Magnetic field due to an uneven current loop

In summary, the task is to find the magnetic field at point P in a closed circuit consisting of two semicircles of radii 40cm and 20cm connected by straight segments, with a current of 3.0 A in a clockwise direction. The equation used was B = (mu * I)/(2piR), but when adapted for the two radii, the attempt failed to produce the desired result.
  • #1

Homework Statement

"A closed circuit consists of two semicircles of radii 40cm and 20cm that are connected by straight segments. A current of 3.0 A exists in this circuit and has a clockwise direction. Find the magnetic field at point P (center of the figures).

Homework Equations

B = (mu * I)/(2piR)

The Attempt at a Solution

I had thought adapting the above equation would be the way to go, just using two different radii. I ended up with:

[tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex][tex]\mu[/tex][tex]\frac{I}{2\pi}[/tex] * [tex]\left(\frac{1}{20} - \frac{1}{40}\right)[/tex]

LaTeX didn't like the above, so in plaintext:

(1/2)(mu0 * I)/(2pi) * (1/20-1/40)

This didn't work, though, and I'm not entirely sure why.
Physics news on
  • #2
That's the equation for an infinitely long, straight wire. You have two small loops, not two infinitely long wires.

FAQ: Magnetic field due to an uneven current loop

1. What is a magnetic field?

A magnetic field is a region in space where a magnetic force can be detected. It is created by the movement of electrical charges, such as the flow of current in a wire.

2. How is a magnetic field created by an uneven current loop?

An uneven current loop is one where the current is not evenly distributed around the loop. This creates a non-uniform magnetic field, which means that the strength and direction of the field varies at different points around the loop.

3. How is the direction of the magnetic field determined in an uneven current loop?

The direction of the magnetic field is determined by the right-hand rule. If you point your thumb in the direction of the current flow, your fingers will curl around in the direction of the magnetic field.

4. What factors affect the strength of the magnetic field in an uneven current loop?

The strength of the magnetic field depends on the amount of current flowing through the loop, the distance from the loop, and the shape and size of the loop.

5. How is the magnetic field due to an uneven current loop different from that of a straight wire?

The magnetic field created by an uneven current loop is more complex than that of a straight wire. This is because the direction and strength of the magnetic field vary at different points around the loop. In a straight wire, the magnetic field is constant along its length.
