Magnetic Pull/Repelling force of magnets?

In summary, the conversation discusses the differences between pull and repelling forces of neodymium magnets. The pull force is measured in pounds and refers to the lifting capability of the magnet, while the repelling force is measured in gauss and depends on factors such as field strength, size, and shape. The manufacturer states that the pull and repelling forces should theoretically be equal, but in practice, the repelling force may be slightly lower due to off-axis displacement. However, the overall strength of the magnet remains unchanged.
  • #1
Hi all,

I bought these neodymium magnets that all have a pull force of: 20.86 lbs
If the pull force is equaled to that will the repelling force be the same as well? Since their both the same.
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  • #2
No, your repelling force, meaning you face like poles at each other, you will then realize a much stronger repell. Your reference to the strenght of the magnet is its approx. lifting capability. The strength that it repels or attracks is measured in gauss.
  • #3
Robin07 said:
No, your repelling force, meaning you face like poles at each other, you will then realize a much stronger repell. Your reference to the strenght of the magnet is its approx. lifting capability. The strength that it repels or attracks is measured in gauss.

So the repelling force would be more stronger then the pull force? This magnets rated at 4600 gauss.

I contacted my manufacture and asked him about the repelling force/ attraction force this is what they replied: "The Surface Field numbers listed for these magnets tells you the field strength right at the surface of the magnet.

The attractive or repulsive force you get from these magnets depends on a number of factors, including field strength, and the overall size and shape. If you are interested in comparing the pull forces (or repulsion forces) of various magnets, compare the listed Pull Force, Case 1 numbers."

I have two kinds of magnets one small and a larger one, each having a different pull force.

One has about 5 lb's of pull force case1
the large one has 20 lb's of pull force case 1 , the larger one is 4 times stronger and 3 times larger then the smaller one if the pull force is rated that why wouldn't the repulsion force do the same?
  • #4
My quick answer to that would be. The manufacture implies that there are mitigating circumstances in volved in measuring the pull/push strengths.

Compare in your minds eye case1. Pull sm mag up against gravity to pulling sm mag with gravity. I would infer that the 'relative strength'/pull to each magnet is unchanged, the same. And I'd imagine that the pull strength at your location/your hand, would feel the difference. Ok maybe not your hand but a scale of sorts. ie non-ferrous fish weigh scale. Or even a pair of pall-point pen springs and see how far they comparatively stretch.
  • #5
Robin07 said:
My quick answer to that would be. The manufacture implies that there are mitigating circumstances in volved in measuring the pull/push strengths.

Compare in your minds eye case1. Pull sm mag up against gravity to pulling sm mag with gravity. I would infer that the 'relative strength'/pull to each magnet is unchanged, the same. And I'd imagine that the pull strength at your location/your hand, would feel the difference. Ok maybe not your hand but a scale of sorts. ie non-ferrous fish weigh scale. Or even a pair of pall-point pen springs and see how far they comparatively stretch.

I sent them an email asking them this:

"Finally, is the attraction force or "pull case force 1" that is 20.5lb the same as the repulsion force? I mean are the attraction force of the magnets equal to te repulsion force?"

Their reply:"Theoretically, yes, you can expect the attraction force between two magnets to be about equal to the repulsion force. In practice, the repulsion force you might measure is usually a bit lower, since any off-axis displacement means lower forces."

Thats pretty good for me :smile: Having them at least equal to each other is fine, but thanks for all that help so far.
  • #6
An update about this topic:

The rate of magnet's pull/repel forces varies under certain conditions and orientations. Its not a constant value like for example their mass.

FAQ: Magnetic Pull/Repelling force of magnets?

1. What is the difference between magnetic pull and repelling force?

Magnetic pull refers to the force that attracts two magnets together, while repelling force is the force that pushes two magnets apart.

2. How does the strength of a magnet affect its pull and repelling force?

The stronger the magnet, the greater its pull and repelling force will be. This is because a stronger magnet has a higher magnetic field, which can exert a greater force on other magnets.

3. Can the distance between two magnets affect their pull and repelling force?

Yes, the closer two magnets are to each other, the stronger their pull and repelling force will be. This is because the magnetic field of one magnet can interact more closely with the other magnet when they are closer together.

4. How does the orientation of magnets affect their pull and repelling force?

The orientation of magnets can greatly affect their pull and repelling force. When two magnets are aligned in the same direction, their pull force is stronger, while when they are aligned in opposite directions, their repelling force is stronger.

5. Are there any materials that can block the magnetic pull or repelling force of magnets?

Yes, there are materials that can block or weaken the pull and repelling force of magnets, such as iron, nickel, and cobalt. These materials are known as ferromagnetic materials and they can disrupt the magnetic field between two magnets, reducing their interaction.

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