Magnetization inside a diamagnetic material antiparallel to ##B_{ext}##

In summary, when a diamagnetic material is placed in a magnetic field, it becomes magnetized due to the alignment of tiny dipoles in the direction of the external field. This alignment is a result of Lenz's law, where the motion of electrons in orbit forms current loops that produce an opposite magnetic field. The magnetic field from the external field changes the velocity of electrons, causing a change in the dipole moment.
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TL;DR Summary
Why is the magnetization inside a diamagnetic material antiparallel to the external field
Let's say I have a constant magnetic field and I dive into it a diamagnetic material. Griffiths says that in the presence of a magnetic field, matter becomes magnetized and it will be found to contain many tiny dipoles with a net alignment along some direction.

However, what's exactly the link between the alignment of those dipole and the way that the external magnetic field induces a current to the atoms which produces a magnetic field in the opposite direction (Lenz's law).

How exactly the magnetic field aligns those dipoles and what exactly are the loops of those dipoles, are they the "path" of electrons?

I think those 2 questions is what I'm missing to fully understand the link between the 2 statements if there is a link.

Thank you
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  • #2
Diamagnetic materials have negative susceptibility and all the electrons in those materials are usually paired.
As you said, the opposite alignment is because of Lenz law of electromagnetic induction. The motion of electrons in orbit forms a current loop, and this loop will be oppositely aligned because of the external magnetic field. Thus this induced magnetic field (due to electron loops/motion) repels external magnetic field-Levitation. Moreover, external magnetic field alters the velocity of electrons, thereby changing the magnetic dipole moment.

FAQ: Magnetization inside a diamagnetic material antiparallel to ##B_{ext}##

1. What is diamagnetism?

Diamagnetism is a property of certain materials where they exhibit a weak repulsion to an external magnetic field. This is due to the alignment of electron orbits within the material, which creates a small opposing magnetic field.

2. How does diamagnetism differ from other types of magnetism?

Diamagnetism is the weakest type of magnetism and is only present in certain materials. It differs from other types of magnetism, such as ferromagnetism and paramagnetism, in that it does not involve the alignment of magnetic domains or the presence of unpaired electrons.

3. What does it mean for the magnetization inside a diamagnetic material to be antiparallel to the external magnetic field?

This means that the magnetic moments of the atoms within the material are aligned in the opposite direction to the external magnetic field. This results in a weak repulsion between the material and the external field.

4. How does the strength of the external magnetic field affect the magnetization inside a diamagnetic material?

The strength of the external magnetic field has a direct impact on the strength of the diamagnetic effect. The stronger the external field, the stronger the repulsion and the greater the magnetization inside the material.

5. Can a diamagnetic material be magnetized?

No, a diamagnetic material cannot be magnetized in the traditional sense. This is because the weak repulsion to an external magnetic field is a temporary effect and disappears when the external field is removed. However, some diamagnetic materials can be magnetized by using a much stronger external field, but this effect is also temporary.
