M-Theory: Are P-Branes & Strings Made of Matter/Energy?

In summary, according to Einstein, mass is equivalent to energy. This means that the vibrations of matter are what create the force of gravity. String theory is a way to think about matter that includes vibrating strings. particles are thought to be composed of these strings. Time is still an open question, but it's possible that it doesn't exist.
  • #1
Ok about M-theory, are the P-branes or strings or closed and open loops suppose to be made out of matter/energy? if they are then how could that be possible if matter/energy is suppose to be composited out of particles to explain chemical reactions, that would mean for the strings to move they would have to be composite even though that's already impossible because there always has to be some sort of fundamental point to it.
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  • #2
According to Einstein, mass is equivalent to energy. The question is how is this possible? There seems to be something in common between bit of matter and spacetime itself. I can only imagine that matter is itself movement of spacetime. If matter is waves of spacetime curvature, then motion of the particle through space would only add to that how much space was waving.
  • #3
From my very basic understanding (been studying this for 3 weeks so excuse me if I'm very very wrong!) at the quantum level matter/energy is composed of strings each of which vibrates at a different frequency. It's nice to think that every atom sings it's own song!

I can easily grasp this if I forget everything previously learned about classical physics and the planetary model of an atom.
  • #4
darrenkarp said:
From my very basic understanding (been studying this for 3 weeks so excuse me if I'm very very wrong!) at the quantum level matter/energy is composed of strings each of which vibrates at a different frequency. It's nice to think that every atom sings it's own song!

I can easily grasp this if I forget everything previously learned about classical physics and the planetary model of an atom.
String theory is rather speculative at this point. The trouble I have with string theory is that you still have quantities that instantly change as you cross the string; this is still a type of discontinuity just like a singularity is.

It would seem that particles must be some sort of spatially extended object in order to account for the properties of the particle like mass, spin, charge, etc. For otherwise you would expect the properties of a point to dissipate away from the point. It would be like a membrane being pulled at a point. What is pulling the membrane? If nothing, then you'd expect the point to be released and the energy to be released as the membrane is allowed to relax. Something is holding the point in such a tension and is responsible for concentrating the energy.

So I suspect that it must be some sort of hypersurface, a 2D surface in a 3D space, for example, that is holding the particle properties. Then there is no crossing such a boundary because there is no space on the other side to cross over to. Why strings? Why can't the vibration be of some higher dimensional objects?
  • #5
Pesonally (and I am almost certain my feelings will change over time!) I cannot imagine any more than 4 dimensions nor can I at this point imagine that the Universe we live in was created to be so complex. Energy quanta and the thought of these to be in the form of vibrating harmonic strings is both a quant and natural way of thinking about matter as I've already said.

Personally and again this has not been guided by any textbook in a major way strings seem to be a natural way of thinking about matter. The only problem is when you start to think of classical physics! This is where a cloud starts to form and you begin to overthink!

I'm not even certain at this point whether time exists but that's another story!
  • #6
Mike2 said:
It would seem that particles must be some sort of spatially extended object in order to account for the properties of the particle like mass, spin, charge, etc. For otherwise you would expect the properties of a point to dissipate away from the point. It would be like a membrane being pulled at a point. What is pulling the membrane? If nothing, then you'd expect the point to be released and the energy to be released as the membrane is allowed to relax. Something is holding the point in such a tension and is responsible for concentrating the energy.

So I suspect that it must be some sort of hypersurface, a 2D surface in a 3D space, for example, that is holding the particle properties. Then there is no crossing such a boundary because there is no space on the other side to cross over to. Why strings? Why can't the vibration be of some higher dimensional objects?
Mike, your logic is similar why people like Lou Kauffman think about knots and quantum topology. There must be some fixing, then you can build up higher.
A link to a Lou Kaufmann lecture at the perimeterinstitute.ca site: http://perimeterinstitute.ca/activities/scientific/seminarseries/alltalks.cfm?CurrentPage=8&SeminarID=290 .
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  • #7
From what I understand, strings are loops of energy.

  • #8
Any solution must permit the 4 dimensional solution already known to be valid. That is the only gauntlet that must be picked up.

Related to M-Theory: Are P-Branes & Strings Made of Matter/Energy?

1. What is M-Theory?

M-Theory is a theoretical framework in physics that aims to unify all known fundamental forces of nature, including gravity, electromagnetism, and the strong and weak nuclear forces. It is a proposed theory of quantum gravity and is still being developed and studied by scientists.

2. What are P-Branes and Strings in M-Theory?

P-Branes and Strings are two of the main components in M-Theory. P-Branes, or parallel branes, are theoretical objects that are believed to exist in higher dimensions. They are similar to strings, but with more dimensions. Strings, on the other hand, are one-dimensional objects that vibrate and are believed to be the fundamental building blocks of all particles in the universe.

3. Are P-Branes and Strings made of matter or energy?

In M-Theory, P-Branes and Strings are made of energy, not matter. This is because they are not physical objects that can be observed in our three-dimensional world. They exist in higher dimensions and are only described and studied through mathematical equations and models.

4. How does M-Theory explain the concept of extra dimensions?

M-Theory proposes that there are 11 dimensions in our universe, with only three of them being visible to us. The other dimensions are believed to be compactified, meaning they are curled up and too small for us to detect. M-Theory explains that these extra dimensions are necessary for the unification of the fundamental forces of nature.

5. Is M-Theory a proven theory?

No, M-Theory is still a theoretical concept and has not been proven. It is still being studied and refined by scientists, and there is currently no experimental evidence to support it. However, many scientists believe that M-Theory is a promising framework for understanding the fundamental laws of our universe.

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