M. Frame: Invariant Mass Confinement < c Motion

In summary, particles in special relativity have a property called mass, which is a number that describes their movement. The question of why particles have mass is not addressed in SR, but rather in the Standard Model of quantum mechanics which currently uses the Higgs mechanism to explain the origin of mass. In SR, mass is a result of the symmetry between energy and momentum, and is measured as the invariant "length" of E² - p². However, SR does not provide an explanation for the value or origin of this mass.
  • #1
Hi, hopefully this isn't a dumb question. I've read essentially that in the center of mass/momentum frame an object has invariant mass, and that the system's total mass will be composed of the constituent particles' masses and any other kinetic and potential energies within the system. I also think I know that these various forms of rest mass are interconvertible with kinetic photon energies that can be radiated away from the system should the particles be annihilated. I guess what I'm trying to ask is, what's the mechanism that determines a particle having rest mass and, hence, occupying space and time sublight.

Anyway, I hope this is phrased correctly and is factually meaningful. Thanks for any answers!

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  • #2
In SR, particles have this attribute we call mass which we can ascribe a number to and we can see how these particles move. The question of why particles have mass is not asked in SR. This question is a question asked in the Standard Model of quantum mechanics.

The currently best accepted model is the Higgs mechanism. Perhaps you will enjoy a read in wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Higgs_mechanism

The Higgs boson which mediates this mechanism has not yet been detected...its detection is one of the primary goals of the LHC.
  • #3
In SR there is no reason for or origin of mass.

SR is based on a certain SO(3,1) symmetry structure of spacetime. The same symmetry applies to energy E and momentum p. Due to that symmetry the "length" E² - p² = m² is invariant, that means it has the same value in all reference frames.

This means that for each particle both energy E and momentum p are velocity-dependent (that means relative as they depend on the velocity of the particle measured in a certain reference frame), but nevertheless that this invariant "length" characterizes the particles uniquely. Measured in the rest frame and using the well-known relation E = mc² one finds that this invariant is nothing else but the particle's rest mass.

But SR only requires that this m² is invariant; neither does the theory fix its value nor does it explain its origin.

FAQ: M. Frame: Invariant Mass Confinement < c Motion

1. What is M. Frame in the context of invariant mass confinement?

M. Frame refers to the rest frame of the system in which the invariant mass is calculated. Invariant mass confinement is a theoretical concept in physics that suggests that the total mass of a system remains constant regardless of its motion or the observer's frame of reference.

2. How is M. Frame related to the theory of relativity?

M. Frame is closely related to the theory of relativity, which states that the laws of physics are the same for all observers in uniform motion. Invariant mass confinement is an application of this theory, as it shows that the total mass of a system remains unchanged in all inertial frames.

3. Can M. Frame be observed in real-life situations?

No, M. Frame and invariant mass confinement are theoretical concepts that are not directly observable. They are used to explain and predict the behavior of particles and systems in extreme conditions, such as near the speed of light.

4. How does M. Frame affect the behavior of particles?

M. Frame and invariant mass confinement have significant implications for the behavior of particles, particularly those moving at speeds close to the speed of light. They help explain the phenomenon of mass-energy equivalence and the concept of relativistic mass, which increases with velocity.

5. What are the practical applications of understanding M. Frame and invariant mass confinement?

The understanding of M. Frame and invariant mass confinement has led to advancements in fields such as particle physics, cosmology, and astrophysics. It has also played a crucial role in the development of technologies such as particle accelerators and nuclear reactors.

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