Magnetism, component values, and three dimensions

In summary, an expert summarizer of content finds that the net force on a particle with a charge of +6.5e-5 C and a velocity of 2.6e3 m/s is 0.0725 T at 39.4007° between the x and y axes. Additionally, the vector equation for the Lorentz force states that the magnitude of the force is perpendicular to both the field, B, and the velocity, v. If you use the right hand rule to determine the angle of the vector with the x-axis, it is found to be 129°.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A magnetic field has these components:

x: B = 0.056 T
y: B = 0.046 T

The particle has a charge of +6.5e-5 C, has a velocity of 2.6e3 m/s, and is moving along the z axis.


1: What's the magnitude of the net magnetic force on the particle?

2: What's the angle the net force makes with respect to the x axis?

Homework Equations

F = qvb(sinΘ)
Component addition of the x- and y- values.

The Attempt at a Solution

I have the answer to #1 by adding the x- and y- components and getting a resulting magnitude of 0.0725 T at 39.4007° between those axes. (0.01225 N)

On #2, I apparently incorrectly assumed that the net force was directed along the z-axis and is therefore 90° from the x-axis. Is the angle I found earlier (39.4007°) indeed the answer to this question? I'm unsure.
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  • #2
I think you got lucky with the correct magnitude because x^2 + y^2 = y^2 + x^2. I suspect the values you have for Fx and Fy and in fact reversed.

Use the Lorentz force equation in vector form (what do you know about the cross - or vector - product) to determine magnitudes and directions of each component.
  • #3
Gokul43201 said:
I think you got lucky with the correct magnitude because x^2 + y^2 = y^2 + x^2. I suspect the values you have for Fx and Fy and in fact reversed.

Use the Lorentz force equation in vector form (what do you know about the cross - or vector - product) to determine magnitudes and directions of each component.

The x- and y- magnitude components are correct; just double-checked them.

Not sure what you're getting at as far as a Lorentz equation; that's new to me.
  • #4
Okay, so did you use [itex]F_x = -qv_zB_y[/itex] and [itex]F_y = qv_zB_x[/itex]?

This is simply the scalar breakup of the vector equation [itex]\vec{F} = q (\vec{v} \times \vec{B}) [/itex]. Have you seen this equation in this form? Have you dealt with cross products yet?
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  • #5
Gokul43201 said:
Okay, so did you use [itex]F_x = qv_yB_z[/itex] and [itex]F_y = -qv_xB_z[/itex]?

This is simply the scalar breakup of the vector equation [itex]\vec{F} = q (\vec{v} \times \vec{B}) [/itex]. Have you seen this equation in this form? Have you dealt with cross products yet?

Whoa, for the first part? No, I did it the good ol' fashioned way, with [itex]|B| = \sqrt{0.056^2 + 0.046^2}[/itex].

And yeah, that does look familiar, albeit in already-crossed [itex]F_B = qvBsin\theta[/itex] form. I think I'm having a bit of a hard time with the angle bit, since I have an angle from the x- and y- components and am not exactly sure what to do with the rest of what's here.
  • #6
Okay, in that case, all you need to remember is that the force, F is always perpendicular to both the field, B, and the velocity v. So, it must be one of the 2 normals to B in the x-y plane. Which one, is determined by the right hand rule.
  • #7
Gokul43201 said:
Okay, in that case, all you need to remember is that the force, F is always perpendicular to both the field, B, and the velocity v. So, it must be one of the 2 normals to B in the x-y plane. Which one, is determined by the right hand rule.

If I do what I think is the RHR for this question (with my thumb pointing upwards, towards the ceiling, for the particle moving along the z-axis, and my fingers extending in the direction of the x-y plane magnetic field at 39.4007° to the right), and if the force is in the direction indicated by my palm, it feels like that would put it at 129° to x. Am I going about this correctly?
  • #8
Looks good.
  • #9
Gokul43201 said:
Looks good.

I thought so too - but it was incorrect and my last submission on that question. Key won't be available until tomorrow am.

