Magnet and Charge: Rotation Direction?

In summary, a bar magnet is hung from a string and a charged rod is slowly brought up to it, causing the magnet to rotate clockwise due to the repulsion of the positive charge. If the charged rod were replaced with a bar magnet with the north pole on top, the same effect would occur. The charge of the rod is not specified. The direction of rotation of the magnet is not affected by the type of charge or whether it is a rod or a bar magnet.
  • #1

Homework Statement

a bar of magnet is hung from a string through its center. A charged
rod is slowly brought up into the positions shown(down)
in what direstion will the magnet tend to rotate?
Suppose the charged rod were replaced by a bar magnet with the north pole on top.

N magnet S


<<<< rod


Homework Equations

in what direstion will the magnet tend to rotate? Is there a difference between what happens to the hanging magnet in the 2 situations? Explain why you either do or do not think so

The Attempt at a Solution

The positive charge of the rod will repell the magnet and it will rotate clockwise
if the rod were to be replace it will be the same
is it right?
Physics news on
  • #2
What is the charge of the rod?

FAQ: Magnet and Charge: Rotation Direction?

1. How does the rotation direction of a magnet affect its charge?

The rotation direction of a magnet does not affect its charge. The charge of a magnet is determined by the alignment of its magnetic domains, which are small regions of aligned magnetic moments within the material. The rotation of the magnet does not affect this alignment or the overall charge of the magnet.

2. Can the direction of rotation of a charged object be changed?

Yes, the direction of rotation of a charged object can be changed. This is because the rotation of a charged object is influenced by external magnetic fields. By changing the orientation or strength of these magnetic fields, the direction of rotation can be altered.

3. How does the direction of rotation of a magnet affect its magnetic field?

The direction of rotation of a magnet does not affect its magnetic field. The magnetic field of a magnet is determined by the alignment of its magnetic domains, which are fixed within the material. The rotation of the magnet does not alter this alignment or the strength of the magnetic field.

4. Does the rotation direction of a magnet affect its attraction or repulsion to other magnets?

No, the rotation direction of a magnet does not affect its attraction or repulsion to other magnets. The magnetic force between two magnets is determined by their relative orientation and the strength of their magnetic fields, which are not affected by the direction of rotation.

5. Can the rotation direction of a charged object be used to determine its polarity?

No, the rotation direction of a charged object cannot be used to determine its polarity. The polarity of a charged object is determined by the direction of its electric field, which is not necessarily related to its rotation direction. Other methods, such as using a compass, are needed to determine the polarity of a charged object.
