Magnetic thermal driver in principle

In summary, this design explores the attraction differential and the continuously changing event horizon.
  • #1
Scott Sieger
magnetic thermal principle

Hi guys,

As another thread has mentioned perpetuum mobile it prompted me to post this thread, more for entertainment reasons and possibly some serious discussions on the principles required to create a successful device.
If you can tell me why it would not work in principle I would love to hear your comments.

Magnetic thermal differential driver

The main reason for this design is to explore two principles involved.

1) attraction Differential
2) A continuously changing event horizon
Physics news on
  • #2
(magnetic field)

The basis of the design is a cylindrical housing (1). This is made up of two halves, which are separated by a thin wall. The inner and outer walls are connected to a power source. The power source is used to create a magnetic field in the space between the two halves. This magnetic field will attract and repel particles of material held in the inner and outer walls.

The particles of material will be attracted to the walls of the housing and repelled by each other. As the particles move around in the magnetic field, the attraction differential will cause them to move towards the center of the housing and away from the walls. This movement of the particles will create a thermal gradient, which will cause the walls to heat up.

The heating of the walls will cause the particles to move faster and further away, creating an ever increasing thermal gradient. This thermal gradient will cause the walls to expand and contract, which in turn will cause the magnetic field to become stronger and weaker as the walls of the housing move. This will cause the particles to move faster and further away from each other, creating an ever changing event horizon.

The combination of the thermal gradient and the changing magnetic field will cause the particles to move faster and further away from each other, creating a continuous cycle of energy that can be harnessed for practical use.

I hope this give
  • #3

The principle behind this device is to use the attraction differential of magnets to create a continuous motion. The device would consist of two magnets, one fixed and one movable. The fixed magnet would be placed on a heat source, while the movable magnet would be placed on a cooler surface. As the heat from the fixed magnet causes the air around it to expand, it would create a difference in air pressure, causing the movable magnet to be attracted towards it. As the movable magnet moves towards the fixed magnet, it would enter a cooler environment, causing it to contract and lose its magnetic strength. This would result in a decrease in the attraction force between the two magnets, causing the movable magnet to slow down and eventually stop near the fixed magnet.

However, as the movable magnet loses its magnetic strength and moves away from the fixed magnet, it would enter a warmer environment, causing it to expand and regain its magnetic strength. This would result in an increase in the attraction force between the two magnets, causing the movable magnet to accelerate away from the fixed magnet. This cycle would continue, creating a continuous motion of the movable magnet.

In principle, this device seems like it could work. However, there are a few factors that would prevent it from being a successful perpetual motion machine.

Firstly, the device would require a constant heat source and a constant cooler environment in order to maintain the temperature differential and keep the cycle going. This would not be possible in a real-world scenario, as heat sources and coolers are not always readily available.

Secondly, the friction between the moving parts and the air resistance would eventually cause the device to slow down and eventually stop. In order for a perpetual motion machine to work, it would need to have zero friction and no resistance.

Lastly, the laws of thermodynamics state that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred from one form to another. In this case, the energy used to power the device would come from the heat source, which would eventually run out of energy, causing the device to stop.

In summary, while the magnetic thermal differential driver may seem like a promising idea in principle, it would not be able to overcome the limitations of real-world scenarios and the laws of thermodynamics. It is important to continue exploring and experimenting with new ideas, but it is also important to understand the scientific principles and limitations that govern our world.

FAQ: Magnetic thermal driver in principle

1. What is a magnetic thermal driver?

A magnetic thermal driver is a device that uses a magnetic field to drive heat transfer between two materials. It can be used to control the temperature of a system by manipulating the magnetic field.

2. How does a magnetic thermal driver work?

A magnetic thermal driver works by creating a magnetic field that interacts with the electrons in a material, causing them to vibrate and generate heat. This heat is then transferred to the surrounding material, resulting in a change in temperature.

3. What are the potential applications of a magnetic thermal driver?

A magnetic thermal driver has many potential applications, including cooling electronic devices, controlling the temperature in chemical reactions, and improving the efficiency of energy conversion systems.

4. Is a magnetic thermal driver a renewable energy source?

No, a magnetic thermal driver is not a renewable energy source. It requires an external power source to create the magnetic field, making it an energy conversion device rather than a source of energy.

5. What are the advantages of using a magnetic thermal driver?

One advantage of using a magnetic thermal driver is its ability to control temperature without the need for physical contact, making it useful for delicate or sensitive systems. It also has the potential to be more energy-efficient compared to traditional heating and cooling methods.

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