How Does a Magnetized Tape Affect a Hydrogen Atom?

In summary,The homework statement discusses an infinite magnetized tape with a nonuniform periodic magnetization. The region outside the tape is a vacuum with no currents or time varying fields anywhere in space.Assuming the top surface of the tape is at y=0, the B-field at the top is found to be B=B_0[(y-hat)*sin(2πx/λ) -(x-hat)*cos(2πx/λ)].A hydrogen atom of magnetic moment μ(y-hat) approaches the tape from above along x=3λ/4. The force on the atom as function of distance from the tape is found to be F=−
  • #1

Homework Statement

Consider an infinite sheet of magnetized tape in the x-z plane with a nonuniform periodic magnetization M = cos(2πx/λ), where λ/2 is the distance between the north and south poles of the magnetization along the x-axis. The region outside the tape is a vacuum with no currents or time varying fields anywhere in space.
Assume that the top surface of the tape is at y=0 and the B-field at the top is B= B_0[(y-hat)*sin(2πx/λ) -(x-hat)*cos(2πx/λ)].
a) Show that the H field in vacuum is given by a scalar potential H =-∇Φ.
b) Find the most general Φ by solving Laplace's equation.
c) State the boundary conditions on B and H, at y=0 and y=∞, necessary to find B in vacuum.
d) Find B in the vacuum by the results of b) and c).
e) A hydrogen atom of magnetic moment μ(y-hat) approaches the tape from above along x=3λ/4. Find the force on the atom as function of distance from the tape. Does the tape attract or repel this atom?

Homework Equations

F= -∇(μ⋅B), ∇⋅H =-∇⋅M, Δ(∂Φ/∂r) =ΔM

The Attempt at a Solution

a) The region outside the tape has no currents so ∇xH = ∇⋅H =0 ⇒ H= -∇Φ since ∇x(∇) =0. Therefore Φ satisfies Laplace's equation in 2-D.
b) In polar coordinates the general solution is Φ(r,θ) =∑ (A_l r^l + B_l /r^[l+1]) P_l (cosθ).
c) The potential must be continuous at the boundary and finite everywhere. The condition on H is the third relevant equation.
d) Here I get stuck and am not sure how to use the boundary conditions.
e) After finding B from d) we can use the first relevant equation to find the force on the atom.
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  • #2
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TeslaCoil137 said:

Homework Equations

F= -∇(μ⋅B)
Should there be a negative sign on the right side of this equation?

3. The Attempt at a Solution
a) The region outside the tape has no currents so ∇xH = ∇⋅H =0 ⇒ H= -∇Φ since ∇x(∇) =0. Therefore Φ satisfies Laplace's equation in 2-D.
b) In polar coordinates the general solution is Φ(r,θ) =∑ (A_l r^l + B_l /r^[l+1]) P_l (cosθ).
Are polar coordinates appropriate for this problem?
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  • #3
Taking your questions in turn, no there shouldn't be a negative sign and the lack of azimuthal symmetry implies that polars are not appropriate. So I should just use the general solution in terms of circular and hyperbolic trig functions, yes?
  • #4
TeslaCoil137 said:
Taking your questions in turn, no there shouldn't be a negative sign and the lack of azimuthal symmetry implies that polars are not appropriate. So I should just use the general solution in terms of circular and hyperbolic trig functions, yes?
Yes. (You can use simple exponential functions in place of the hyperbolic functions.)
  • #5
Ok, so with parts a) and b) out of the way how would I use the boundary conditions?
  • #6
Can you write the general solution for ##\Phi## before applying boundary conditions?
  • #7
Sure, Φ = (A e^kx +Be^[-kx])*(C*sin(ky) +D*cos(ky)), for k^2>0 and a similar expression for k^2<0 where k^2 is a separation constant.
  • #8
If k is real, what happens to ##\Phi## as x goes to ±∞?
  • #9
Right Φ would blow up exponentially. So a boundary condition we impose is that Φ should vanish as x→∞, which in this instance requires k to be imaginary.
  • #10
##\Phi## does not need to vanish as x → ±∞. In fact, since the magnetic surface is infinitely large, you would not expect ##\Phi## to vanish as x or z → ±∞.
  • #11
Right, just like the electric potential of an infinite plane doesn't vanish. I'm not sure what you're driving me towards then.
  • #12
TeslaCoil137 said:
Right, just like the electric potential of an infinite plane doesn't vanish. I'm not sure what you're driving me towards then.
I was just trying to point out that your statement in post #9 that ##\Phi## should vanish as x → ∞ is incorrect. Therefore you can not use that as a reason for k to be imaginary.

