Magnet Movement When Charged Rod or Bar Magnet is Brought Near

In summary, the conversation discusses the behavior of a bar magnet when a charged rod is brought near it. It is determined that the magnet will rotate clockwise due to the repelling force of the positive charge on the rod. It is also questioned whether there would be a difference if the charged rod were replaced by a bar magnet with the north pole on top, and it is concluded that the behavior would be the same. A helpful resource for understanding this concept can be found at the provided link.
  • #1

Homework Statement

a bar of magnet is hung from a string through its center. A charged
rod is slowly brought up into the positions shown(down)
in what direstion will the magnet tend to rotate?
Suppose the charged rod were replaced by a bar magnet with the north pole on top.

N magnet S


<<<< rod


Homework Equations

in what direstion will the magnet tend to rotate? Is there a difference between what happens to the hanging magnet in the 2 situations? Explain why you either do or do not think so

The Attempt at a Solution

The positive charge of the rod will repell the magnet and it will rotate clockwise
if the rod were to be replace it will be the same
is it right?
Physics news on
  • #3

Your explanation is partially correct. When a charged rod is brought near a hanging bar magnet, the magnet will tend to rotate in the direction opposite to the movement of the rod. This is because the positive charge on the rod will create a magnetic field that is opposite to the magnetic field of the bar magnet. This creates a repulsive force between the two and causes the magnet to rotate.

If the charged rod were replaced by a bar magnet with the north pole on top, the direction of rotation of the hanging magnet would depend on the orientation of the bar magnet. If the north poles of the two magnets are facing each other, the hanging magnet will rotate in the opposite direction as before, since like poles repel. However, if the south pole of the bar magnet is facing the hanging magnet, the two magnets will attract each other and the hanging magnet will rotate in the same direction as the movement of the bar magnet. So, there can be a difference in the direction of rotation depending on the orientation of the bar magnet.

In both situations, there is a repulsive force between the two magnets, but the direction of rotation can be different due to the orientation of the bar magnet. Overall, the behavior of the hanging magnet will be similar in both cases, as it will still tend to rotate in response to the magnetic field created by the charged rod or bar magnet.

FAQ: Magnet Movement When Charged Rod or Bar Magnet is Brought Near

1. How does a charged rod or bar magnet move when brought near another magnet or charged object?

When a charged rod or bar magnet is brought near another magnet or charged object, it will either be attracted or repelled depending on the polarity of the two objects. Objects with opposite charges will attract each other, while objects with the same charge will repel each other.

2. What causes the movement of a charged rod or bar magnet when brought near another magnet or charged object?

The movement of a charged rod or bar magnet when brought near another magnet or charged object is caused by the interaction of magnetic fields. The magnetic fields of the two objects interact with each other, causing a force that results in the movement of the objects.

3. Can a charged rod or bar magnet be used to control the movement of other objects?

Yes, a charged rod or bar magnet can be used to control the movement of other objects. By manipulating the magnetic fields, the charged object can be used to attract or repel other objects, causing them to move in a desired direction.

4. How does the strength of the magnetic field affect the movement of a charged rod or bar magnet?

The strength of the magnetic field directly affects the movement of a charged rod or bar magnet. The stronger the magnetic field, the greater the force between the two objects, resulting in a more significant movement.

5. Is the movement of a charged rod or bar magnet affected by the distance between the two objects?

Yes, the movement of a charged rod or bar magnet is affected by the distance between the two objects. The closer the objects are, the stronger the magnetic force, resulting in a more significant movement. As the distance between the objects increases, the magnetic force decreases, and the movement becomes less pronounced.

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