Magnetic field of earth on airplane

In summary, an airplane flying west over Massachusetts experiences a magnetic force which causes one of the wing tips to have more electrons than the other. This difference in charge is reversed if the plane flies east.
  • #1

Homework Statement

This isn't a homework problem with variables and numbers; it is a concept question:
An airplane is flying west in level flight over Massachusetts, where the Earth’s magnetic field is directed downward below the horizontal in a northerly direction. As a result of the magnetic force on the free electrons in its wings, one of the wingtips will have more electrons than the other. Which one (north or south wing) is it? Will the answer be different if the plane is flying east?

Homework Equations

I'm not sure if this is just a common sense question, where the north wing would have more electrons than the south wing due to the Earth's magnetic field? And if that what the case, would it not be different if the plane flew east?

The Attempt at a Solution

Physics news on
  • #2
Hi Brit412,

Brit412 said:

Homework Statement

This isn't a homework problem with variables and numbers; it is a concept question:
An airplane is flying west in level flight over Massachusetts, where the Earth’s magnetic field is directed downward below the horizontal in a northerly direction. As a result of the magnetic force on the free electrons in its wings, one of the wingtips will have more electrons than the other. Which one (north or south wing) is it? Will the answer be different if the plane is flying east?

Homework Equations

I'm not sure if this is just a common sense question, where the north wing would have more electrons than the south wing due to the Earth's magnetic field? And if that what the case, would it not be different if the plane flew east?

The Attempt at a Solution

It seems to me that you are saying that the north wing will have more electrons because the magnetic field has a northwards components, and if so that reasoning is not correct.

One wing will have more electrons because the electrons feel a force moving them toward one of the wings. How can you determine the direction of the magnetic force on the electrons in this problem?
  • #3
The downward component B of the field is perpendicular to the wings and the velocity, so potential V = L*v*B will be induced from wingtip to wingtip (distance L). Hold your left (for negative charges) hand so the fingers are down (magnetic field), thumb pointing west (velocity). Your palm pushes to the north, indicating that electrons will be pushed that way. There are more electrons on the north side than the south. Flying east would reverse the effect because your hand would have to be turned so the thumb points east.

FAQ: Magnetic field of earth on airplane

What is the magnetic field of the Earth?

The magnetic field of the Earth is a force field that surrounds our planet and protects it from harmful solar radiation. It is created by the movement of molten iron in the Earth's outer core.

How does the magnetic field of the Earth affect airplanes?

The magnetic field of the Earth affects airplanes by creating a force called magnetic declination, which causes compasses to point slightly off course. This can lead to errors in navigation if not accounted for.

Why do airplanes need to account for the magnetic field of the Earth?

Airplanes need to account for the magnetic field of the Earth because it can cause compasses to be inaccurate and lead to navigational errors. This is especially important for long flights and flights over the poles.

Can the magnetic field of the Earth affect the equipment on an airplane?

Yes, the magnetic field of the Earth can affect the equipment on an airplane, especially older or less sophisticated equipment. This is why modern airplanes are equipped with advanced navigation systems that can account for the magnetic field and provide accurate readings.

What happens if an airplane flies directly over the North or South Pole?

If an airplane flies directly over the North or South Pole, it will experience a phenomenon called magnetic dip, where the Earth's magnetic field is nearly vertical. This can cause compasses to become completely unreliable and other navigational equipment to malfunction, so pilots must rely on other forms of navigation in these areas.
