Magnetic field outside a semi-infinite solenoid

  • #1
Bling Fizikst
Homework Statement
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Relevant Equations
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The solenoid can be assumed to be a stack of rings of width ##dz## each where ##z:0\to-\infty## . $$i=nIdz$$ $$\sin\theta=\frac{R-r}{l}$$ $$\cos\theta=\frac{z+x}{l}$$ $$dB=\frac{\mu_{\circ}nIR d\varphi dz}{4\pi l^2}$$ Call ##\frac{\mu_{\circ}nIR}{4\pi}=\alpha## $$ B_y =\int dB\cos\theta , B_x=\int dB\sin\theta$$ Doing the computation gives : $$B_y=\frac{2\pi\alpha}{\sqrt{(R-r)^2+x^2}}$$ Similarly , $$B_x=\frac{2\pi\alpha}{R-r}\left(1-\frac{x}{\sqrt{(R-r)^2+x^2}}\right)$$ But it happens to be wrong , not sure where??
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  • #2
Surely ##\theta## is a function of ##\phi##.
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  • #3
Say Origin O(0,0,0), point of observation ##P(x,y,0)##, the point on a current ring which consistus of the solenoid ##Q(X,R \cos\phi,R\sin\phi)## where X<0
Does it go well with your treatment ? In order to apply Biot Savart law, current vector is proportinal to
[tex](0, -\sin\phi, \cos\phi)[/tex]
Its vector product with vector PQ is proportional to
[tex]\mathbf{e}_x(R \cos 2\phi + y \ \cos \phi)+\mathbf{e_r} (x-X)[/tex]
if my math is good. So we can apply Biot Savart law with integration of ##\phi## and X.
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  • #4
haruspex said:
Surely ##\theta## is a function of ##\phi##.
I am absolutely unable to figure out how :cry: . Isn't ##\varphi## present in a plane perpendicular to where ##\theta## is?
  • #5
Bling Fizikst said:
I am absolutely unable to figure out how :cry: . Isn't ##\varphi## present in a plane perpendicular to where ##\theta## is?
It's just Pythagoras.
To avoid confusion, I will take the point of interest as being at z' from the solenoid, instead of at x.
In (x,y,z) coordinates, where the negative z axis is the axis of the cylinder, you have a fixed point at (0,r,z'). Your solenoid element is at ##(R\cos(\phi), R\sin(\phi),z)##, where z is negative.
The distance between the two is ##h=\sqrt{R^2\cos^2(\phi)+( R\sin(\phi)-r)^2+(z-z')^2}##. The components of the force are proportional to ##(R\cos(\phi),R\sin(\phi)-r,z-z')h^{-\frac 32}##.
Edit: correction, I doubled up on the square-rooting:
The components of the force are proportional to ##(R\cos(\phi),R\sin(\phi)-r,z-z')h^{-3}##.
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  • #6
I would approach this problem differently and exploit the information that we are looking for the field "at a very small distance ##r## from the axis."

I would first integrate the expression for the on-axis field due to a single current loop to find the on-axis field ##B_z(0,z_0)## outside the solenoid at distance ##z_0## from the end. At an off-axis point but at a very small distance ##r## from the axis, one can expect a non-zero radial component and an essentially unchanged axial component, i.e. ##B_z(r,z_0)\approx B_z(0,z_0).## This gives the axial component of the field at the off-axis point ##~(r,z_0)##.

I would then invoke the on-axis divergence relation in cylindrical coordinates $$0=\mathbf {\nabla}\cdot\mathbf B=\frac{1}{r}\left. \frac{\partial(rB_r)}{\partial r}\right |_{z=z_0}+\left. \dfrac{\partial B_z(0,z)}{\partial z}\right |_{z=z_0}$$from which $$d(r B_r)=-\left. \dfrac{\partial B_z(0,z)}{\partial z}\right |_{z=z_0}r~dr.$$ To find the radial component, note that the derivative on the right-hand side can be treated as constant and one can integrate, $$r B_r=-\left. \dfrac{\partial B_z(0,z)}{\partial z}\right |_{z=z_0}\int_0^r r~dr$$to get the radial component of the field at the off-axis point ##~(r,z_0)##.
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  • #7
haruspex said:
It's just Pythagoras.
To avoid confusion, I will take the point of interest as being at z' from the solenoid, instead of at x.
In (x,y,z) coordinates, where the negative z axis is the axis of the cylinder, you have a fixed point at (0,r,z'). Your solenoid element is at ##(R\cos(\phi), R\sin(\phi),z)##, where z is negative.
The distance between the two is ##h=\sqrt{R^2\cos^2(\phi)+( R\sin(\phi)-r)^2+(z-z')^2}##. The components of the force are proportional to ##(R\cos(\phi),R\sin(\phi)-r,z-z')h^{-\frac 32}##.
Oh yeah! But now that i realize this . It seems impossible to solve it by integration . I end up with : $$dB=\frac{\mu_{\circ}nIR}{4\pi}\frac{d\varphi\cdot dz}{(z-z')^2+R^2-2rR\sin\varphi}$$
  • #8
Bling Fizikst said:
Oh yeah! But now that i realize this . It seems impossible to solve it by integration . I end up with : $$dB=\frac{\mu_{\circ}nIR}{4\pi}\frac{d\varphi\cdot dz}{(z-z')^2+R^2-2rR\sin\varphi}$$
Then consider the method I outlined in post #6.
  • #9
Bling Fizikst said:
Oh yeah! But now that i realize this . It seems impossible to solve it by integration . I end up with : $$dB=\frac{\mu_{\circ}nIR}{4\pi}\frac{d\varphi\cdot dz}{(z-z')^2+R^2-2rR\sin\varphi}$$
Shouldn't that denominator quadratic be raised to the power of 3/2?
Don't forget to apply an approximation for small r. And as @kuruman notes, it is the field normal to the axis that is interesting.
  • #10
kuruman said:
I would approach this problem differently and exploit the information that we are looking for the field "at a very small distance ##r## from the axis."

