Magnetic Monopole: Properties & Detection

In summary, this person believes that magnetic monopoles do exist, and have found evidence of them in different locations. They also offer for sale a piece of swamp land that allegedly produces these particles.
  • #1

First I would like to introduce a brief definition of such a particle from Wikipedia:

A magnetic monopole is a hypothetical particle in physics that is a magnet with only one pole (see Maxwell's equations for more on magnetic poles). In more technical terms, it would have a net "magnetic charge." Modern interest in the concept stems from particle theories, notably the grand unification theory and superstring theories, which predict their existence.

The magnetic monopole was first hypothesized by Pierre Curie in 1894, but the quantum theory of magnetic charge started with a 1931 paper by Paul Dirac. In this paper, Dirac showed that the existence of magnetic monopoles was consistent with Maxwell's equations only if electric charges are quantized, which is observed. Since then, several systematic monopole searches have been performed. Experiments in 1975 and 1982 produced candidate events that were initially interpreted as monopoles, but are now regarded as inconclusive.

Now, my question is how would magnetic monopoles be detected? Does anyone of you know about more properties of these particles for a better understanding?
Physics news on
  • #3
I read of an experiment to detect monopoles.
The equipment was a superconducting ring.

If a bar magnet is dropped through the ring longways the first pole induces a voltage
that causes a circulating current.The second pole induces a reverse voltage which exactly
cancels the current from the first pole.

With a monopole any current would not be canceled.
A current would circulate continuously in the ring.

The experimenters just needed to wait.I expect the ring was electronically monitored.

They did get one hit for the duration of the experiment but only one.

I think it was reported in Scientific American a very long time ago.
  • #4
Gerenuk said:
I don't know the answer and the article might not give it, but it could be a starting point:

Oh, whoa it was on the news just yesterday, pure coincidence. I didn't know really that there was this group in CERN investigating that particle. Anyway, tomorrow is going to be an important day in LHC, we will see.

undidly said:
I read of an experiment to detect monopoles.
The equipment was a superconducting ring.

If a bar magnet is dropped through the ring longways the first pole induces a voltage
that causes a circulating current.The second pole induces a reverse voltage which exactly
cancels the current from the first pole.

With a monopole any current would not be canceled.
A current would circulate continuously in the ring.

The experimenters just needed to wait.I expect the ring was electronically monitored.

They did get one hit for the duration of the experiment but only one.

I think it was reported in Scientific American a very long time ago.

Thanks, I will definitely search the Scientific American if they have the article uploaded. Sounds like an interesting procedure to seek for the monopole, even though quite different from the one stated above.
  • #5
Without a little cheating, the existence of free magnetic monopoles is at odds with the proven existence of an electromagnetic vector potential as supported by electron interference experiments.
  • #6
Years ago, I was told by a Physicist, "Monopoles only occur in Texas". This was based on some indirect evidence. I'm not sure if this is the experiment he was referring to:

Here may be a better link:
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  • #7
undidly said:
They did get one hit for the duration of the experiment but only one.

This was in 1982, and is known as the "Valentine's Day monopole." A Google search turns up a number of references to this experiment.
  • #8
Hi all, new kid on the block.

Supposedly, and shown in some (less than totally conclusive) Youtube video's, Rodin type toroid coils seem able to generate monopoles, and have steel rods remain to be magnetized as such. Good north pole is detected, but no south.
Certainly some odd things happen in all kinds of applications with Rodin coils, but strong and true monopoles would let a toddler build a self running electric motor. So, what will the truth be?
  • #9
Cloxxki said:
Hi all, new kid on the block.

Supposedly, and shown in some (less than totally conclusive) Youtube video's, Rodin type toroid coils seem able to generate monopoles, and have steel rods remain to be magnetized as such. Good north pole is detected, but no south.
Certainly some odd things happen in all kinds of applications with Rodin coils, but strong and true monopoles would let a toddler build a self running electric motor. So, what will the truth be?