EDIT: Note that the statement "##\Phi## cannot blow up exponentially as x →±∞" is not equivalent to the statement "##\Phi## should vanish as x → ±∞"
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  • #13
Ah, ok. I'll post a better reason tomorrow.
  • #14
OK. You are on the right track. Just stick with the idea that ##\Phi## cannot blow up exponentially as x →±∞.
  • #15
If k is imaginary then e^(kx) will be an element of U(1) and rather than blowing up it will circulate faster and faster, allowing for a finite potential at infinity and no exponential increase.
  • #16
TeslaCoil137 said:
If k is imaginary then e^(kx) will be an element of U(1) and rather than blowing up it will circulate faster and faster, allowing for a finite potential at infinity and no exponential increase.
OK. If k is imaginary then try to see that you get circular functions of x and exponential functions of y. That is, if k = ib, then the set {ekx, e-kx} may be replaced by the set {sinbx, cosbx}. And the set {sinky, cosky} may be replaced by the set {eby, e-by}.

The same result would have come from replacing the separation constant k2 by -b2 when solving Laplace's equation.
  • #17
Ok, so now that I have the general solution for Φ how do I implement the boundary conditions?
  • #18
Think about the behavior of the general solution for ##\Phi## at the "boundaries" of x or y.
  • #19
Φ needs to be continuous across the coordinate planes, y=0 and x=0, so we impose conditions on the coefficients in the general solution.
  • #20
And the normal derivative of Φ has a discontinuity equal to the change in magnetization, giving a further condition.
  • #21
TeslaCoil137 said:
Φ needs to be continuous across the coordinate planes, y=0 and x=0, so we impose conditions on the coefficients in the general solution.
The boundaries for x are x = +∞ and x = -∞. We already used these boundaries to determine that k is imaginary.

What are the two boundaries for y? Can you learn anything about your general expression for ##\Phi## by considering either of these two boundaries? It might be a good idea to write out your expression for ##\Phi## at this point.
  • #22
TeslaCoil137 said:
And the normal derivative of Φ has a discontinuity equal to the change in magnetization, giving a further condition.

The problem gives an expression for the B field at the surface y = 0. Is there a way to relate ##\Phi## to B?
  • #23
The vacuum region is defined by y=0 and y=∞, directly at y=0 we have the B field, which relates to Φ by B= μ(-∇⋅Φ), with μ the magnetic permeability of free space. Working out the gradient of Φ and setting it equal to B/μ at y=0 I get the set of equations
1) b(C+D) (Acos(bx)-Bsin(bx)) = - B_0 sin(2πx/λ)
2) b(C-D) (Acos(bx) +Bsin(bx)) = B_0 sin(2πx/λ),
which is clearly under-determined.
  • #24
Thinking about y at infinity should help determine either C or D.

On the right side of your two equations you have a sine function in each equation. Is this right?
  • #25
Thank you for pointing out that clerical error :P The x-component has a cosine function, and from asymptotic behavior C should be zero as otherwise the potential blows up exponentially.
  • #26
  • #27
Ok, so now I need one more equation to determine the potential. The magnetic 'charge' density M is what gives rise to the scalar potential so do I apply my third relevant equation at this point and grind through the algebra?
  • #28
I'm not familiar with your third equation. But I don't think you need it. Note that the constant D is now just an overall constant factor in ##\Phi## that can be "lumped in" with A and B to get constants AD and BD which you can call F and G, say. So, you now have the potential in terms of just two constants which you can determine by making sure you get the right Bx and By at y = 0.
  • #29
Ah, thank you very much.

FAQ: How Does a Magnetized Tape Affect a Hydrogen Atom?

What is a Magnetic Mirror for Neutral Atoms?

A Magnetic Mirror for Neutral Atoms is a device used in experimental physics to confine and manipulate neutral atoms using magnetic fields. It is typically used in research related to atomic and molecular physics, quantum computing, and atomic clocks.

How does a Magnetic Mirror for Neutral Atoms work?

The device works by creating a magnetic field that is strongest at its center and decreases in strength towards the edges. This field acts as a mirror and reflects the neutral atoms back towards the center, trapping them in the region of high magnetic field strength.

What are the advantages of using a Magnetic Mirror for Neutral Atoms?

Using a Magnetic Mirror for Neutral Atoms allows for precise control and manipulation of neutral atoms, which is important for studying their behavior and properties. It also allows for the creation of dense and confined atomic clouds, which are necessary for certain types of experiments.

What are the limitations of a Magnetic Mirror for Neutral Atoms?

One limitation is that the device can only be used to trap and manipulate neutral atoms. It cannot be used for charged particles. Additionally, the magnetic fields used in the device can be affected by external magnetic fields, which can limit its precision and accuracy.

What are some potential applications of a Magnetic Mirror for Neutral Atoms?

Magnetic Mirrors for Neutral Atoms have a wide range of potential applications, including quantum computing, atomic clocks, precision measurements, and fundamental research on the behavior of neutral atoms. They can also be used to study interactions between atoms and other particles, such as photons and other atoms.

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