availability of the Feynman Lectures on Physics and the understanding of simple intuitive properties of matter as a collection of atoms. The topic of slow expansion and compression of gas and its effect on temperature is also touched upon, with a mention of collisions not being completely elastic and the role of momentum conservation in calculating temperature changes. The speaker also brings up the question of an "equivalently simple" explanation for this phenomenon.
  • #1
Hi people,

I just found out that the famous Feynman Lectures on Physics are now online, so I'm going through them just for fun (I took Physics in College a long long time ago, but was too much content with too little time to actually understand it for real, so here I'm again learning it)

In chapter 1-2, Feyman is talking about simple intuitive properties of matter as a collection of atoms, and so he let us deduce how slowly lowering a piston on a confined gas increases the gas temperature. He says

What happens when an atom hits the moving piston? Evidently it picks up speed from the collision.

A simple mental picture and that makes sense. But then he says that "a slow expansion will decrease the temperature"

I was trying to follow that using the same ideas the let us deduce the temperature will increase if we lower the piston, i.e. compress the gas, and I noticed that I can't quite follow it from the text alone. I need to introduce a new idea: "it is the direction of the moving piston what causes the atoms to speed up or slow down. If they collide in opposite directions, the atoms speed us. If they collide in the same direction, the atom slows down".

But the problem is I just made that up. Is it correct?

And if not, then what is the "equivalently simple" explanation? The way I see it, a simple model of the collision with the moving piston *seems* to explain the increase in temperature under slow compression (since the atoms speed up), but actually falls short, as it doesn't equally explain why it decreseaes under slow expansion.

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  • #2
It is a natural extension to the earlier picture - an approaching piston adds KE to the gas and a retreating one removes it ... due to collisions not being quite elastic. Say the gas particle sticks briefly to the walls before being bouncing off.

It's only an "intuitive" picture. It's actually not very helpful to think about thermodynamics that way: too easy to get tied in knots.
  • #3
fcacciola said:
And if not, then what is the "equivalently simple" explanation? The way I see it, a simple model of the collision with the moving piston *seems* to explain the increase in temperature under slow compression (since the atoms speed up), but actually falls short, as it doesn't equally explain why it decreseaes under slow expansion.

If the piston is moving inwards and a gas particle collides with it then it picks up speed. If the piston is moving away then a collision will decrease speed. This is easily calculable from momentum conservation. And since ##T \sim \langle v^2 \rangle ## we can see that ##\delta T \sim \langle \delta v \rangle## so if the piston is moving inwards ##\delta T > 0## and similarly for the case of the piston moving outwards, where ##\langle \rangle## represents an average quantity and ##T## is of course the temperature.

If you wish I can present a more detailed calculation that only uses basic mechanics (momentum and energy conservation).
It is based on problem 4.29 from Kleppner and Kolenkow.

FAQ: Lowering temparture of a gas due to slow expansion

What is slow expansion and how does it lower the temperature of a gas?

Slow expansion refers to a process in which a gas expands slowly, either due to a decrease in pressure or an increase in volume. This expansion causes the gas molecules to spread out and lose energy, resulting in a decrease in temperature.

Why is it important to lower the temperature of a gas?

Lowering the temperature of a gas can have various benefits, such as increasing its stability, reducing its reactivity, and making it easier to handle. In some cases, it may also be necessary to achieve certain chemical reactions or physical changes in the gas.

What factors affect the degree of temperature change in a gas due to slow expansion?

The degree of temperature change in a gas due to slow expansion is affected by several factors, including the initial temperature and pressure of the gas, the rate of expansion, and the type of gas. Other external factors, such as the surrounding temperature and pressure, can also impact the temperature change.

Can the temperature of a gas be lowered indefinitely through slow expansion?

In theory, yes, the temperature of a gas can be lowered indefinitely through slow expansion. However, in practice, there are limitations, such as the gas reaching its condensation point or the expansion process becoming too slow to cause a significant temperature change.

What are some real-life applications of lowering the temperature of a gas through slow expansion?

Lowering the temperature of a gas through slow expansion has many practical applications, such as in refrigeration and air conditioning systems, gas storage and transportation, and industrial processes. It is also used in scientific experiments and research to study the properties and behavior of gases at different temperatures.

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