Magnetic dipole in two reference frames (special relativity problem)

In summary, for part a, the instantaneous torque on the magnetic dipole as measured in the lab frame K' is m0γ(1-β)B0cos(kx-ωt) in the x direction. For part b, you can use the Lorentz transformation to find the magnetic dipole moment in the unprimed frame, which can then be used to calculate the torque on the magnetic dipole in the lab frame K.
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Homework Statement

An EM wave traveling in vacuum has a magnetic field in the lab frame K which is given by [tex] \vec{B}(\vec{x},t) = \hat{z} B0 \cos{kx-\omega t} [/tex]
where Bo, k are positive constants and omega = ck.

a) A point magnetic dipole, m, where [tex] m = \hat{y}m0 [/tex] (m0 constant) is at rest in a reference frame K' which is moving at constant velocity [tex] v = v0 \hat{x} [/tex] relative to the lab frame. The given m is measured in the rest frame of the magnetic dipole. Find the instantaneous torque on the magnetic dipole as measured in the lab frame K'. Only K' spacetime coordinates must appear in the answer.
b) For the situation of part a, find the instantaneous torque on the magnetic dipole as measured in the lab frame K.

Homework Equations

[tex] \omega = c k [/tex]
Maxwell's equations
Lorentz transformation

The Attempt at a Solution

I'm pretty sure I got part (a) with no difficulties. I used Ampere's law to find E in the K frame, then used the standard transformation equations for unprimed E and B fields to primed E and B fields (the ones given in Jackson). So, I end up with

[tex] \vec{B'} &=& \gamma (1-\beta) B0 \cos{(kx-\omega t)} \hat{z}[/tex]

which makes the torque

[tex] \vec{N'} = \vec{m} \times \vec{B'} [/tex]
[tex] = m0 \gamma (1-\beta) B0 \cos{(kx-\omega t)} \hat{x} [/tex]

Ok, great... now I just use the Lorentz transformation to make x-> x', t-> t', and I can simplify my answer to [tex] \vec{N'}= m0 \gamma B0 \cos{(\gamma (1-\beta) \{kx' - \omega t'\})} [/tex].

The problem is that I have no idea how to do part b. I need to somehow find the dipole m in the frame K, but it's not a 4-vector... so I'm not sure how to do this. Can any of you help?
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For part b, you can use the Lorentz transformation to transform the magnetic dipole moment from the primed frame to the unprimed frame. This can be done using the transformation equations for the magnetic field and electric field, which can then be used to find the transformed magnetic dipole moment. Once you have the magnetic dipole moment in the unprimed frame, you can use it to calculate the torque on the magnetic dipole in the lab frame K. This should give you the answer for part b.

FAQ: Magnetic dipole in two reference frames (special relativity problem)

1. What is a magnetic dipole in two reference frames?

A magnetic dipole is a fundamental concept in electromagnetism that refers to a pair of equal and opposite magnetic poles separated by a distance. In special relativity, it is described as the magnetic moment of a particle or system of particles in two different reference frames.

2. How is a magnetic dipole affected by special relativity?

Special relativity states that the laws of physics are the same for all observers in uniform motion. Therefore, the magnetic dipole moment of a particle or system of particles will appear different to observers in different reference frames due to the effects of time dilation and length contraction.

3. What is the formula for calculating the magnetic dipole moment in special relativity?

The formula for calculating the magnetic dipole moment in special relativity is given by μ' = γ(μ - v/c^2 * E), where μ' is the magnetic dipole moment in one reference frame, μ is the magnetic dipole moment in another reference frame, γ is the Lorentz factor, v is the relative velocity between the two reference frames, and c is the speed of light.

4. How does the angle between the magnetic dipole and the direction of motion affect the calculation?

The angle between the magnetic dipole and the direction of motion has a significant effect on the calculation of the magnetic dipole moment in special relativity. This is because the Lorentz factor and the E-field component of the formula are dependent on the angle, resulting in a different magnetic dipole moment for different angles.

5. What are the practical applications of understanding magnetic dipoles in special relativity?

Understanding magnetic dipoles in special relativity has several practical applications, such as in the design of particle accelerators, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machines, and particle detectors. It also helps in understanding and predicting the behavior of particles in high-energy collisions and accelerators.
