Magnetic moment of a particle suspended in a magnetic field?

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  • #1
Derive the following expressions for ux, uy and uz:
ux(t) = ux(0) cos(wo t) + uy(0) sin(wo t)
uy(t) = - ux(0) sin(wo t) + uy(0) cos(wo t)
uz(t) = uz(0)
wo is angular frequency.
wo = g Bo

Homework Equations

wo of this precession is proportional to Bo
u and J have the same orientation:
u = g J, where g is gyromagnetic ratio.
du/dt = u X g B (where X is cross product)

The Attempt at a Solution

u[/B] = ux i + uy j + uz k
= B k
X B = (ux i + uy j + uz k) X (B k) = -ux B j + uy B i
X g B = -ux g B j + uy g B i = uy g B i - ux g B j
du/dt = u X g B
du/dt = uy g B i - ux g B j
dux/dt = uy g B
duy/dt = -ux g B
duz/dt = 0

I do not know how to proceed. From duz/dt = 0, we get uz = constant = uz(0)
But how to derive the expressions for ux and uy?
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  • #2
Thanks for the post! Sorry you aren't generating responses at the moment. Do you have any further information, come to any new conclusions or is it possible to reword the post?

FAQ: Magnetic moment of a particle suspended in a magnetic field?

1. What is a magnetic moment?

A magnetic moment is a measure of the strength and direction of a magnetic field created by a particle or object. It is a vector quantity, meaning it has both magnitude and direction.

2. How is the magnetic moment of a particle suspended in a magnetic field calculated?

The magnetic moment of a particle can be calculated by multiplying the strength of the magnetic field by the area of the loop or the current flowing through the loop and by the number of loops. It can also be calculated by measuring the torque experienced by the particle in the magnetic field.

3. What factors affect the magnetic moment of a particle?

The magnetic moment of a particle can be affected by its mass, charge, and the strength and direction of the magnetic field it is suspended in. It can also be affected by the material properties of the particle, such as its magnetic susceptibility.

4. How does the magnetic moment of a particle suspended in a magnetic field relate to its spin?

The magnetic moment of a particle is directly related to its spin. In quantum mechanics, the spin of a particle is a fundamental property that determines its magnetic moment. The magnetic moment of a particle is proportional to its spin angular momentum.

5. What are some applications of understanding the magnetic moment of a particle?

Understanding the magnetic moment of a particle is important in various fields such as material science, quantum mechanics, and medical imaging. It is also used in technologies like magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and magnetic storage devices like hard drives.
