Magnetic monopoles and Lorentz force law

I'm not so confident about what happens to the units, but I think that equation should now include a factor of μo^-1. Also, I think that you now have the signs wrong. The electric charge is positive and the magnetic charge is negative. This is consistent with the Lorentz force law for both charges.In summary, the Lorentz Force Law generalizes to F=q_e (\vec E+ \vec v \times \vec B)+ \frac {q_m}{\mu _0} (\vec B - \frac{\vec v}{c^2} \times \vec E) when there are magnetic monopoles. This can be shown by applying a duality transformation to the Lore
  • #1
Hi buddies

Homework Statement

Show that the Lorentz Force Law generalizes to

[tex] F=q_e (\vec E+ \vec v \times \vec B)+ \frac {q_m}{\mu _0} (\vec B - \frac{\vec v}{c^2} \times \vec E)[/tex][/tex]

when there are magnetic monopoles

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

Well, not much to say here. I don't know where to start. I thought I could approach everything with [tex] \vec F=q \vec E[/tex] wheres [tex] \vec E=-grad \Phi -\frac {\partial \vec A}{\partial t}[/tex]
and then show that for qe and qm and use the superposition principle

But that idea didn't go as planned.

Can anyone help me out?

Thank you very much in advance
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Physics news on
  • #2
I'm not sure what you're suppose to start with here. Can you use ideas of relativity? In particular, can you use the transformation equations for force and the E and B fields between two inertial frames?

[Typo: [itex] \vec F=-q \vec E[/itex] should not have a negative sign.]
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  • #3
Thanks for the quick reply. What do mean with transformation? Do you mean the dual transformation? That's the only thing he mentioned in our lecture in that context.

I just have no idea how I am supposed to show this, when we assume there are magnetic charges.

edit: yes thanks, I edited my first post
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  • #4
I was thinking of starting in a reference frame in which the magnetic monopole is instantaneously at rest. Then, by definition it seems to me, the force on the monopole would be ##\vec{F} = \frac{q_m}{\mu_o}\vec{B}## where the ##μ_o## is an artifact of how you define the units of the magnetic "charge" in the SI system.

To see what the force on the monopole would be in a different frame of reference where the monopole is in motion (say along the x-axis), you can just use the well-known transformation equations for the components of ##\vec{F}## and ##\vec{B}## to rewrite ##\vec{F} = \frac{q_m}{\mu_o}\vec{B}## in the frame in which the monopole is moving.
  • #5
Thanks again.
Do you mean the Lorentz transformation? I'm not familiar with transformations because we didn't have them discussed yet during the lecture.
  • #6
Lindsayyyy said:
Thanks again.
Do you mean the Lorentz transformation? I'm not familiar with transformations because we didn't have them discussed yet during the lecture.

Well, the Lorentz transformation is for transforming 4-vectors. ##\vec{F}##, ##\vec{E}##, and ##\vec{B}## are not 4-vectors, but there are transformation equations for these quantities that are derived in the study of relativity. Since you haven't covered these yet in your course, I would suspect that this is not the way you are meant to approach the problem.

You mentioned using a duality transformation. So, I guess you have covered how the fields and charges transform under these types of transformations. Have you tried applying these transformations to the Lorentz force for an electric charge ##\vec{F} = q_e(\vec{E} + \vec{v} \times \vec{B})##?
  • #7
I know that Lorentz transformation will be a topic soon. I know that our lecturer gives us some tasks which doesn't have to do anything with the lecture. I just read about the transformations you mentioned ( ) if that's it what you mean.

back to the dual transform:

[tex] \begin{pmatrix}
f_e \\

cos \theta & -sin \theta \\
sin \theta & cos \theta\\


{f_e}' \\


That's the only thing he gave us. I know that f stands for B E or qe/qm but I think it's in cgs units and I have trouble converting it into SI units. Furthermore I read in David Grifftiths book and the dual transform there looks different to the one our lecturer mentioned.
  • #8
Lindsayyyy said:
I know that Lorentz transformation will be a topic soon. I know that our lecturer gives us some tasks which doesn't have to do anything with the lecture. I just read about the transformations you mentioned ( ) if that's it what you mean.
Yes. You would also need to know how the components of ##\vec{F}## change when switching frames.

back to the dual transform:

[tex] \begin{pmatrix}
f_e \\

cos \theta & -sin \theta \\
sin \theta & cos \theta\\


{f_e}' \\


That's the only thing he gave us. I know that f stands for B E or qe/qm but I think it's in cgs units and I have trouble converting it into SI units. Furthermore I read in David Grifftiths book and the dual transform there looks different to the one our lecturer mentioned.

