Magnetic field for parallel plate capacitor

In summary, the b-field for a parallel plate capacitor will be in the z-direction if the current is found to be in the z-direction. This is due to the displacement current.
  • #1
Hello hello,

What is the b-field for a parallel plate capacitor if the current J was found to be in the z-direction? I am told it will be in the z-direction as well. How so?

Thanks so much!
Physics news on
  • #3
thanks. i see it now...:-)
  • #4
dorist84 said:
Hello hello,

What is the b-field for a parallel plate capacitor if the current J was found to be in the z-direction? I am told it will be in the z-direction as well. How so?

Thanks so much!
B is never in the direction of J.
  • #5
True. Who said there is a j in between the plates, if that is what you mean?

It's the dE/dt part which makes B non zero. After all, isn't that why Maxwell introduced the "displacement current"?
  • #6
so I fear if i say too much, i run the risk of being mistaken for getting homework help here. eeeek. (im a newbie to the forums) truth be told...hw for this problem was due last was a discussion with the ta and office hours that got this question rolling in my head. solutions have yet to be i'd love to keep posting if possible...

the problem stated that there was a parallel plate capacitor separated by a distance d connected to a vacuum in between. There are two scenarios for the problems in which we are asked to evaluate the H-field: one while connected to a battery of voltage V, one without. The idea is that there is no free current - but the plates are oscillated in such a manner that charge between the plates will vary in time as you increase/decrease the separation distance. Here, V is constant, the other scenario, in which the battery is disconnected it is not.

Here is where I got confused: I've seen parallel plate capacitors with charge +Q and -Q on the individual plates, and I guess that varying the distance d = d0 + d1sin(wt) would create a current, thus a current density J distributed across the plates. As a result, a time varying H field results, from which I was told was in the z-hat direction [provided that the plates lie in the x-y plane separated by a distance d up the z-axis.] I solved for J - but was told that was in the z-hat direction too.

I am thinking after all - perhaps I misunderstood the direction J would be in. Perhaps J tangent to the plates, or "flows around the plates"?

Solutions should be posted soon. Perhaps they will be of some clarification. Just kind of interesting problem...a new one definitely and one I just kept turning over in my head...

  • #7
dorist84 said:
so I fear if i say too much, i run the risk of being mistaken for getting homework help here. eeeek. (im a newbie to the forums) truth be told...hw for this problem was due last was a discussion with the ta and office hours that got this question rolling in my head. solutions have yet to be i'd love to keep posting if possible...

Thread moved to Homework Help (where it belongs).

Related to Magnetic field for parallel plate capacitor

What is a magnetic field?

A magnetic field is a physical phenomenon that is produced by moving electric charges. It is a region in space where a magnetic force is exerted on other moving charges or on magnetic materials.

How does a parallel plate capacitor produce a magnetic field?

A parallel plate capacitor produces a magnetic field when an electric current flows through it. This is because the movement of electric charges creates a magnetic field around the conductor, which can be amplified by the parallel plates of the capacitor.

What is the direction of the magnetic field for a parallel plate capacitor?

The direction of the magnetic field for a parallel plate capacitor depends on the direction of the electric current. According to the right-hand rule, the magnetic field will wrap around the conductor in a direction that is perpendicular to the direction of the electric current.

How does the distance between the parallel plates affect the magnetic field of a parallel plate capacitor?

The distance between the parallel plates of a capacitor affects the strength of the magnetic field it produces. As the distance between the plates increases, the magnetic field becomes weaker. This is because the electric current has a longer distance to travel and therefore creates a weaker magnetic field.

Are there any practical applications of a magnetic field for parallel plate capacitors?

Yes, there are several practical applications of a magnetic field for parallel plate capacitors. These include in electric motors, generators, and other electromagnetic devices. They are also used in medical imaging machines such as MRI scanners to produce detailed images of the inside of the human body.
