Maintaining Orbit of Two Planets Around Sun: Is it Possible?

In summary, the barycenter of two planets is the center of a wheel and that the planets revolve around the edges of the tire. The center of the tire (barycenter) is in orbit around sun, as if the wheel is rolling around in its orbit. My question is, is this possible? Of course every time one planet would swing closer to the sun it would be pulled farther out of orbit, but would another large planetary object (perhaps in an outer ring) counter-balance the sun`s gravity? What possible positioning of these planets might help them maintain their orbit`s integrity? Thanks.
  • #1
for ease of explanation, imagine that the barycenter of two planets is the center of a wheel and that the planets revolve around the edges of the tire. the center of the tire (barycenter) is in orbit around sun, as if the wheel is rolling around in its orbit. my question is, is this possible? of course every time one planet would swing closer to the sun it would be pulled farther out of orbit, but would another large planetary object (perhaps in an outer ring) counter-balance the sun`s gravity? what possible positioning of these planets might help them maintain their orbit`s integrity? thanks
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  • #2


Isn't your 'two planet' system equivalent to the Earth-Moon system?

  • #3

Or at least Pluto-Charon. (Pluto is still a planet in my book!)
  • #4

not exactly earth/moon, definitely more pluto/charon, but actually more something like this:

1 = first twin planet
2 = second twin planet
b = barycenter of the twin planets
(the badly typed hexagon [the wagon wheel i was describing] that the planets rest on is their orbit)

........._____ 1____...........
-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-/->-->-b-->-->-\->-->-->-->(orbit around the sun)-->

it might have been helpful to mention that the planets would be relatively similar in size. so yea, could this be made possible? or would the sun's gravity pull the planets' out of orbit. and if so, perhaps a balancing body opposite the sun?
  • #5

Isn't this pretty much describing Pluto and Charon? (As Vanadium 50 had said.) Even if people don't consider Pluto a plant, it's still the same thing as what you're talking about. Charon is only just over half Pluto's size (by size I assume you do mean diameter, not mass), but if it works for this pair, I'm sure it could for your described situation.
  • #6

ahhhh roight. i guess i could have looked a little further into it before resorting to a forum. thank you!
  • #7

Vanadium 50 said:
Or at least Pluto-Charon. (Pluto is still a planet in my book!)

Hehehe... there is a show on NPR called "Says You!" in which one of the bluffing words was "Scruto". In fact it's a trapdoor made of whale bone, but in the midst of flailing for an answer, one of the panelists said, "It's what happened to Pluto".

If Titan is a moon, Pluto is a planet... what is the deal with people getting so antsy over naming conventions anyway? This, in a field where symbolic overload is de rigueur.

FAQ: Maintaining Orbit of Two Planets Around Sun: Is it Possible?

1. Can two planets orbit around the sun at the same time?

Yes, it is possible for two planets to orbit around the sun simultaneously. In fact, our solar system has multiple planets in orbit around the sun.

2. What factors determine if two planets can maintain a stable orbit around the sun?

The stability of a planet's orbit around the sun is determined by its mass, distance from the sun, and the gravitational pull of other nearby planets. If these factors are balanced, then the orbit can be maintained.

3. Is it possible for two planets to have the same orbit around the sun?

No, it is not possible for two planets to have the exact same orbit around the sun. Each planet has its own unique characteristics that affect its orbit, such as size, composition, and distance from the sun.

4. How do scientists calculate and predict the orbit of two planets around the sun?

Scientists use mathematical equations and computer simulations to calculate and predict the orbit of two planets around the sun. These calculations take into account the planets' masses, distances, and gravitational forces to determine their paths around the sun.

5. Can the orbit of two planets around the sun change over time?

Yes, the orbit of two planets around the sun can change over time due to various factors such as gravitational interactions with other objects, collisions, and changes in the planets' masses. However, these changes are often gradual and do not significantly affect the overall stability of the orbit.
