Major GPA vs cumulative GPA for grad school

In summary: In which case, focusing on a different major might be a better option.But again, that's a question for a different OP.
  • #1
I want to apply to graduate school for physics but I'm worried that my cumulative GPA might be too low. My GPA within the physics major is 4.0, but my cumulative GPA is 3.1. I started college in electrical engineering but wasn't happy in the major, and my grades were not very good. I have another year in college along with summer courses so I definitely have the time to improve that a little but I'm worried the damage may have been done.

Would poor grades in engineering courses significantly hurt my chances of acceptance into a physics graduate program? Even if it was 2 years ago?
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  • #2
jack476 said:
Would poor grades in engineering courses significantly hurt my chances of acceptance into a physics graduate program?

Yes. But so what? How do you propose to change that now?
  • #3
Vanadium 50 said:
Yes. But so what? How do you propose to change that now?

I've never understood why you ask this to every OP who asks this question. If their chances are hurt by their GPA, they could:
  • apply to lesser-ranked graduate schools
  • look into retaking some courses
  • explain reasons for shortcoming in their applications (some schools have a section in the app for this)
  • ask graduate schools if they look at the major GPA or cumulative
They still have one more year in college, it is important that they know to what extent their GPA hurts their chances so that they can adjust their application accordingly, hence asking the question. So there is a "so what?", contrary to your belief.
  • #4
Vanadium 50 said:
Yes. But so what? How do you propose to change that now?
Wait, my GPA outside of physics affects my chances of acceptance into a physics grad school? Man, I better start taking my non-physics courses more seriously then.

Do they really care about how I did in my gen eds?
  • #5
Dishsoap said:
I've never understood why you ask this to every OP who asks this question. If their chances are hurt by their GPA, they could:
  • look into retaking some courses
I'm thinking about it, the only hang-up is that the problem classes were all freshman-level. Retaking calculus 2, intro VHDL, and intro circuits would replace 10 credit hours in which I earned C's with A's, but the question is really one of relevance. It could bring my GPA from 3.1 to 3.3 or 3.4 (I haven't calculated exactly), but if I've earned A's in everything that depends on those classes, does it really matter? Like with calculus 2, I might have earned a C in that, but since then I've aced calculus 3, complex variables, linear algebra, differential equations, introductory real analysis, and advanced calculus, so I'm just at a loss as to how much it matters that I didn't master integration by parts the first time around.

I don't mind doing that if it would help, I'm just wondering if it's worth it. The original grades from the retaken courses would be removed from my GPA calculation but they would still be listed on my final transcript as an 'X'. I understand that acceptance committees often filter applications by GPA so I can see the usefulness of pumping up my cumulative GPA, but the problem is that those 10 credits of retakes would be 10 credits that I could also use for advanced physics electives.

So to answer Vanadium's question, my proposal would be first to retake some of the classes in which my grades were poor. The question I have about this proposal, however, is that since the courses that are weighing down my GPA are all low-level and not physics courses, is retaking those courses a better use of those 10 credit hours when it comes to graduate school acceptance than using those credit hours to take advanced physics electives?
  • #6
Dishsoap said:
I've never understood why you ask this to every OP who asks this question.

I ask that because changing the past is extraordinarily difficult. Focusing on the past is not helpful. Most of the advice about the future is the same irrespective of the past. Of course you want to do well on the GRE. Of course you want to ensure that you are well prepared for the classes you'll be taking. And so on. Now, if someone has a specific question - like "Given that the past was X, is it better to do A or B?" then they can ask that and get specific advice. But doesn't that answer the "So what?" question?
  • #7
Amrator said:
Wait, my GPA outside of physics affects my chances of acceptance into a physics grad school? Man, I better start taking my non-physics courses more seriously then.

Do they really care about how I did in my gen eds?

I imagine if you did THAT poorly (as in OP's case) then it's an example that you only do well in courses you're interested in, which doesn't bode well for doing well in graduate school. But that's only a guess.
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  • #8
It really depends on how strong the rest of your application is. They are much more forgiving with regards to GPA in grad school admissions if you have outstanding research experience and letters, especially if the bad grades occurred early on. However, they are obviously going to look at your transcript and having a lot of low grades will probably be a turn off.

How many physics courses have you taken?

FAQ: Major GPA vs cumulative GPA for grad school

What is the difference between major GPA and cumulative GPA?

Major GPA refers to the average of grades received in courses related to a student's major field of study. Cumulative GPA, on the other hand, includes grades from all courses taken by a student, regardless of the subject.

Which GPA is more important for grad school admissions?

This depends on the specific program and institution. Some grad schools may place more emphasis on major GPA, while others may consider cumulative GPA to be more important. It is best to research the requirements of the programs you are interested in to determine which GPA is most relevant.

Can a low cumulative GPA be offset by a high major GPA?

Yes, a high major GPA can help to balance out a low cumulative GPA. This is especially true if the low cumulative GPA is due to a student's performance in non-major courses. However, it is important to note that both GPAs will likely be taken into consideration by grad school admissions committees.

Why do grad schools look at both major GPA and cumulative GPA?

Grad schools want to get a comprehensive understanding of a student's academic performance. Looking at both major GPA and cumulative GPA allows them to see how a student has performed in their chosen field of study as well as their overall academic performance.

Is it possible to improve a low GPA for grad school?

Yes, it is possible to improve a low GPA for grad school. This can be done by retaking courses to improve grades, taking on additional coursework to raise the overall GPA, or explaining any extenuating circumstances that may have affected academic performance. It is important to consult with a academic advisor to create a plan for GPA improvement.

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