Magnetic monopole induces current in perfect conducting ring

In summary, the conversation discussed the calculation of current induced in a loop with a magnetic monopole traveling along its axis. The loop was assumed to be a perfect conductor, meaning the electric field inside is zero. The participant used Faraday's law and made an incorrect assumption about the electric field inside the loop. They then corrected their mistake and discussed finding the induced EMF using the equation EMF=2πRE. The conversation also touched on identifying the electric field and flux, and integrating both sides over time. Finally, the participant shared their solution without finding the electric field.
  • #1
I am trying to calculate the current induced in a loop assuming a magnetic monopole exists. The loop is a perfect conductor, which I understand implies the electric field inside must be zero. I picture the problem with the magnetic monopole traveling with a velocity coaxial with the loop. I am given the loop has a self inductance L, so what I've done is take Faraday's law (modified for the existence of a mag. monopole), and the current density I'm associating as follows
[tex] \vec{\nabla} \wedge \vec{E} =0= -\left\{ \mu_{0} \vec{j}_{m}+\frac{\partial \vec{B}}{\partial t} \right\}[/tex]
[tex] \mu_{0} \vec{j}_{m} = -\frac{\partial \vec{B} }{\partial t} [/tex]
Now relating to the induced emf I have
[tex] -L\frac{dI}{dt} = -\dot{\phi}_{m} = \int -\frac{\partial \vec{B}}{\partial t} \cdot d\vec{a} [/tex]
From which I make the identification
[tex] \vec{j}_{m} = \rho_{m} \vec{v} [/tex]
Which gives assuming a planar area loop with the direction of the velocity being parallel to the loop is given by
[tex] -L \frac{dI}{dt} = \mu_{0} \rho_{m} A_{loop} v
\Rightarrow -L\frac{dI}{dt} =\mu_{0} \rho_{m} A_{loop} \frac{dz}{dt} [/tex]
which is where I am stuck. I think I want to integrate over a long time, including the point and past the point the magnetic monopole passes through the loop. My question(s) is does everything I have done so far make sense, and if so where do I go from here?
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  • #2
Your equations are wrong. E is not zero in the metal, because there isinductance. Forget about the fields inside the metal of the loop. "Perfect conductor" in this context just means that there will be no IR in your eventual circuit equation. You can find E at the locus of the loop just as you would find B from a moving electric charge.
Then EMF =2\pi R E, and will be time dependent. Then use EMF=L di/dt.
  • #3
Meir Achuz said:
Your equations are wrong. E is not zero in the metal, because there isinductance. ... You can find E at the locus of the loop just as you would find B from a moving electric charge.
Then EMF =2\pi R E, and will be time dependent. Then use EMF=L di/dt.

Thanks for pointing that out, this problem is throwing me around. Ok so I have
[tex] \vec{\nabla} \wedge \vec{E} = -\mu_{0} \vec{j} -\frac{\partial \vec{B}}{\partial t}
\Rightarrow \oint \vec{E} \cdot d\vec{\ell} = -\int \left(\mu_{0} \vec{j} +\frac{\partial \vec{B} }{\partial t} \right) \cdot d\vec{a} [/tex]
where I've applied Stoke's theorem to the LHS of first equation. So far so good right? Now what I want to do is
[tex] 2\pi a E = -\mu_{0} \rho_{m} \pi a^{2} v+ \int -\frac{\partial \vec{B} } {\partial t} \cdot d\vec{a} [/tex]
where [tex] a [/tex] is the radius of the loop, and [tex] v [/tex] is the velocity of the monopole. Now make the identification
[tex] \int -\frac{\partial \vec{B}}{\partial t} \cdot d\vec{a} =- \dot{\phi}_{m} =\varepsilon = -L \dot{I} [/tex]
substitute back
[tex] 2 \pi a E + \mu_{0} \rho_{m} \pi a^{2} v=-L \dot{I} [/tex]
am I on the right path or did I miss step again.
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  • #4
Your E is wrong.
I meant to find E=-gvXr/r^3 at the locus of the ring,
and there is no need for the surface integral.
  • #5
Meir Achuz said:
Your E is wrong.
I meant to find E=-gvXr/r^3 at the locus of the ring,
and there is no need for the surface integral.
I am sorry, you lost me here. Could you explain a little more please? What is 'Xr'? and certainly 'g' isn't gravity right? I think I might need a little hand holding for this part.
  • #6
xman said:
I am sorry, you lost me here. Could you explain a little more please? What is 'Xr'? and certainly 'g' isn't gravity right? I think I might need a little hand holding for this part.
Sorry to be slow. I've been away

"I meant to find E=-gvXr/r^3 at the locus of the ring,
and there is no need for the surface integral."
In the equation:
E is the electric field.
g is the strength of the monopole charge (Like q for electric charge.)
X is the vector cross product symbol.
r is the vectpr disstance from the monopole to the ring.
r^3 is the cube of r.
The equation is the same thing you would have for -B at the ring due to an electric charge.
  • #7
I have a solution without finding the electric field, here's what I did
[tex] \vec{\nabla} \wedge \vec{E} = -\mu_{0}\vec{j}-\frac{\partial \vec{B}}{\partial t} [/tex]

converting to integral form the with Stoke's theorem

[tex] \int_{wire} \vec{E}\cdot d\vec{\ell}=-\mu_{0} \int_{S} \vec{j}\cdot d\vec{a}-\int_{S}\frac{\partial \vec{B}}{\partial t}\cdot d\vec{a} [/tex]

Since perfect conductor then
[tex] \vec{E} = 0[/tex]
inside the loop and the line integral around the wire is zero. Now make the identification
[tex] -\mu_{0}\int_{S} \vec{j}\cdot d\vec{a} =-\mu_{0}I_{m} [/tex]
the second term of course is the induced flux, so if we integrate both sides wrt time we have
[tex] 0=-\mu_{0}g-\Delta \phi_{m}\Rightarrow \Delta \phi_{m} = L\,\Delta I\Rightarrow I=\frac{\mu_{0}g}{L} [/tex]

I think this works any ideas
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FAQ: Magnetic monopole induces current in perfect conducting ring

1. What is a magnetic monopole?

A magnetic monopole is a hypothetical particle that has a single magnetic pole, either north or south, unlike traditional magnets which have both north and south poles.

2. How does a magnetic monopole induce current in a perfect conducting ring?

When a magnetic monopole moves with respect to a perfect conducting ring, it creates a changing magnetic field. This changing magnetic field induces an electric field within the ring, causing charges to move and creating an electric current.

3. What is a perfect conducting ring?

A perfect conducting ring is a theoretical object that has zero resistance to the flow of electric current. This means that all charges within the ring can move freely without any loss of energy.

4. Can a magnetic monopole really exist?

Currently, there is no experimental evidence for the existence of magnetic monopoles. They are purely hypothetical and have not been observed in nature. However, some theories in physics, such as string theory, predict the existence of magnetic monopoles.

5. What are the potential applications of magnetic monopole-induced currents in perfect conducting rings?

One potential application could be in the development of more efficient and precise sensors, as the electric current induced by a magnetic monopole in a perfect conducting ring would be highly sensitive to changes in the magnetic field. It could also have implications in the field of quantum computing and particle physics.
