Magnetic Donuts: How to Tell North & South Poles?

In summary: By measuring the angle between the ring and the magnet you can determine the direction of the ring's magnetization.In summary, in this conversation, the participants discuss the use of donut shaped ferrite magnets in core memory, which were electronically magnetized in a clockwise or counter clockwise direction. They also question how a larger donut shaped magnet would have a north or south pole and whether it is possible to determine the direction of magnetization using other magnets or materials. It is suggested that the direction of magnetization can be determined by using a known orientation magnet or by measuring the angle between the ring and a magnet.
  • #1
Hi Guys :)
There were donut shaped ferrite magnets used in core memory of the 50s - 70s that stored bits by being electronically magnetised in a clockwise, or counter clockwise direction.

If you had a larger donut shaped magnet that was magnetised in a clockwise or counter clockwise direction how does it have a north or south pole?

Would there be any way to tell,
say with metal or other magnets,
which direction the donut shaped magnet was magnetised?
Thanks, Art.
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  • #2
X_Art_X said:
If you had a larger donut shaped magnet that was magnetised in a clockwise or counter clockwise direction how does it have a north or south pole?
It does not.
X_Art_X said:
Would there be any way to tell,
say with metal or other magnets,
which direction the donut shaped magnet was magnetised?
Take a magnet with known orientation, put it close to the ring, its alignment then depends on the orientation of the magnetization. Better: make an air gap in the magnet, measure the field there.
  • #3
X_Art_X said:
Hi Guys :)
There were donut shaped ferrite magnets used in core memory of the 50s - 70s that stored bits by being electronically magnetised in a clockwise, or counter clockwise direction.

If you had a larger donut shaped magnet that was magnetised in a clockwise or counter clockwise direction how does it have a north or south pole?

Would there be any way to tell,
say with metal or other magnets,
which direction the donut shaped magnet was magnetised?
Thanks, Art.

You can perform a "destructive read" of the core with a test coil, much like those memory bits were read with core memories. Then if necessary, you write it back to its original state.

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  • #4
X_Art_X said:
If you had a larger donut shaped magnet that was magnetised in a clockwise or counter clockwise direction how does it have a north or south pole?
A toroid has no north- or south-pole, just a magnetic field inside. Neither has a solenoid core a north- or south-pole inside, just a magnetic field. Actually a pole is created when the magnetic field crosses a discontinuity in the magnetic permeability, say at the ends of a solenoid core, and because a toroid core has no ends/discontinuities, it has no poles.
X_Art_X said:
Would there be any way to tell, say with metal or other magnets, which direction the donut shaped magnet was magnetised?
Well, you could wind some coil around the toroid and supply this coil with a sine-voltage. Due to the magnetizing curve, the dB/dH will be smaller when the direction of the current tries to magnitize the toroid even more. Thus the shape of the current will not be symmetric: The amplitude of the current will be larger in the small dB/dH direction due to a smaller self-induction in this direction.
  • #5
Hi Guys,
Thanks for the replies :) but I’m polluting the thread by introducing a practical application.
For core memory it’s square (rectangular loop) ferrite with hysteresis quality:
but forget about that :D I was meaning to disqualify electronic means of reading the state,
and pretend the viewpoint with the tools of an inquisitive a child with a larger donut shaped permanent magnet,
and perhaps the same child would have other magnets, and other basic material, and simple mechanical skills.
All of the magnets would have strong latency from whenever they were magnetised in the first place.

mfb, your first answer, take another magnet, say a bar magnet, put it close to the ring... In what orientation?
If you point the bar magnet north pole somewhere around the outer edge?
If the ring has no north or south pole, how would the ring magnet ever repel or attract the north pole of the bar magnet?
Cheers, Art.
  • #6
The magnet has a stray field which is circular as well. It does not have poles, but if you are close to the ring it has a "north" and a "south" direction along the ring. Your magnet will try to align to get the same direction as the ring.

FAQ: Magnetic Donuts: How to Tell North & South Poles?

1. How do magnetic donuts work?

Magnetic donuts, also known as toroidal magnets, work by creating a magnetic field that flows through the center of the donut and loops back around to the other side. This creates a strong and consistent magnetic force.

2. How can I tell the north and south poles of a magnetic donut?

The north and south poles of a magnetic donut can be determined by using a compass. The needle of the compass will point towards the north pole of the donut, while the opposite side will be the south pole. Alternatively, you can use iron filings to see the pattern of the magnetic field and identify the poles.

3. Can magnetic donuts be used to create electricity?

Yes, magnetic donuts can be used to create electricity by rotating them inside a coil of wire. This process is known as electromagnetic induction and is the principle behind how generators and electric motors work.

4. Are all magnetic donuts the same?

No, not all magnetic donuts are the same. They can vary in size, shape, and strength of the magnetic field they produce. Some may also have additional features, such as being able to switch the direction of the magnetic field.

5. Can magnetic donuts lose their magnetism?

Yes, magnetic donuts can lose their magnetism over time, especially if they are exposed to high temperatures or strong external magnetic fields. However, this process can be reversed by subjecting the donut to a strong magnetic field or by heating it to a high temperature and then cooling it down slowly.

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