Magnetic Field Energy Density Confusion

In summary, the magnetic force on a piece of iron placed on the axis of a finite length solenoid can be approximated by taking the difference of the magnetic field energy when the iron is outside and inside the solenoid. The magnetic field energy density does increase when the iron is placed inside the solenoid, due to the higher permeability of iron, but the overall force on the iron is still attractive due to the decrease in total energy of the system.
  • #1
I am trying to find the approximate force imparted on a piece of iron on the axis of a finite length solenoid. One website said a good approximation was to take the difference of the magnetic field energy from when the piece of iron was directly outside the solenoid and when the piece of iron was inside the solenoid.

The formula for the magnetic field energy density is:

So here's the point where I am confused on: The piece of iron is attracted to the solenoid, so the energy has to go down. But I thought that putting a piece of iron in the center of a solenoid made it a stronger electromagnetic, a.k.a. the magnetic field lines are more concentrated with a high permeability core. Wouldn't this imply that the magnetic field energy density goes up, contradicting my first point? I know my fundamentals are messed up somewhere, but I can't quite figure out where.

Thanks in advance.
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  • #2
The answer is that the magnetic field energy density does indeed increase when you put a piece of iron in the center of a solenoid. This is because the higher permeability of the iron increases the strength of the magnetic field inside the solenoid, which increases the magnetic field energy density. However, the magnetic force on the iron is still attractive, because the energy of the system decreases when the iron is inserted. This is because the total energy of the system (magnetic field energy plus potential energy) decreases when the iron is inserted, and thus the net force on the iron is attractive.

FAQ: Magnetic Field Energy Density Confusion

1. What is magnetic field energy density?

Magnetic field energy density refers to the amount of energy stored in a magnetic field per unit volume. It is a measure of the strength of the magnetic field and is expressed in units of joules per cubic meter (J/m^3).

2. How is magnetic field energy density calculated?

Magnetic field energy density can be calculated using the formula U = (1/2)B^2/μ, where U is the energy density, B is the magnetic field strength, and μ is the permeability of the material.

3. What is the relationship between magnetic field energy density and magnetic field strength?

The magnetic field energy density is directly proportional to the square of the magnetic field strength. This means that as the magnetic field strength increases, the energy density also increases.

4. What causes confusion about magnetic field energy density?

One of the main causes of confusion about magnetic field energy density is that it is often used interchangeably with magnetic flux density. While both terms are related to the strength of the magnetic field, they are not the same and have different units of measurement.

5. How is magnetic field energy density used in practical applications?

Magnetic field energy density is an important concept in the design of electromagnetic devices and systems, such as motors, generators, and transformers. It is also used in the study of magnetic materials and their properties. Ultimately, understanding magnetic field energy density allows scientists and engineers to optimize the performance and efficiency of various technologies.

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