Magnetic scalar potential for a toroidal ferromagnetic core

In summary, to solve this problem, you will need to use the magnetic scalar potential and compute the induced field using numerical methods or software.
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Fabio Riva

Homework Statement

Given a toroidal core, with known μr, minor radius R1, major radius R2, height h (the section is not a circle, but a rectangle (R2-R1)×h), placed in a magnetic field B0 with cylindrical axisymmetries (B0r=0, B0θ=0, B0z=B0), find the magnetic field resulting by the superposition of the initial magnetic field and the magnetic field generated by the magnetization of the core.
The toroidal core have the same axysimmetry than the field.

Homework Equations

To resolve this problem, I use the magnetic scalar potential:
H=-∇ψ → Δψ=∇*M → ρm=-∇*M
ψ=-1/(4π)*∫∇*M/r dV=-1/(4π)∫n*M/r dσ
where the first integral is taken on the volume and the second one on the surface, n is the vector normal to the surface and M is the magnetization of the toroidal core, ∇ is a vector.

The Attempt at a Solution

The problem is divided in two parts: the first is to compute the scalar potential ψ, the second one is to compute the induced field H, and using the superposition with B0 compute the resultant H0.
So, in the computation of ψ, I supposed that M is a vector parallel to z, with norm M.
To compute ψ I have to compute the distance between two point, one (for example P) in the space (outside the core or inside), with parameters (ρ, θ, z) and the other one, inside the core (for exampe Q) with parameters (ρ', θ', z')

The distance PQ is:

So, the potential is given by:

with 3 different spaces:

-for ρ>R2 or z>h/2
we have the integral over ρ' taken between R1 and R2, θ' between 0 and2π

-for R2>ρ>R1
the integral over ρ' taken between R1 and ρ, θ' between 0 and2π

-for ρ<R1
whe have ψ=0

Assuming that all these calculations are right, I have a big problem to compute the integral. In fact, knowing the potential ψ, is easy to derive it and find the induced H and after compute the global B, but to derive it I need an analytical solution of the integral. Any idea?
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To compute the integral, you can use numerical methods such as the trapezoidal rule or Simpson's rule. These methods approximate the integral by dividing it into smaller intervals and using the function values at each interval to calculate the area under the curve. These methods can provide a good approximation of the integral, especially for complex functions like the one in this problem. Alternatively, you could also use a computer program or software that can perform numerical integration for you.

FAQ: Magnetic scalar potential for a toroidal ferromagnetic core

What is a magnetic scalar potential?

A magnetic scalar potential is a mathematical representation of the magnetic field around a ferromagnetic material. It is a scalar quantity, meaning it has only magnitude and no direction.

What is a toroidal ferromagnetic core?

A toroidal ferromagnetic core is a type of ferromagnetic material that has a torus or donut shape. It is commonly used in transformers and other electrical devices to enhance the magnetic field.

Why is the magnetic scalar potential important for a toroidal ferromagnetic core?

The magnetic scalar potential is important for a toroidal ferromagnetic core because it helps us understand and calculate the magnetic field around the core. This is crucial for designing and optimizing devices that use these cores.

How is the magnetic scalar potential calculated for a toroidal ferromagnetic core?

The magnetic scalar potential for a toroidal ferromagnetic core can be calculated using Maxwell's equations and boundary conditions. It also depends on the material properties of the core, such as its permeability and geometry.

What are the practical applications of understanding the magnetic scalar potential for a toroidal ferromagnetic core?

Understanding the magnetic scalar potential for a toroidal ferromagnetic core has practical applications in the design and development of various electrical devices. These include transformers, inductors, and motors, which are essential components in many industries such as power generation, transportation, and manufacturing.
