Magnetic field from two current carrying loops and variable extreme.

In summary: I * ds x rhat)/[(5/4)*R^2 + (z)^2]^3/2b) To find the value of x that extremizes the magnetic field, we can use an appropriate calculus-based argument. To do this, we can first express the magnetic field in terms of z = x + R/2, and then take the derivative of B with respect to z and set it equal to 0 to find the critical point.B = [(mu knot)/2*pi] * (I * ds x rhat)/[(5/4)*R^2 + (z)^2]^3/2= [(mu knot
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Homework Statement

Two loops carry identical currents counter-clockwise, I and share the same radius, R. They are separated by the distance R with the z axis passing through the center of each loop. Find the magnetic field at a point x distance above the center of the two loops in terms of I, R, and x.
a) Use superposition from known results or the Biot-Savart law.
b) Find the value of x that extremizes the magnetic field by an appropriate calculus-based argument and the magnetic field at that point.
c) Prove this point is a maximum or minimum using an appropriate calculus-based argument.

Homework Equations

dB = [(mu knot)/4*pi]*(I ds x rhat)/r^2
and perhaps (1+x)^n approximately = 1+ nx + n(n-1)x^2/2! + ...

The Attempt at a Solution

From what I understood, using Biot-Savart's law, B = [(mu knot) * I ] / [R * (1 + ( R/2 + x )^2 / R^2 )^3/2] using z=R/2 +x and factoring out R^2 from the following equation...
B=[mu knot * IR / (R^2 + z^2)^3/2]

If this is correct, I thought to use the approximation to say that at x<<R, x=0 yields a magnetic field... 5 * mu knot * I / 8 * R. (solving part b)?

How do I go about determining if this is a maximum or minimum (assuming what I've done so far is correct)?

Thank you!
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a) To find the magnetic field at a point x distance above the center of the two loops, we can use superposition by considering the magnetic field produced by each loop separately and then adding them together. This is based on the principle that the total magnetic field at a given point is the vector sum of the individual magnetic fields produced by each current element.

Using the Biot-Savart law, we can express the magnetic field produced by a single current loop as B = [(mu knot)/4*pi] * (I * ds x rhat)/r^2, where mu knot is the permeability of free space, I is the current, ds is the differential current element, rhat is the unit vector pointing from the current element to the point of interest, and r is the distance between the current element and the point of interest.

For two identical counter-clockwise loops with the same radius R and separated by a distance R along the z axis, the magnetic field at a point x above the center of the loops is given by the superposition of the magnetic fields produced by each loop. The magnetic field produced by the first loop is directed along the positive z axis, while the magnetic field produced by the second loop is directed along the negative z axis. Therefore, the total magnetic field at the point of interest is given by:

B = [(mu knot)/4*pi] * (I * ds x rhat)/r^2 + [(mu knot)/4*pi] * (I * ds x rhat)/r^2

= [(mu knot)/4*pi] * (2I * ds x rhat)/r^2

= [(mu knot)/2*pi] * (I * ds x rhat)/r^2

= [(mu knot)/2*pi] * (I * ds x rhat)/[R^2 + (R/2 + x)^2]^3/2

= [(mu knot)/2*pi] * (I * ds x rhat)/[R^2 + (R^2/4 + Rx + x^2)]^3/2

= [(mu knot)/2*pi] * (I * ds x rhat)/[(5/4)*R^2 + Rx + x^2]^3/2

= [(mu knot)/2*pi] * (I * ds x rhat)/[(5/4)*R^2 + (x + R/2)^2

FAQ: Magnetic field from two current carrying loops and variable extreme.

1. How does the magnetic field vary with distance from two current carrying loops?

The magnetic field from two current carrying loops follows an inverse square law, meaning that it decreases with distance from the loops. As you move further away from the loops, the magnetic field will become weaker.

2. Can the direction of the magnetic field be changed by varying the distance between the two current carrying loops?

No, the direction of the magnetic field from two current carrying loops is determined by the right-hand rule. The distance between the loops may affect the strength of the field, but not its direction.

3. How does the orientation of the loops affect the strength of the magnetic field?

The strength of the magnetic field from two current carrying loops depends on the angle between the two loops. If the loops are parallel, the field will be stronger compared to when they are perpendicular to each other.

4. Can the magnetic field be zero at certain points between two current carrying loops?

Yes, the magnetic field can be zero at certain points between two current carrying loops. These points are known as neutral points and occur when the two magnetic fields from the loops cancel each other out.

5. How does the current flowing through the loops affect the strength of the magnetic field?

The strength of the magnetic field from two current carrying loops is directly proportional to the current flowing through the loops. As the current increases, the strength of the field also increases.
