Magnus effect: Why smooth cylinders?

In summary: However, if you're looking at something like a golf ball, which typically has a fairly streamlined shape, then the drag from the turbulent boundary layer will be larger than the drag from the laminar boundary layer.
  • #1

All technical implementations of the Magnus effect I can find on Google (such as ships) seem to use fairly smooth cylinders. Why? Shouldn't the efficiency increase with increasing friction between cylinder and fluid, for example with a rough surface or even attaching blades?
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  • #2
Here's some info on Baseball physics, click through the pages to see air drag and magnus force.

baseball physics:

air drag:

Magnus force:

various baseball pitches are described as well as their spin orientation with a knuckle ball having no spin.

The baseball stitching introduces drag which decreases with faster speed which then allows the magnus effect to show up.
  • #3
The idea is that, without incurring much in the way of a drag penalty, you can induce a lift force due to the Magnus effect by spinning the object. Due to viscosity, the fluid is going to stick to the surface (velocity of zero relative to the surface) anyway, so roughness isn't going to buy you much. On the other hand, adding too much roughness counteracts the "small drag" benefit without really changing the Magnus force itself.
  • #4
boneh3ad said:
On the other hand, adding too much roughness counteracts the "small drag" benefit without really changing the Magnus force itself.
In the case of table tennis balls, a rougher surface reduces both drag and Magnus effect. I don't know if this is something specific about the size, weight, relatively low density (the balls are hollow), ... , of table tennis balls. I assume the reduction in drag due to roughness is similar to using roughness and/or tubulators on gilder wings to reduce drag (reduce profile drag related to separation bubble, at the cost of some friction drag). Don't the dimples in golf balls have the same effect (reduced drag, reduced Magnus effect)?
  • #5
greypilgrim said:
Shouldn't the efficiency increase with increasing friction between cylinder and fluid, for example with a rough surface or even attaching blades?
Any useful measure of efficiency in this case has to account for the energy that you use to spin the cylinders. What happens with that when you attach blades to the cylinders?
  • #6
rcgldr said:
In the case of table tennis balls, a rougher surface reduces both drag and Magnus effect. I don't know if this is something specific about the size, weight, relatively low density (the balls are hollow), ... , of table tennis balls. I assume the reduction in drag due to roughness is similar to using roughness and/or tubulators on gilder wings to reduce drag (reduce profile drag related to separation bubble, at the cost of some friction drag). Don't the dimples in golf balls have the same effect (reduced drag, reduced Magnus effect)?

If this is the case, it is likely that the table tennis balls are small enough and traveling at a low enough velocity that they have a laminar boundary layer (if they have a smooth surface). Usually, this would be a good thing, as laminar boundary layers have less drag caused by fluid shear than turbulent boundary layers do. However, they also are more prone to flow separation, which means that the separation bubble behind the sphere is larger. Turbulent boundary layers delay separation, so for an object with a fairly non-streamlined shape, the reduction in drag due to the smaller separation bubble is usually much larger than the increase in drag caused by the turbulent boundary layer. This is also the reason a dimpled golf ball flies farther.

For something the scale of the cylinders used on ships, I'd expect the boundary layer to be turbulent anyways, so smoother will likely have less drag.

Related to Magnus effect: Why smooth cylinders?

1. Why do smooth cylinders experience the Magnus effect?

The Magnus effect is a phenomenon that occurs when a spinning object, such as a smooth cylinder, experiences a force perpendicular to its direction of motion. This is due to the difference in air pressure on opposite sides of the object, caused by the rotation of the cylinder. As air flows around the cylinder, it creates a lower pressure zone on one side and a higher pressure zone on the other, resulting in a net force perpendicular to the object's motion.

2. How does the smoothness of the cylinder affect the Magnus effect?

The smoothness of the cylinder's surface plays a significant role in the Magnus effect. A smooth surface allows for laminar flow of air around the cylinder, meaning the air particles move in parallel layers with minimal disruption. This results in a more predictable and consistent airflow, leading to a stronger Magnus effect. In contrast, a rough surface can cause turbulent flow, which can diminish the effect.

3. Can the Magnus effect be observed with non-cylindrical objects?

Yes, the Magnus effect can be observed with non-cylindrical objects as long as they are spinning and have a smooth surface. Examples include spinning spheres, discs, and even frisbees. In fact, the Magnus effect is a crucial factor in the flight of a frisbee, allowing it to curve and change direction mid-flight.

4. How is the Magnus effect used in real-world applications?

The Magnus effect has several practical applications, including in sports equipment such as golf balls and tennis rackets, which are designed to take advantage of the effect to improve their performance. It is also used in wind turbines, where the rotation of the blades creates a pressure difference that generates electricity. Additionally, the Magnus effect is utilized in some types of missiles and rockets to control their trajectory.

5. Are there any limitations to the Magnus effect?

While the Magnus effect can be beneficial in certain situations, it also has its limitations. For example, it only works when the object is spinning at a high enough rate and when there is a difference in air pressure on opposite sides. If the object is not spinning fast enough or if the air pressure is relatively equal, the Magnus effect will not occur. Additionally, the effect may be affected by external factors such as wind or atmospheric conditions.

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