Magnets and coils configuration for electricity generation

In summary, the coils have a diameter of 10 cm, there are 100 coils in that solenoid, the magnets moved with a speed of 5 m/s, the magnet has a value of 0.334 T on its North face, there is a 1cm wide gap between the magnet and the coil, and the coils are in the middle with the magnets on the outer side. If the configuration was being used with the intention to convert mechanical to electrical energy, then the flux density is not constant everywhere, so different part of the coils will have different induced emf. Hobbyists are finding the new washing machine motors handy, some modify automotive alternators, and train their search engine to understand the article.
  • #1
Hons K Wyn
My dad is working on a project where he intends to convert mechanical into electrical energy, and he was wondering if a particular magnet and coil configuration works for electricity generation. And if it does, how are the voltage and current calculated.

Lets say:
  • The coils have a diameter of 10 cm
  • There are 100 coils in that solenoid
  • The magnets moved with a speed of 5 m/s
  • The magnet has a value of 0.334 T on its North face
  • There is a 1cm wide gap between the magnet and the coil

I created a little gif and attached it to this thread to illustrate the configuration that he was achieving. The coil is stationary, while the magnet moves across its surface.

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  • #2
Hons K Wyn said:
There is a 1cm wide gap between the magnet and the coil
Welcome to the PF.

You need to minimize the gap width to maximize the power transfer... :smile:
  • #3
First, i have no idea what you're describing.
Hons K Wyn said:
  • The coils have a diameter of 10 cm
  • There are 100 coils in that solenoid
  • The magnets moved with a speed of 5 m/s
  • The magnet has a value of 0.334 T on its North face
  • There is a 1cm wide gap between the magnet and the coil

You'll learn a lot studying how it's done in real products.
Take apart a lawnmower engine and study the charging coils

voltage is in proportion to rate of change of magnetic flux.
Magnitude of flux is proportional to magnet strength and inversely proportional to air gap
observe that practical small generators have an air gap much smaller than 1 cm,
without an iron core in the coil to maximize magnetic flux you won't get much voltage

old jim
  • #4
Thank you for you reply Jim,

Sorry for being vague, I was just giving any related information that my dad's giving me.

I see that most configurations in motors and generators have the coils in the middle and the magnets on the outer side (as shown in the lawnmower engine above). May I ask your opinion on this particular configuration (GIF below) if it was being use with the intention to convert mechanical to electrical energy? From what I've read, wind turbines uses a similar configuration?


If the GIF is too vague, the orange are the solenoids. The red/blue represents the N/S of the magnets (attached to a rotor).

Also, thank you for your info on the iron core.
  • #5
Yes, there are many "youtubes" showing homebuilt alternators with that arrangement.

You will learn that magnetic flux travels in a closed loop just as does electric current
and it much prefers to travel in iron
that's why you minimize the fraction of the magnetic path that is air.
You'll want to get your head around magnetic basics, start with what are the units, look them up
Flux = Weber, you might also look up the old cgs unit "Line" or "Maxwell"
Flux Density = Tesla, look up also old cgs unit Gauss

then it's a lor easier to grasp the formulas
  • #6
Hi Jim,

I've been reading up on my physics, and watching the DIY wind turbines. My physics is just first year university level, and even then, I've forgotten a lot of my physics.

I'm able to make calculations for simple situations (e.g. where magnetic fields are assumed constant everywhere, where resistance is assumed to be zero, where there is no iron core) but I think it's much more complicated in this situation? Flux density is not constant everywhere, so I think different part of the coils will have different induced emf?

Do you know how energy production can be estimated? Or do you know an article/journal that can help in this situation?

Thanks Jim,
  • #7
Hons K Wyn said:
Do you know how energy production can be estimated? Or do you know an article/journal that can help in this situation?
not really, i don't.
I never looked very hard at making a homebuilt-from-scratch axial flux machine because i'd use parts from an automobile or outboard motor instead.

Hobbyists are finding the new washing machine motors handy

some modify automotive alternators

Voltage per turn is rate of change of flux inside the area encircled .
If you're alternating between ±0.334T , how many Webers (Teslas X square meters) is that and how many times per second does it happen?
Load current will make a mmf that opposes your permanent magnet, so #turns is a tradeoff between magnitude of voltage and 'stoutness' of voltage under load.
You'll have to know how much air is in the magnetic path to calculate much of anything.

Train your search engine... Keep searching on keywords in the articles you find and it will adjust itself to your interests..

FAQ: Magnets and coils configuration for electricity generation

1. How do magnets and coils work together to generate electricity?

Magnets and coils work together through the principle of electromagnetic induction. When a magnet is moved near a coil of wire, it creates a changing magnetic field which induces an electric current in the wire. This current can then be harnessed as electricity.

2. What is the most efficient configuration for magnets and coils in electricity generation?

The most efficient configuration for magnets and coils in electricity generation is a circular arrangement, with the magnets placed around the circumference of the coil. This allows for maximum interaction between the magnetic field and the coil, resulting in a stronger and more consistent current.

3. Can different types of magnets be used for electricity generation?

Yes, different types of magnets can be used for electricity generation, including permanent magnets and electromagnets. Permanent magnets are made of naturally magnetic materials, while electromagnets use electricity to create a magnetic field.

4. How does the number of coils affect the electricity generated?

The number of coils in a configuration can affect the amount of electricity generated. Generally, the more coils that are present, the stronger the induced current will be. However, this also depends on the strength and movement of the magnets.

5. Can the direction of the movement of the magnets affect the electricity generated?

Yes, the direction of the movement of the magnets can affect the electricity generated. Moving the magnets in a back and forth motion will result in a stronger current compared to just moving them in one direction. This is because the changing magnetic field induces a stronger current in the wire.

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