Magnetic response of a degenerate Fermi gas

In summary, in a Fermi gas, there are two common responses to a low magnetic field: Pauli paramagnetism and Landau diamagnetism. In the degenerate case, where the temperature is much lower than the Fermi temperature, these effects are derived from the behavior of conduction electrons in metals. Pauli paramagnetism is observed when there is a degenerate Fermi gas, while Landau diamagnetism is caused by the movement of delocalized electrons and is known as Landau diamagnetism at low temperatures.
  • #1
I know that in a Fermi gas, the two common responses to a lo field are Pauli par. and Landau dia. and the last becomes the H-VA effect

My question is, it is the same treatment in degenerated Fermi Gas?
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  • #2
One speaks of a “degenerate” Fermi gas in case its temperature T is much lower than its Fermi temperature TF: T << TF = εF/kB where kB is the Boltzmann constant and εF the Fermi energy at T = 0. What is termed “Pauli paramagnetism” for the behavior of conduction electrons in metals when subjected to a magnetic field is derived on base of the assumption that there is a degenerate Fermi gas.
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  • #3
And what happens with landau diamagnetism? Because it comes by the movement of delocalized electrons
  • #4
Charged particles couple to a magnetic field via their charge, leading to a diamagnetic contribution to the magnetic susceptibility. At low temperatures (degenerate case), this effect in a free electron gas is known as Landau diamagnetism.

FAQ: Magnetic response of a degenerate Fermi gas

1. What is a degenerate Fermi gas?

A degenerate Fermi gas is a state of matter in which a large number of fermions, such as electrons or protons, are confined in a small space and have reached extremely low temperatures. In this state, the fermions have high kinetic energies and obey the laws of quantum mechanics, leading to unique properties such as zero viscosity and high electrical conductivity.

2. How does a magnetic field affect a degenerate Fermi gas?

A magnetic field can influence the behavior of a degenerate Fermi gas in several ways. It can cause the gas to become polarized, meaning the spins of the fermions align in the same direction. It can also lead to the formation of energy levels within the gas, known as Landau levels, which can affect the transport properties of the gas.

3. What is the magnetic response of a degenerate Fermi gas?

The magnetic response of a degenerate Fermi gas refers to how the gas reacts to an external magnetic field. This can include changes in the energy levels, polarization, and transport properties of the gas. The magnetic response is closely related to the behavior of the fermions within the gas and can provide valuable insights into their interactions.

4. How is the magnetic response of a degenerate Fermi gas measured?

The magnetic response of a degenerate Fermi gas can be measured using various experimental techniques, such as nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) or electron spin resonance (ESR). These methods involve applying a magnetic field to the gas and observing the resulting changes in its properties, such as the energy levels or spin polarization.

5. What are some potential applications of studying the magnetic response of a degenerate Fermi gas?

Studying the magnetic response of a degenerate Fermi gas can provide valuable insights into the behavior of fermions at extremely low temperatures and in strong magnetic fields. This knowledge can have practical applications in fields such as condensed matter physics, materials science, and quantum computing. Additionally, understanding the magnetic response of degenerate Fermi gases can also help in developing new technologies for magnetic imaging and sensing.

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