I also have a piece of swamp-land in Florida that spontaneously produces magnetic monopoles. I'll sell to the highest bidder. I accept PAYPAL, and all sales are final. :biggrin:
  • #10
Seriously! I didn't even think there were so many ways of endeavouring to observe magnetic monopoles lol. Oh well, it's already 30th here in Europe, we just have to wait few more hours for LHC... even though it may take days until the first collision.

elect_eng said:
I also have a piece of swamp-land in Florida that spontaneously produces magnetic monopoles. I'll sell to the highest bidder. I accept PAYPAL, and all sales are final. :biggrin:

  • #11
Redsummers said:

Wow! You "wuut" the swamp land, but not the Rodin coil?
  • #12
elect_eng said:
Wow! You "wuut" the swamp land, but not the Rodin coil? :

I actually lol'd at the rodin coil. But oh well, I'm not really into buying swamp lands though O:
  • #13
Redsummers said:
I actually lol'd at the rodin coil. But oh well, I'm not really into buying swamp lands though O:

Excellent! My scam can't work without a good number of detractors to point to and identify as the "establishment" trying to suppress the truth. :smile:
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  • #14
elect_eng said:
Excellent! My scam can't work without a good number of detractors to point to and identify as the establishment trying to supress the truth. :smile:

lol, maybe your swamp keeps some kind of mysterious fungus which may surprise biologists O: but as far as I know I don't think Dirac would be surprised by your swamp-creating-monopoles xD
  • #15
These particles can not be detected, as monopole do not exist. It is mathmatically hypothetical to detect ( existence) these monopoles from maxwell's equation ... Divergence of B is equal to zero
  • #16
Redsummers said:
Seriously! I didn't even think there were so many ways of endeavouring to observe magnetic monopoles lol. Oh well, it's already 30th here in Europe, we just have to wait few more hours for LHC... even though it may take days until the first collision.

When will the results be in?
  • #17
D Kanchan said:
These particles can not be detected, as monopole do not exist. It is mathmatically hypothetical to detect ( existence) these monopoles from maxwell's equation ... Divergence of B is equal to zero

What are you basing on to say that such a hypothetical particles do not exist? I am afraid that something similar happened with Dirac at the prediction of anti-electrons (positrons), and at the end it turned out that positrons really existed.

Phrak said:
When will the results be in?

I don't know really, but I will ask a friend I know who works in CERN. But the first collisions have been achieved today at 13h here in European time (+1GMT).

I recommend to everyone around to check the live-stream of LHC, even though they will stop broadcasting in 3 hours.
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  • #18
Neutron scattering experiments on spin ice systems are now claiming to see monopoles. Though technically I think these are quasiparticle excitations with a monopole charge (but don't quote me on that). There was a paper in Nature Physics not that long ago, you should be able to google it.
  • #19
I don't think these spin configurations deserve the name monopole. In a way it's just a moving loose poles. They call it "particle" and to make the story more interesting they put monopole in the headline.

It's nowhere near real particles or what the LHC is trying to find.
  • #20
Gerenuk said:
I don't think these spin configurations deserve the name monopole. In a way it's just a moving loose poles. They call it "particle" and to make the story more interesting they put monopole in the headline.

It's nowhere near real particles or what the LHC is trying to find.

Ha ha, yea I am with you on that one.
  • #21
from where can i know the result of the LHD experiment?
  • #22
omar.abosamra said:
from where can i know the result of the LHD experiment?

It's not that they are going to interpret the results and all the data in two weeks. However that's what I've have read so far:

Expected results

CERN scientists estimate that if the Standard Model is correct, a
single Higgs boson may be produced every few hours. At this rate, it
may take about two to three years to collect enough data to discover
the Higgs boson unambiguously. Similarly, it may take one year or more
before sufficient results concerning supersymmetric particles have
been gathered to draw meaningful conclusions.

So, it may take years.

Related to Magnetic Monopole: Properties & Detection

1. What is a magnetic monopole?

A magnetic monopole is a hypothetical particle that has a single magnetic pole, either north or south, unlike regular magnets which have both poles. This means that a magnetic monopole would have a net magnetic charge, unlike regular magnets which have a net charge of zero.

2. What are the properties of magnetic monopoles?

Magnetic monopoles are believed to have properties similar to electric monopoles, such as being able to attract or repel other magnetic monopoles and interact with magnetic fields. They are also expected to have a mass and spin, similar to other elementary particles.

3. How are magnetic monopoles detected?

Currently, there is no confirmed detection of a magnetic monopole. However, scientists believe that they can be detected through their interactions with electric and magnetic fields. This can be done using specialized detectors such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machines or particle accelerators.

4. What is the significance of finding a magnetic monopole?

If a magnetic monopole is discovered, it would have a profound impact on our understanding of fundamental physics. It would also help to reconcile the symmetry between electricity and magnetism, known as the Maxwell's equations, and potentially lead to new technological advancements.

5. Can magnetic monopoles be created or produced?

Currently, there is no known way to create or produce magnetic monopoles. However, some theories suggest that they may have been created in the early universe during the Big Bang. Scientists are also exploring ways to produce them in particle colliders or through cosmic ray interactions.

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