Magnitude and direction of resultant

In summary, the question involves finding the resultant displacement of a car that travels 20 km due north and 35 km in a direction 60 degrees west of north. Using the component method, the correct answer can be found by calculating the components for each vector and using the Pythagorean theorem to find the magnitude of the resultant displacement. The correct magnitude is approximately 53 km and the direction is 109.3 degrees.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A car travels 20 km due north and then 35 km in a direction 60 degree west of north. Find the magnitude and direction of the car's resultant displacement.

Homework Equations

R = sqrt(A^2 + B^2)
Ax = cosA, Ay = sinA
tan = y/x

The Attempt at a Solution

This question was introduced and solved in the textbook before the author introduced Components of a Vector and Unit Vectors (i, j, z; Ax, Ay, Az).

I came back to this question as an attempt. The author used law of cosines in his deomonstration, as well as sin beta to solve the angle (direction).
He gave R = 48.2km at 38.9

I tried this problem with component method.
I drew a picture and I started the problem by listing components:

let the north 20km = A, 35km = B and their resultant = R

Ax = 0 (by all means, cos90 * 20 gives zero anyway)
Ay = sin90 * 20 = 20
Bx = cos60 * 35 = 17.5
By = sin60 * 35 = 30.3

** --> = vector
--> R = (Ax + Bx)i + (Ay + By)j
--> R x = Ax + Bx (17.5)
--> Ry = Ay + By (50.3) and
--> R = sqrt (Rx^2 + Ry^2)

In the end, R I got ~ 53 km, and for the degree, I got tan (Ry/Rx) = 70.7, but since the picture shows the direction is beyond 90, I say 180 - 70.7 = 109.3

Where did I do wrong?

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  • #2
jwxie said:

Homework Statement

A car travels 20 km due north and then 35 km in a direction 60 degree west of north. Find the magnitude and direction of the car's resultant displacement.

Homework Equations

R = sqrt(A^2 + B^2)
Ax = cosA, Ay = sinA
tan = y/x

The Attempt at a Solution

This question was introduced and solved in the textbook before the author introduced Components of a Vector and Unit Vectors (i, j, z; Ax, Ay, Az).

I came back to this question as an attempt. The author used law of cosines in his deomonstration, as well as sin beta to solve the angle (direction).
He gave R = 48.2km at 38.9

I tried this problem with component method.
I drew a picture and I started the problem by listing components:

let the north 20km = A, 35km = B and their resultant = R

Ax = 0 (by all means, cos90 * 20 gives zero anyway)
Ay = sin90 * 20 = 20
Bx = cos60 * 35 = 17.5
By = sin60 * 35 = 30.3

** --> = vector
--> R = (Ax + Bx)i + (Ay + By)j
--> R x = Ax + Bx (17.5)
--> Ry = Ay + By (50.3) and
--> R = sqrt (Rx^2 + Ry^2)

In the end, R I got ~ 53 km, and for the degree, I got tan (Ry/Rx) = 70.7, but since the picture shows the direction is beyond 90, I say 180 - 70.7 = 109.3

Where did I do wrong?


I think your components for your B vector are wrong. Your Bx component should be 35sin60, not 35cos60. Likewise, your By component should be 35cos60 instead of 35sin60. Draw it out carefully and re-check your trig.
  • #3

Your approach using component method is correct. However, there are a few errors in your calculations.

Firstly, the magnitude of the resultant should be R = sqrt (Rx^2 + Ry^2) = sqrt ((17.5)^2 + (50.3)^2) = 53.7 km. This is slightly different from the value you obtained.

Secondly, to find the direction of the resultant, you need to use the inverse tangent function (arctan) to find the angle, not just the tangent function. So it should be tan^-1(Ry/Rx) = tan^-1(50.3/17.5) = 70.8 degrees.

Lastly, to find the direction of the resultant, you need to add the angle of the second vector (35 km in a direction 60 degrees west of north) to the angle you just calculated (70.8 degrees). So the final angle would be 70.8 degrees + 60 degrees = 130.8 degrees.

Therefore, the magnitude and direction of the car's resultant displacement would be 53.7 km at 130.8 degrees west of north.

I hope this helps clarify your doubts. Keep up the good work!

Related to Magnitude and direction of resultant

1. What is the magnitude of a resultant vector?

The magnitude of a resultant vector is the length of the vector. It is calculated using the Pythagorean theorem, which states that the magnitude is equal to the square root of the sum of the squares of the horizontal and vertical components of the vector.

2. How is the direction of a resultant vector determined?

The direction of a resultant vector is determined using trigonometry. The angle of the vector can be found by taking the inverse tangent of the vertical component divided by the horizontal component.

3. Can the magnitude of a resultant vector be negative?

No, the magnitude of a resultant vector cannot be negative. Magnitude is a measure of distance and therefore must always be positive. However, the direction of a resultant vector can be negative if it is pointing in the opposite direction of a chosen reference point.

4. How are multiple vectors added to find the resultant vector?

To find the resultant vector of multiple vectors, you must first break each vector into its horizontal and vertical components. Then, add all the horizontal components together and all the vertical components together. Finally, use the Pythagorean theorem and trigonometry to find the magnitude and direction of the resultant vector.

5. What is the difference between a scalar and vector quantity?

A scalar quantity has only magnitude, while a vector quantity has both magnitude and direction. Examples of scalar quantities include time, temperature, and mass, while examples of vector quantities include displacement, velocity, and force.

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