Maintaining a temperature of 70 degrees in a metal powder

In summary, the conversation discusses the need for maintaining a temperature of 70 C in a magnetic powder compressed in a stainless steel mold for 2 hours before cooling rapidly. Suggestions are made to use an electric oven, boiling alcohol, or RF radiation to heat the mold. The idea of using SHF Infrared to heat the mold to 250C is also mentioned, along with a question about the type of lamp needed to emit IR of frequency between 3-30 GHz.
  • #1
I am making a bonded magnet and have the need to maintain a temperature of around 70 C in a magnetic powder compressed in a stainless steel mold for a period of about 2 hours, before cooling rapidly to room temperature. i was thinking about using some sort of infra red heating, but would like to see if you all could make some simpler suggestions.
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  • #2
How about your oven? Or maybe even a toaster-oven if your rig is small enough.
  • #3
i can't fit it into an oven, it has to be out in the open.
  • #4
Just boil something with that boiling point or close to it. Somehow alcohol comes to mind but it's 78'C.

An electric oven can be used to heat another chamber, a bigger one. use a thermocouple to get the temp right.
  • #5
I don't really know anything about this stuff, but can you use RF radiation to heat the mould directly?
  • #6
ok i did some more reading and now find that if i can heat it to about 250C using SHF Infrared, i would not have to then hold that tempeature at all. what kind of lamp can i buy to emit IR of frequency between 3-30 GHz?

Related to Maintaining a temperature of 70 degrees in a metal powder

1. How can I maintain a temperature of 70 degrees in a metal powder?

There are several methods for maintaining a temperature of 70 degrees in a metal powder. One way is to use a heating source, such as a furnace or heating plate, to continuously heat the powder to the desired temperature. Another method is to use a temperature-controlled environment, such as a temperature-controlled room, to keep the powder at a constant temperature. Additionally, you can also use insulating materials or blankets to trap heat and maintain the temperature.

2. Why is it important to maintain a temperature of 70 degrees in a metal powder?

Maintaining a specific temperature in a metal powder is important for several reasons. For one, it can help ensure consistency and accuracy in experiments or manufacturing processes that require precise temperatures. It can also prevent the metal powder from oxidizing or experiencing other chemical reactions that could alter its properties. In some cases, maintaining a certain temperature may also be necessary for safety reasons.

3. What factors can affect the temperature of a metal powder?

Several factors can affect the temperature of a metal powder, including the type of metal, its particle size and shape, the ambient temperature, and the method of heating or cooling. Other factors, such as air flow and humidity, can also impact the temperature. It is important to consider all these factors when trying to maintain a specific temperature in a metal powder.

4. Can I use a temperature controller to maintain a temperature of 70 degrees in a metal powder?

Yes, a temperature controller can be a useful tool for maintaining a specific temperature in a metal powder. These devices use sensors to measure the temperature and adjust the heating or cooling source accordingly. However, it is important to calibrate the temperature controller and ensure that it is properly set to maintain the desired temperature.

5. How can I prevent fluctuations in the temperature of a metal powder?

To prevent fluctuations in the temperature of a metal powder, it is essential to use a reliable and accurate heating or cooling source. It is also important to insulate the powder and minimize any external factors that could affect the temperature. Regularly monitoring the temperature and making adjustments as needed can also help prevent fluctuations. Additionally, using a temperature controller and following proper handling and storage procedures can also help maintain a consistent temperature in the metal powder.