Wonder where I went wrong...
  • #10
[tex]\displaystyle \vec{B} = (56\,\mathrm{mT})\hat{\i} + (46\,\mathrm{mT})\hat{\j}[/tex]

[tex]\displaystyle \vec{v} = (2.6\,\mathrm{km/s})\hat{k}[/tex]

When you have components, it is often wasier to calculate the cross product by finding the determinant of the matrix:

[tex]\displaystyle \vec{v}\times\vec{B} =
\hat{\i} & \hat{\j} & \hat{k}\\
0 & 0 & 2600\\
0.056 & 0.046 & 0
\end{array} = (-119.6)\hat{\i} + (145.6)\hat{\j}

Now you multiply this by q and you have the force:

[tex]\displaystyle \vec{F} = (-q \cdot 119.6)\hat{\i} + (q\cdot 145.6)\hat{\j}

The magnitude of a vector [tex]\vec{F} = a\hat{\i} + b\hat{\j}[/tex] is, as you know, [tex]||F|| = \sqrt{a^2 + b^2}[/tex] and the angle of the vector with the x-axis is [tex]\theta = \arctan{\frac b a}[/tex].
  • #11
Matthaeus_ said:
[tex]\displaystyle \vec{B} = (56\,\mathrm{mT})\hat{\i} + (46\,\mathrm{mT})\hat{\j}[/tex]

[tex]\displaystyle \vec{v} = (2.6\,\mathrm{km/s})\hat{k}[/tex]

When you have components, it is often wasier to calculate the cross product by finding the determinant of the matrix:

[tex]\displaystyle \vec{v}\times\vec{B} =
\hat{\i} & \hat{\j} & \hat{k}\\
0 & 0 & 2600\\
0.056 & 0.046 & 0
\end{array} = (-119.6)\hat{\i} + (145.6)\hat{\j}

Now you multiply this by q and you have the force:

[tex]\displaystyle \vec{F} = (-q \cdot 119.6)\hat{\i} + (q\cdot 145.6)\hat{\j}

The magnitude of a vector [tex]\vec{F} = a\hat{\i} + b\hat{\j}[/tex] is, as you know, [tex]||F|| = \sqrt{a^2 + b^2}[/tex] and the angle of the vector with the x-axis is [tex]\theta = \arctan{\frac b a}[/tex].

Thanks for the explanation. :smile:

FAQ: Magnetism, component values, and three dimensions

1. What is magnetism and how does it work?

Magnetism is a fundamental force of nature that is responsible for the attraction or repulsion of objects. It is caused by the movement of electric charges, such as the electrons in atoms. The force of magnetism is strongest at the poles of a magnet, and opposite poles (north and south) attract each other while like poles repel.

2. How do you calculate the components of a magnetic field?

The components of a magnetic field can be calculated using vector addition. The magnitude and direction of the magnetic field at a point is determined by the sum of the contributions from all the magnetic fields produced by individual sources at that point.

3. What are the different types of magnets?

The three main types of magnets are permanent, temporary, and electromagnets. Permanent magnets are made of ferromagnetic materials and retain their magnetism even when not in a magnetic field. Temporary magnets are made of materials that can be easily magnetized, such as iron, but lose their magnetism once the magnetic field is removed. Electromagnets are made by passing an electric current through a wire coil and can be turned on and off.

4. How do you determine the values of components in a circuit?

The values of components in a circuit, such as resistors, capacitors, and inductors, can be determined by using Ohm's Law, which states that the current through a conductor between two points is directly proportional to the voltage across the two points. Other factors to consider when determining component values include the desired circuit function, power ratings, and cost.

5. How do three dimensions affect the behavior of magnetic fields?

In three dimensions, magnetic fields can exist in different orientations and directions. This affects the strength and direction of the magnetic field at any given point. Additionally, the shape and size of objects can also impact the behavior of magnetic fields. For example, the shape of a magnet can affect the strength of its magnetic field, and the presence of other objects can alter the direction of the magnetic field lines.
