Luck and pure math exams vs. applied math exams

In summary, the speakers discuss the role of luck in exams, specifically comparing pure math exams to applied math exams. While one speaker believes that luck is not as important in applied math exams, they feel that a certain level of luck is necessary in pure math exams due to the variety of possible question types. The other speaker shares a personal experience of relying on luck to solve a difficult question on a recent exam. They also mention that their university only counts the best problems, providing some cushion for days when a question may not click. The conversation ends with the question of whether others have had similar experiences.
  • #1
has luck been a factor in your exam? How does it compare in pure math exams to applied math exams?

I personally feel that in applied math I'm able to do w/e i have practiced, luck isn't that important. But in pure math i need a luck factor as well, along with a good practice. I feel like have to be lucky enough to comprehend the questions in a certain way that it yields a fruitful answer. Maybe I'm putting this on luck b/c i don't feel secure with pure math exams.

is that just me or happens to others as well?

edit: i suppose in a applied course (say ODE), there are only certain types of question that would be asked in exam/test. One is able to practice them all...and if s/he does luck isn't that important. But in pure math, there are uncountable ways of asking a question and i guess luck is important?
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  • #2
Yes, I remember on a discrete maths exam I sat recently, it was for 3 hours and I finished almost all of it in the first 1.5 hrs. I spent the next 1.5 hrs on this one question worth 4/120 marks. I did get it in the end, and it wasn't even that hard, I was just thinking about it the wrong way. But at my university only the best x out of y problems are counted, so there is a bit of cushion if a particular question just doesn't click on that day.
  • #3
yeah that happens a buncha time.

anyone else with similar experience?

FAQ: Luck and pure math exams vs. applied math exams

What is the difference between luck and pure math exams?

Luck and pure math exams differ in the way they are evaluated. Luck exams are based on chance and random guessing, while pure math exams are based on knowledge and understanding of mathematical concepts.

Are applied math exams easier than pure math exams?

This is subjective and depends on the individual's strengths and weaknesses. Some may find applied math exams easier because they involve real-life problems and applications, while others may find pure math exams easier because they require less critical thinking and more rote memorization.

Can luck play a role in determining the outcome of a math exam?

Yes, luck can play a small role in determining the outcome of a math exam, especially when it comes to multiple choice questions. However, a strong understanding of the material and good study habits are ultimately more important factors in achieving a high score.

Do applied math exams require less preparation than pure math exams?

Not necessarily. While applied math exams may involve real-life problems and applications, they still require a deep understanding of mathematical concepts and formulas. In some cases, applied math exams may even require more preparation as they may involve multiple steps and calculations.

Which type of math exam is more relevant in the real world?

Both pure math and applied math are relevant in the real world, but in different ways. Pure math helps to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills, while applied math allows for the practical application of these skills in real-life situations. Ultimately, the relevance of each type of math exam depends on the individual's career path and interests.

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