Magnet Coil Turns and wire calculation

In summary, if you want to create a coil with a certain amount of force, it is best to leave the winds in.
  • #1
Hello Friends

I am working on home made electromagnet and I have only volt & Ohms details like 12Volt DC, 24Volt DC & 240V AC and ohms is 80Ω, 100Ω & 120Ω for all for example 12VDC 80 ohms coil, 12VDC 100ohms,24VDC 80Ohms coil...etc.

now i want to know which copper gauge we have to choose to create that magnet coil and how many turns i have to take for proper magnet..

is there any equation to calculate to choose...wire and turns
I want to also know the ampere capacity of that magnet coil.

Thanks you very much..
Physics news on
  • #3
I think a warning needs to be said here, because from the sounds of your post you're considering attaching a copper wire to the mains power without a good understanding of the basic electronic circuit elements...

be careful!
  • #4
Dear thank you for your replay i don't have much knowledge for the magnet coil

I want to know how to calculate if you tell me in detail with example ...Thanks to All,

I also got some example on below...may be it will help us dear

For DC, we may be able to do some simplified experiments to give us some interesting results.

So let's say you have a 10 ohm, 600 turn coil. For DC, we'll simplify the current as a resistive calculation of I=V/R = 50/10 = 5 amps.

Call this COIL 1: i=5,N=600,A=1,g=.5 (A and g explained below)

Now remove 100 turns, let's assume the resistance is reduced linearly. 500/600 * 10 Ohms = 8 1/3 Ohms, and I = 50/8.33 = 6 amps

So COIL 2: i=6,N=500,A=1,g=.5

Here's where it gets interesting. Go to this site for a simplified estimation of the coil force, and plug in both sets of numbers, and compare the resulting coil force for each coil. The A and g terms are related to the geometry of the coil, and you can use appropriate values for a pinball coil.

You'll find that the force is identical for both coils. So by removing winds, we're increasing the current needed to produce the *same* force. CURRENT GOES UP, WINDINGS GO DOWN, FORCE STAYS THE SAME!

Essentially, we are making the coil LESS EFFICIENT by removing winds, and achieving no gain in force.

The real case may differ from this simplified version somewhat, but this experiment shows that removing windings is a bad idea. We're only increasing the amount of current the coil is going to use, increasing the stress on the driver circuit, and getting no gain in force.
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  • #5


To calculate the wire gauge and number of turns for your electromagnet, you will need to use the following formula:

N = (L x I x 10.8) / (A x B)

N = number of turns
L = length of the coil (in meters)
I = desired intensity of the magnetic field (in Tesla)
A = cross-sectional area of the coil (in square meters)
B = magnetic field strength (in Tesla)

You will need to determine the values for L, I, A, and B based on your desired magnet strength. Once you have calculated the number of turns, you can then choose the appropriate wire gauge based on the current capacity of your power source (12V, 24V, or 240V). There are online calculators available to help with this process.

To determine the ampere capacity of your magnet coil, you will need to use the following equation:

I = (V / R)

I = current (in amps)
V = voltage (in volts)
R = resistance (in ohms)

You can use the values of voltage and resistance provided to calculate the current capacity of your magnet coil. Keep in mind that the current capacity may vary depending on the temperature and material of the wire used.

I hope this helps with your project. Good luck!

FAQ: Magnet Coil Turns and wire calculation

1. How do I calculate the number of turns in a magnet coil?

The number of turns in a magnet coil can be calculated using the formula N = (μNIA)/L, where N is the number of turns, μ is the permeability of the core material, N is the number of ampere-turns, I is the current flowing through the coil, and A and L are the cross-sectional area and length of the coil, respectively.

2. What is the purpose of calculating the wire gauge for a magnet coil?

Calculating the wire gauge for a magnet coil is important because it helps determine the amount of current that can be safely passed through the coil without overheating and causing damage. It also ensures that the coil has the correct amount of resistance to achieve the desired magnetic field strength.

3. How is the wire gauge related to the number of turns in a magnet coil?

The wire gauge is inversely proportional to the number of turns in a magnet coil. This means that as the number of turns increases, the wire gauge must decrease to maintain the desired resistance and prevent overheating. Similarly, if the number of turns decreases, a thicker wire gauge must be used to maintain the desired resistance.

4. Can different types of wire be used in a magnet coil?

Yes, different types of wire can be used in a magnet coil, but the choice of wire depends on the specific requirements of the coil, such as the desired current, resistance, and magnetic field strength. Common types of wire used in magnet coils include copper, aluminum, and superconducting wire.

5. How can I calculate the resistance of a magnet coil?

The resistance of a magnet coil can be calculated using the formula R = ρ(L/A), where R is the resistance, ρ is the resistivity of the wire material, L is the length of the wire, and A is the cross-sectional area of the wire. It is important to consider the total length of the wire, including the length of each turn in the coil, when calculating the resistance.
