Magnetic Paramagnetic Diamagnetic

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of utility in relation to the approach of a magnet to two different materials with opposing magnetic properties. The question is posed of whether the firing of the magnet would result in the same energy loss for both materials. The speaker also mentions their limited knowledge of magnetics and the observed increase in repulsion for the diamagnetic material and attraction for the paramagnetic material. The conversation ends with a mention of conservative forces and their property of the work done being independent of the path taken.
  • #1
Could has this concept some utility? If the approach of the magnet to the two materials (one diamagnetic,one paramagnetic) could be set to be "energy-loss",can be the firing the same? With my simple knowledge of magnetics i can't say nothing. While when approaching, the diamagnetic increase his repulsion while paramagnetic increase his attraction. In exit shouldn't be the same?


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  • #2
I'm not sure I understand your question but the force between two magnetic poles is a conservative force..

A conservative force is a force with the property that the work done in moving a particle between two points is independent of the taken path.[1] Equivalently, if a particle travels in a closed loop, the net work done (the sum of the force acting along the path multiplied by the displacement) by a conservative force is zero

FAQ: Magnetic Paramagnetic Diamagnetic

What is the difference between magnetic, paramagnetic, and diamagnetic materials?

Magnetic materials are substances that have a permanent magnetic field, such as iron and nickel. Paramagnetic materials are substances that are weakly attracted to a magnetic field, such as aluminum and platinum. Diamagnetic materials are substances that are repelled by a magnetic field, such as copper and gold.

How do magnetic, paramagnetic, and diamagnetic materials interact with a magnetic field?

Magnetic materials align their atomic dipoles with the external magnetic field, resulting in a strong attraction. Paramagnetic materials have unpaired electrons that align with the magnetic field, resulting in a weak attraction. Diamagnetic materials have paired electrons that create their own weak magnetic field, which opposes the external magnetic field and results in a repulsion.

How can magnetic, paramagnetic, and diamagnetic properties be measured?

Magnetic properties can be measured using a magnetometer, which measures the strength and direction of a magnetic field. Paramagnetic properties can be measured using a susceptibility meter, which measures the degree of attraction to a magnetic field. Diamagnetic properties can be measured using a diamagnetic balance, which measures the repulsion force between a magnet and a sample.

What are the practical applications of magnetic, paramagnetic, and diamagnetic materials?

Magnetic materials are used in a variety of applications, such as in motors, generators, and data storage devices. Paramagnetic materials are used in chemical analysis, as they can be separated from other substances using a magnet. Diamagnetic materials are used in levitation experiments and in some medical imaging techniques.

Can a substance exhibit both paramagnetic and diamagnetic properties?

Yes, a substance can exhibit both paramagnetic and diamagnetic properties. This is known as superparamagnetism, where the material has both paramagnetic and diamagnetic regions. The overall magnetic behavior of the substance will depend on the strength of the external magnetic field and the proportion of paramagnetic and diamagnetic regions.
