Magnetic field intensity and density

In summary, the conversation discusses the difference between magnetic field intensity H and magnetic field density B. H relates to the sources of the magnetic field, while B describes the effects of the magnetic field. B is a property of the material, specifically the magnetization vector M, and is calculated by adding the source field H and material response in terms of polarization M. The conversation ends with a request for a link for further information.
  • #1
Hello folks,

Can anyone explain to me what is the difference between magnetic field intensity H and magnetic field density B?
Engineering news on
  • #2
In the simplest terms, the magnetic field intensity H relates to the sources of the magnetic field. For example, the integrated H in a magnetic loop is related to the total current enclosed by the loop (time-independent) by the relation
$$ \oint \vec H \cdot d \vec l = I $$
This equation is true regardless of the magnetic permeability of the loop.
whereas intensity B describes effects of the magnetic field. Examples are Lorentz force on a charge moving in the magnetic field ##\vec F = q (\vec B \times \vec v) ##
and induced EMF in, say, a single winding of a transformer ## EMF = - \frac d {dt} \iint \vec B \cdot d \vec S ##
  • #3
That means B is property of material since it depends on the magnetic permeability of the loop.
  • #4
Well, strictly speaking, the property of the material is the magnetization vector, usually denoted as M. B is the total effect of the source field H and material response in terms of polarization M, such as ## B = \mu _0(H +M)##
  • #5
Thanks! Can you provide me a link where it has been discussed in detail?
  • #6
I'm a physicist, I just know it.

FAQ: Magnetic field intensity and density

What is the difference between magnetic field intensity and density?

Magnetic field intensity refers to the strength or magnitude of a magnetic field, while magnetic field density refers to the concentration or amount of magnetic flux within a given area.

How are magnetic field intensity and density related?

Magnetic field intensity and density are directly proportional to each other. This means that as the intensity of a magnetic field increases, so does its density, and vice versa.

What is the unit of measurement for magnetic field intensity and density?

Magnetic field intensity is measured in units of tesla (T) or gauss (G), while magnetic field density is measured in units of tesla per square meter (T/m^2) or gauss (G).

How do magnetic field intensity and density affect objects within a magnetic field?

Objects within a magnetic field will experience a force or torque depending on the strength of the magnetic field intensity and density. The greater the intensity and density, the stronger the force or torque will be on the object.

What factors can affect the magnetic field intensity and density?

The magnetic field intensity and density can be affected by the strength of the magnet, the distance from the magnet, and the surrounding materials. They can also be influenced by electric currents and other magnetic fields.