I would first integrate the expression for the on-axis field due to a single current loop to find the on-axis field ##B_z(0,z_0)## outside the solenoid at distance ##z_0## from the end. At an off-axis point but at a very small distance ##r## from the axis, one can expect a non-zero radial component and an essentially unchanged axial component, i.e. ##B_z(r,z_0)\approx B_z(0,z_0).## This gives the axial component of the field at the off-axis point ##~(r,z_0)##.

I would then invoke the on-axis divergence relation in cylindrical coordinates $$0=\mathbf {\nabla}\cdot\mathbf B=\frac{1}{r}\left. \frac{\partial(rB_r)}{\partial r}\right |_{z=z_0}+\left. \dfrac{\partial B_z(0,z)}{\partial z}\right |_{z=z_0}$$from which $$d(r B_r)=-\left. \dfrac{\partial B_z(0,z)}{\partial z}\right |_{z=z_0}r~dr.$$ To find the radial component, note that the derivative on the right-hand side can be treated as constant and one can integrate, $$r B_r=-\left. \dfrac{\partial B_z(0,z)}{\partial z}\right |_{z=z_0}\int_0^r r~dr$$to get the radial component of the field at the off-axis point ##~(r,z_0)##.
Beautiful! Extremely sorry for my late response .

Let's say the distance from the opening of the solenoid along its axis is at ##x_{\circ}## instead of general ##x## to avoid confusion . From my first post , $$i=nIdz$$ is flowing through ring of width ##dz## at a distance ##z## beyond the origin .

So , the magnetic field at a general ##x## from the origin should be : $$dB_x= \frac{\mu_{\circ}nIR^2 dz}{2\left(R^2+(x+z)^2\right)^{\frac{3}{2}}}$$ Take $$\lambda = \frac{\mu_{\circ}nIR^2}{2}$$ and $$z+x=t , t: x\to -\infty$$ Now , $$B_x=\int_{x}^{-\infty} \lambda (R^2+t^2)^{-\frac{3}{2}} dt =\gamma\int_{x}^{-\infty} -2R^2 t^{-3} (R^2t^{-2}+1)^{-\frac{3}{2}}\cdot dt $$ where $$\gamma= \lambda\cdot\frac{1}{-2R^2}$$ Now , take $$u=R^2t^{-2}+1$$ and integrate to get $$B_{x_{\circ}}=-2\gamma\left(1-\frac{x_{\circ}}{\sqrt{R^2+x_{\circ}^2}}\right)\cdot dt$$

Now , using $$\nabla\cdot B=\frac{1}{r}\frac{\partial rB_r}{\partial r}+\frac{\partial B_x}{\partial x}\mid_{x=x_{\circ}}=0$$ We get : $$ B_r= \frac{-\gamma rR^2}{(R^2+x_{\circ}^2)^{-\frac{3}{2}}}$$

So , the final answer should be : $$\frac{\mu_{\circ} nI}{2}\left(\left(1-\frac{x_{\circ}}{\sqrt{R^2+x_{\circ}^2}}\right)\hat{x} +\frac{rR^2}{2(R^2+x_{\circ}^2)^{-\frac{3}{2}}}\hat{r}\right)$$
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  • #11
There is another method discussed in this video using magnetic force :
  • #12
Bling Fizikst said:
So , the final answer should be : $$\frac{\mu_{\circ} nI}{2}\left(\left(1-\frac{x_{\circ}}{\sqrt{R^2+x_{\circ}^2}}\right)\hat{x} +\frac{rR^2}{2(R^2+x_{\circ}^2)^{-\frac{3}{2}}}\hat{r}\right)$$
That's the answer I got.
  • #13
I just remembered the formula from the video that we can simply use for the magnetic field on the solenoidal axis (which is again derived from integration) : $$ \frac{\mu_{\circ}nI}{2}(\sin\alpha+\sin\beta)$$ where ##\alpha,\beta## are signed values .

In our case : $$\alpha=\frac{\pi}{2}$$ and $$\sin(-\beta)=\frac{x}{\sqrt{R^2+x^2}}$$ and then proceed with $$\nabla\cdot B=0$$ Saves so much time and labour!