Making a Fresnel Lens for Solar Water Purification

In summary, the conversation discusses the topic of solar water purification and the use of a fresnel lens for this purpose. The speaker mentions that they have seen a video demonstrating the use of a fresnel lens for purifying water, but they are unsure of how to make one suited for this task. The other person suggests using a regular lens and compressing it into a thin plate. They also mention that plastic fresnel lenses can be purchased in larger sizes from office supply stores.
  • #1
Pranav Jha
i want to do a project on solar water purification. I just saw a video on purifying water using fresnel lens. However, i haven't found any information on how one can make a fresnel lens suited to the purpose. So, how does one make a fresnel lens?
Science news on
  • #2
Take a regular lens and squish it into a thin plate by removing all the excess material inside... A Fresnel is pretty much just the individual curved sections of a lens surface.

I've never heard of anyone making them by hand, but you should be able to find largish plastic ones for sale pretty easily. I've think I've seen up to 8x10" sheets in office supply stores for page magnifiers.

Related to Making a Fresnel Lens for Solar Water Purification

1. How does a Fresnel lens work for solar water purification?

A Fresnel lens is designed to concentrate and focus sunlight onto a specific point. When used for solar water purification, the lens focuses the sun's rays onto a container of contaminated water, heating it to a high temperature and killing any harmful microorganisms present.

2. What materials are needed to make a Fresnel lens for solar water purification?

The materials needed include a sheet of clear acrylic or polycarbonate, a cutting tool, a heat source (such as a heat gun or oven), and a mold or frame to shape the lens. Optional materials may include reflective film or aluminum foil to increase the lens' efficiency.

3. How do you shape the lens to achieve maximum efficiency?

The lens can be shaped using a mold or frame, which can be made from wood or other materials. The mold should be designed to create a curved surface that will focus the sunlight onto the water container. The shape and size of the lens will depend on the intended use and amount of sunlight available.

4. Can a Fresnel lens be used for large-scale water purification?

Yes, Fresnel lenses can be used for large-scale water purification, but it would require a large lens and a significant amount of sunlight. It may be more practical to use multiple smaller lenses instead of one large lens. Additionally, the water container would need to be able to withstand high temperatures and have a large enough volume for the amount of water being purified.

5. Are there any safety precautions to take when making and using a Fresnel lens for solar water purification?

Yes, it is important to handle the lens with care as it can be fragile and cause burns if not used properly. When heating the lens, it is important to wear protective gear such as gloves and eye protection. Also, it is important to use the lens only in an outdoor setting and to keep it away from any flammable materials.

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