OK. Well, one thing you could do is take the Lorentz force for an electric charge ("electric monopole") qe and apply the duality transformation to convert it to the force on a magnetic monople.

What should θ be to completely change an electric monopole qe into a magnetic monopole qm? How do the fields transform for this value of θ? What does the Lorentz force equation look like after this transformation?
  • #9
Thanks for your patience:blushing:

theta must be pi/2 I guess?

so qe=-qm and E=-B

But I'm still uncertain about my units. I'm not comfortable at all when it comes so cgs units.


[tex] \vec F = q_m (\vec B -\frac {1} {c^2} \vec v \times \vec E)[/tex]

That relates to the right side, but I'm missing the left term.
  • #10
Lindsayyyy said:
theta must be pi/2 I guess?

so qe=-qm and E=-B

But I'm still uncertain about my units. I'm not comfortable at all when it comes so cgs units.


[tex] \vec F = q_m (\vec B -\frac {1} {c^2} \vec v \times \vec E)[/tex]

That relates to the right side, but I'm missing the left term.

You now have the expression for the force on a magnetic monopole (a particle with magnetic charge but no electric charge). To get this result, you must have used Griffiths' transformation, where the matrix

[itex] \begin{pmatrix}
f_e \\

\end{pmatrix}[/itex] can represent [itex] \begin{pmatrix}
cq_e \\

\end{pmatrix}[/itex] or [itex] \begin{pmatrix}
\textbf{E} \\

\end{pmatrix}[/itex] with some factors of c. You still don't get the denominator of μo, but that must mean that Griffiths is using a different choice of unit for the magnetic monopole charge than your lecturer.

If a particle were to carry both electric charge qe and magnetic charge qm then the force would be the sum of the force on the electric charge and the force on the magnetic charge. This would give the expression that you want to show.
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  • #11
Thanks for the help, concerning the mu0 I don't understand exactly why it is there. I took a look at there are two entries: weber convention and ampere convention. They are both the same with the exception that one got the mu0 in it. But that would mean that the force gets another value. How does that even work?
  • #12
I think it's just a matter of how you define the unit of magnetic charge qm. You can define it so that F = qmB or you could define it so that F = qmH = qmB/μo (for a magnetic charge at rest in a magnetic field). You'll get the same force either way.
  • #13
Thank you very much. I'll try to solve it finally tomorrow got to do some biochemistry first :eek:

Related to Magnetic monopoles and Lorentz force law

1. What are magnetic monopoles?

Magnetic monopoles are hypothetical particles that have a single magnetic pole, either north or south, unlike regular magnets which have both north and south poles. They are still being studied and have not been observed in nature yet.

2. What is the Lorentz force law?

The Lorentz force law is a fundamental concept in electromagnetism that describes the force exerted on a charged particle that is moving in a magnetic field. It states that the force is perpendicular to both the velocity of the particle and the magnetic field, and is directly proportional to the charge of the particle and the strength of the magnetic field.

3. How are magnetic monopoles related to the Lorentz force law?

Magnetic monopoles are related to the Lorentz force law because they would provide a source for magnetic fields, which is necessary for the force to act upon charged particles. Without magnetic monopoles, the force law would not be complete as it cannot fully explain the behavior of magnetic fields without a source.

4. Can magnetic monopoles violate the Lorentz force law?

No, magnetic monopoles cannot violate the Lorentz force law as it is a fundamental law in electromagnetism. If magnetic monopoles were to be discovered, they would only serve to enhance our understanding of the force law and how it operates in the presence of both electric and magnetic fields.

5. Are there any practical applications of magnetic monopoles and the Lorentz force law?

Currently, there are no practical applications of magnetic monopoles as they have not been observed in nature. However, the Lorentz force law is used extensively in many technologies, such as electric motors, generators, and particle accelerators, to name a few. If magnetic monopoles were to be discovered, they could potentially lead to new technologies and advancements in our understanding of electromagnetism.
