Magnetic field above the center of a square current loop

In summary: Glad to have helped. In summary, to find the magnetic field above the center of a square loop carrying a current I, you can treat the loop as four current carrying wires and use Biot-Savart's law. The net magnetic field will be along the z direction and is four times the field of one wire. To find the distance r from an infinitesimal portion of the loop to the point on the z-axis, consider the coordinates of that portion and the point, and use the Pythagorean theorem. Then find the angle between dl and r and dl cross r to get the magnetic field dB. Finally, find the angle between dB and the z-axis to get the z component of the magnetic field. When integrating, make sure to
  • #1

Homework Statement

Find the exact magnetic field a distance z above the center of a square loop of side w, carrying a current I. Verify that it reduces to the field of a dipole, with the appropriate dipole moment, when z >> w.

Homework Equations

(1) dB = μ0I/4πr2 dl × rhat

(2) r = √((½w)2+z2)

The Attempt at a Solution

I treated the loop like four current-carrying wires of finite length and used Biot-Savart. I think due to symmetry, the magnetic field in x-y should cancel at the center so all the magnetic field is in z. It seems intuitive to me that dB should just be 4*(1).

But what's confusing me is the dl × rhat term; I'm not sure my approach to it is sound. If rhat is the unit vector pointing along the distance r from a point on the loop to the point on the z-axis, it must be at some angle to x-y plane.

I can define an angle φ such that sinφ = z/r and write r in terms of z and w. Can I say the contribution from dl × r to the magnetic field dB is dl sinφ and write:

dB = μ0Iz/4πr3 dl

for each segment of the loop, where is r is as in (2) and dl = dw? Then my limits of integration would be 0 to w and I would multiply the result by 4. Does that make sense? Thank you.
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  • #2
A carefully drawn diagram will be of immense help.
Your approach of treating the loop like four current carrying wires is correct. certainly, the net magnetic field is along the z direction, and the total field is four times the field of one wire.
I am writing vectors in bold font. Calculating the distance from an infinitesimal portion dl of the loop to the point on the z-axis should be done carefully. Place the square loop in the xy plane, with sides parallel to the x and y axes, and the center of the loop at the origin.The point on the z axis then has coordinates (0, 0, z). Consider anyone side of the square loop, say one that is parallel to the y-axis. Take an infinitesimal part dy of this side, located at a distance y from the center of the side. The coordinates of that point are (w/2, y, 0). The vector r points from this point (w/2, y, 0) to (0, 0, z). That should help you calculate the distance r. The angle between dl and r is the angle between that side and r. It s not the angle defined by you.
Hope these remarks help.
  • #3
Ok, I found the length of r by subtracting (x, w/2, 0) - (0, 0, z) and taking the magnitude: r = √(x2+(w/2)2+z2). Then sinφ = z/r, so dB is

dB = μ0I/4π * z/ √(x2+(w/2)2+z2) * dx

Integrating from 0 to w and multiplying by 4 gives μ0Iz/π * zw/(z2+(w/2)2)3/2. But this is still a little off from the solution.
  • #4
1. In your case, dl is along the x axis, so you should find the angle between the x-axis and r. You will need that angle to calculate dl x r. That will give you the magnetic field dB. Then you can find its z component by finding the angle between dB and the z axis. You are using the angle between r and the z axis. That is not the same.
2. You should integrate from -w/2 to + w/2 to get th total magnetic field B.
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  • #5
When I found these correct angles I was able to get to the right answer. Thank you!
  • #6
You are welcome.

FAQ: Magnetic field above the center of a square current loop

1. What is a magnetic field above the center of a square current loop?

A magnetic field above the center of a square current loop refers to the strength and direction of the magnetic force that is present at the center point of a square-shaped loop of electric current.

2. How is the magnetic field above the center of a square current loop calculated?

The magnetic field above the center of a square current loop can be calculated using the formula B = μ0I/2R, where B is the magnetic field strength, μ0 is the permeability of free space, I is the current flowing through the loop, and R is the radius of the loop.

3. What factors affect the strength of the magnetic field above the center of a square current loop?

The strength of the magnetic field above the center of a square current loop is affected by the amount of current flowing through the loop, the size of the loop, and the distance from the center of the loop.

4. How does the direction of the current affect the direction of the magnetic field above the center of a square current loop?

The direction of the current flowing through the loop determines the direction of the magnetic field above the center of the loop. The right-hand rule can be used to determine the direction of the magnetic field, where the fingers represent the direction of the current and the thumb represents the direction of the magnetic field.

5. What practical applications does the magnetic field above the center of a square current loop have?

The magnetic field above the center of a square current loop has many practical applications, including in motors, generators, and transformers. It is also used in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machines to produce images of the human body.
