Majorana Mass Plot: Normal & Inverted Hierarchy

In summary, the conversation discusses the Majorana mass as a function of the lightest neutrino for normal and inverted hierarchy. The formula for the mass contains the phase parameter, and the conversation explores how this affects the mass calculation. It is noted that in the normal hierarchy, the phase leads to a downward branching and a cancellation of a negative contribution. However, this is not observed in the inverted hierarchy case. More information can be obtained by plugging in specific values and calculating.
  • #1
Hello! In the attached plot, we have the Majorana mass as a function of the lightest neutrino for the normal (m1<m2<m3) and inverted (m3<m1<m2) hierarchy. Plugging in the values from the PMNS matrix in the formula for Majorana mass, I get something of the form: ##m_{\beta\beta} = 0.7m_1+0.25m_2+0.05m_3##. I am not sure I understand why do we have that downward branching for the normal hierarchy. Can someone explain it to me? Thank you!


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  • #2
What did you assume for the phase and did you try varying that a bit?
  • #3
mfb said:
What did you assume for the phase and did you try varying that a bit?
Thank you for your reply. For the angles I used the Wikipedia values. By phase I assume you mean the ##\delta_{CP}## parameter, right? If I understand it correctly, the formula for ##m_{\beta\beta}## contains only the first line of the PMNS matrix i.e. ##U_{e1}##, ##U_{e2}## and ##U_{e3}##. The phase appears only in ##U_{e3}##, but upon squaring that would cancel, wouldn't it? Is there another place where the phase appears?
  • #4
Squaring a complex number doesn't make the phase disappear, it just doubles the phase.
##m_{\beta\beta}## is the magnitude of the total complex sum, here is the formula taking this into account. An angle between 225 and 315 degrees (and between 45 and 135 degrees) leads to a square that has a negative real component.
  • #5
mfb said:
Squaring a complex number doesn't make the phase disappear, it just doubles the phase.
##m_{\beta\beta}## is the magnitude of the total complex sum, here is the formula taking this into account. An angle between 225 and 315 degrees (and between 45 and 135 degrees) leads to a square that has a negative real component.
Oh, I assumed that by squaring they meant ##aa^*##, now it makes more sense. So that phase leads to some sort of cancellation? It is still not clear to me why it is just in that mass range, and why it is not there at all in the inverted hierarchy case.
  • #6
You can plug in numbers and calculate.

In the normal order a small negative contribution from the heavy neutrino can cancel the rest. In the inverted order case you have two heavy masses and don't get that cancellation.

FAQ: Majorana Mass Plot: Normal & Inverted Hierarchy

1. What is a Majorana mass plot?

A Majorana mass plot is a graphical representation of the masses of neutrinos in a specific particle physics model. It shows the relationship between the masses of the three known types of neutrinos and can provide insight into the nature of these particles.

2. What is the normal hierarchy in a Majorana mass plot?

The normal hierarchy in a Majorana mass plot refers to the pattern in which the masses of neutrinos increase in value from the lightest to the heaviest. In this hierarchy, the first and second neutrino masses are relatively close in value, while the third neutrino mass is significantly larger.

3. What is the inverted hierarchy in a Majorana mass plot?

The inverted hierarchy in a Majorana mass plot is the opposite of the normal hierarchy. In this pattern, the first and second neutrino masses are further apart, while the third neutrino mass is closer in value to the second mass. This hierarchy is still being studied and is not yet fully understood.

4. How do scientists determine the hierarchy in a Majorana mass plot?

Scientists use a variety of experimental techniques and data analysis methods to determine the hierarchy in a Majorana mass plot. These include studying the decay of radioactive elements, observing neutrino interactions in particle accelerators, and analyzing data from neutrino detectors.

5. What is the significance of the hierarchy in a Majorana mass plot?

The hierarchy in a Majorana mass plot is significant because it can provide clues about the fundamental properties of neutrinos, such as their mass and whether they are their own antiparticles. It can also help scientists better understand the underlying structure of the universe and the laws of physics that govern it.
