Magnetic field for parallel plate capacitors

In summary, the conversation discusses a large parallel plate capacitor with uniform surface charge moving at a constant speed and the calculation of the magnetic field, force per unit area, and speed at which the magnetic force balances the electrical force. The right-hand rule is used to determine the direction of the magnetic field and the balancing condition for the forces is discussed. The final result is that the speed at which the forces balance is equal to the velocity of light.
  • #1
From Griffiths again!

A large parallel plate capacitor with uniform surface charge [itex]\sigma[/itex] on
upper plate and [itex]-\sigma[/itex] on lower is moving with a constant speed v.

Q1]Find the magnetic field between the plates and also above and below them.

My work:
For a surface charge distribution: [itex]\vec K = \sigma \vec v[/itex]
Magnetic induction: [itex]B = \frac{\mu_0 K}{2}[/itex]
Here both the top plate produces a field:
[tex]B = \frac{\mu_0 K}{2}[/tex]
And the bottom plate produces a field:
[tex]B = -\frac{\mu_0 K}{2}[/tex]

How do I take take into account the directions of these fields in order to calculate the field between them?

Q2] Find the magnetic force per unit area on the upper plate and its direction.

My work:
[tex]\vec F_{mag} = \int \left(\vec K \times \vec B\right)d\vec a[/tex]

So force per unit area is:
[tex]\vec f = \vec K \times \vec B[/tex]

Magnitude of the force would be:
[tex]F = \frac{\mu_0 K^2}{2}[/tex]

How do I determine the direction?

Q3] At what speed 'v' would the magnetic force balance the electrical force?

I need complete assistance on this question. :biggrin:
Physics news on
  • #2
How do I take take into account the directions of these fields in order to calculate the field between them?

right-hand rule has always worked for me.

If the positive sheet is coming out of the monitor
++++++++++++++ (z-direction)
the B is ----------> (x-direction)

If the negative sheet is coming out of the monitor
the B is ------------>(x-direction)
------------------------ (z-direction)

How do I determine the direction?

right hand rule has always worked for me.

Take the field from the positive sheet. (Say
it's in the x-direction) the negative sheet is
moving in the z-direction. and the negative
sheet sitting below the positive one.

+++++++++++ (moving out of monitor z-hat)
------> B (x-hat)
---------------------- (moving out of monitor)

F = qv x B = - z-hat cross x-hat = - y-hat
thus Force from the top on the bottom
pushes it away.

similarly force on top due to bottom pushes it away.

Q3] At what speed 'v' would the magnetic force balance the electrical force?
The electrostatic force is just force due to attracting charges.
sigma^2/(2 epsilon_0)
and you want it to balance mu_0 K^2 /2 =
mu_0 sigma^2 v^2 /2
  • #3
qbert said:
The electrostatic force is just force due to attracting charges.
sigma^2/(2 epsilon_0)
and you want it to balance mu_0 K^2 /2 =
mu_0 sigma^2 v^2 /2

Thanks once again for the help!
So the magnetic force would be:
[tex]f_m = \frac{\mu_0 \sigma^2 v^2}{2}[/tex]

Electrical force for the lower plate:
[tex]f_e = \frac{\sigma^2}{2\epsilon_0}[/tex]

Balancing condition: [itex]f_m = f_e[/itex]

[tex]\mu_0 v^2 = \frac{1}{\epsilon_0}[/tex]
[tex]v = \frac{1}{\sqrt{\mu_0 \epsilon_0}} = c[/tex]
c = velocity of light :wink: .

FAQ: Magnetic field for parallel plate capacitors

1. What is a parallel plate capacitor?

A parallel plate capacitor is a type of capacitor that consists of two parallel conducting plates separated by a dielectric material. It is used to store electrical energy and is commonly found in electronic devices.

2. How does the magnetic field affect a parallel plate capacitor?

The magnetic field does not directly affect a parallel plate capacitor. However, a changing magnetic field can induce an electric field in the capacitor, causing a change in the voltage and current.

3. How is the magnetic field produced in a parallel plate capacitor?

The magnetic field in a parallel plate capacitor is produced by the flow of electric current through the plates. As the current flows, a magnetic field is created around the conducting plates.

4. What factors affect the strength of the magnetic field in a parallel plate capacitor?

The strength of the magnetic field in a parallel plate capacitor is influenced by the distance between the plates, the amount of current flowing through the plates, and the type of dielectric material used between the plates.

5. How is the magnetic field measured in a parallel plate capacitor?

The magnetic field in a parallel plate capacitor can be measured using a magnetic field sensor, such as a Hall effect sensor, placed near the plates. The strength of the magnetic field can then be determined by the sensor's output voltage.
