Magnetic fields and energy in a capacitor

In summary: Harrington from the University of Texas at Arlington does a great job of summarizing the debate in a scholarly article. He talks about how the debate goes back to the 1800s and is still unresolved. He also talks about how some people believe that all of the energy is stored in the electric field, while others believe that some of the energy is on the plate itself due to densification or rareification of charge. It's an interesting debate and worth reading more about if you're interested. Jim, thanks for the summary. I think this might be a homework question for me.
  • #1
In a capacitor, specifically a parallel plate capacitor, ideally we have that capacitance is a function of permittivity, separation, and plate area. Does permeability play any role? Is all the energy stored in the electric field? Please consider this in a charge static state and also when (dis)charging (thus there is current).
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  • #2
no takers yet?

i was unable to find a constant that relates permeability to permittivity
so i think that in your static state, there's no current hence no H field so permeability isn't a factor

even though a real dielectric probably has permeability somewhat different than free space .

and i believe one might at first say the energy is all stored in the dielectric ,
perhaps to begin forming his mental picture one could even think of it as as mechanical work done in rotating the polar molecules out of their rest position and into alignment with the field... like winding a clockspring.

From there, like all things one can refine it ad infinitum
so it becomes for a practical capacitor , "nearly allstored in dielectric"
surely there's a minute amount of energy on the plate itself due to densification or rareification of charge on it

a search on "relationship permeability permittivity" took me to many scholarly articles.
The one by R F Harrington of looked not overly abstruse.

just old jim , not much of a scholar
  • #3
Well this looks like a homework question to me.

Jim, I agree with your static analysis.

In the dynamic case how fast can a change be propagated from one plate to the other.

Hint : What is 1/√(εμ) ?
  • #4
Thanks Studiot

your hint says in just 17 ascii characters(including spaces) what would have taken me pages. That is genius, my friend!

old jim

P.S. ...thanks for the constant...
  • #5

In a capacitor, specifically a parallel plate capacitor, ideally we have that capacitance is a function of permittivity, separation, and plate area.

So far, so good.

Does permeability play any role?


Is all the energy stored in the electric field?


Please consider this in a charge static state and also when (dis)charging (thus there is current).

A capacitor has the same net charge of ZERO, whether there is no voltage or any voltage you can name between its plates. However many coulombs of charge are put on one plate, an equal number of coulombs are removed from the other plate. This causes a voltage to form between the plates and an electrostatic field to form, which stores electrical energy. A capacitor is not "charged" or "discharged". It is instead "energized" and "de-energized". A moving current sustains a magnetic field, but it is not an energy storage mechanism in a capacitor.

jim hardy,

even though a real dielectric probably has permeability somewhat different than free space .

You mean permittivity, not permeability. All materials including vacuum have a permittivity value, so what is a "real" dielectric?

and i believe one might at first say the energy is all stored in the dielectric

It is stored mostly in the space occupied by the dielectric, except for the fringe electric field. Whenever a electric field exists, energy is involved.


FAQ: Magnetic fields and energy in a capacitor

1. What is a magnetic field in a capacitor?

A magnetic field in a capacitor is a region in space where a magnetic force can be observed due to the presence of an electric current or a changing electric field. In a capacitor, the magnetic field is created by the flow of electrons between the two plates, which are separated by an insulating material.

2. How is energy stored in a capacitor?

The energy in a capacitor is stored in the electric field between the two plates. When a voltage is applied to the capacitor, electrons are forced to move from one plate to the other, creating an electric field. This electric field stores the energy in the form of potential energy.

3. What factors affect the strength of the magnetic field in a capacitor?

The strength of the magnetic field in a capacitor is affected by the current flowing through the capacitor, the distance between the plates, and the material used as the insulator between the plates. The larger the current, the smaller the distance between the plates, and the higher the permeability of the insulating material, the stronger the magnetic field will be.

4. How does a capacitor discharge and release its stored energy?

When a capacitor is connected to a circuit, it will discharge and release its stored energy in the form of an electric current. This happens because the electric field between the plates causes a flow of electrons from one plate to the other, creating a current. The capacitor will continue to discharge until the electric field between the plates reaches zero.

5. Can a magnetic field affect the energy stored in a capacitor?

Yes, a magnetic field can affect the energy stored in a capacitor. If a capacitor is placed in a changing magnetic field, it will experience a force that can cause the plates to move closer or farther apart. This movement changes the distance between the plates, which in turn affects the electric field and the stored energy in the capacitor.

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