Making a Right R-module Into a Left R-Module - Bland, page 26 ....

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In summary, Bland discusses making a right R-module into a left R-module over a noncommutative ring. He shows that the definition of a right R-module and the proposed scalar product does not satisfy the conditions for a left R-module, specifically in the case of (3). Bland provides an example to illustrate this and concludes that there exist left R-modules over noncommutative rings where (ab) \cdot x \neq (ba) \cdot x, proving that a right R-module cannot be made into a left R-module in this way.
  • #1
Math Amateur
Gold Member
I am reading Paul E. Bland's book: Rings and Their Modules and am currently focused on Section 1.4 Modules ... ...

On page 26 Bland defines a right \(\displaystyle R\)-module. After giving the definition, Bland discusses making a right \(\displaystyle R\)-module into a left \(\displaystyle R\)-module when \(\displaystyle R\) is a non-commutative ring ... ... I need help with some aspects of that discussion ... ...

Bland's definition of a right \(\displaystyle R\)-module together with his discussion of making a right \(\displaystyle R\)-module into a left \(\displaystyle R\)-module when \(\displaystyle R\) is a non-commutative ring reads as follows:
View attachment 4897
Now, in the above text Bland writes the following:

" ... ... If \(\displaystyle R\) is a noncommutative ring, then a right \(\displaystyle R\)-module cannot be made into a left \(\displaystyle R\)-module by setting \(\displaystyle a \cdot x = xa \). ... ... "Now, I think Bland means that if we are given a right \(\displaystyle R\)-module over a noncommutative ring \(\displaystyle R\), then we have conditions (1) to (4) holding as in Definition 1.4.1 above ...

We then try to make this right \(\displaystyle R\)-module into a left \(\displaystyle R\)-module by, essentially, defining a new 'scalar product' \(\displaystyle \cdot\) by simply setting \(\displaystyle a \cdot x = xa\) so that we alter (1) to (4) ...

So, as I understand it, the terms of (1) will alter as follows:

\(\displaystyle x(a + b)\) becomes \(\displaystyle (a + b) \cdot x\)


\(\displaystyle xa\) becomes \(\displaystyle a \cdot x\)


\(\displaystyle xb\) becomes \(\displaystyle b \cdot x\)

so that (1) above now reads as follows:

\(\displaystyle (a + b) \cdot x = a \cdot x + b \cdot x\) ... ... ... ... ... (*)

which reads as if we had used \(\displaystyle \cdot\) as the binary operation \(\displaystyle R \times M \rightarrow M\) such that \(\displaystyle (a, x) \mapsto a \cdot x\) ... ... that is, as if we had defined a left action of \(\displaystyle R\) on \(\displaystyle M\) ... ... and ... ... (1) then reads correctly (as (*) ) for a left \(\displaystyle R\)-module ... ...

Bland then assures us that the same occurs for (2) and (4) ... but mentions that simply setting \(\displaystyle a \cdot x = xa\) will not work in the same way for (3) ... ...Is my reasoning correct so far ... can someone confirm this and/or point out shortcomings or errors ... ...
Then Bland goes about demonstrating that this does not work for (3) by writing the following:

" ... ... If setting \(\displaystyle a \cdot x = xa\) for all \(\displaystyle x \in M\) and \(\displaystyle a \in R\) were to make \(\displaystyle M\) into a left \(\displaystyle R\)-module, then we would have:

\(\displaystyle (ab) \cdot x = x(ab) = (xa)b = b \cdot (xa) = b \cdot (a \cdot x) = (ba) \cdot x \)

... ... for all \(\displaystyle x \in M\) and \(\displaystyle a, b \in R\). ... ... "

... BUT ... I cannot see how \(\displaystyle a \cdot x = xa\) and the 'rule' (3) gives us

\(\displaystyle b \cdot (a \cdot x) = (ba) \cdot x\)
Can someone please show me how/why this is true given only a \cdot = xa and the 'rule' (3) ... ... ?
Bland then writes the following:

" ... ... Examples of left \(\displaystyle R\)-modules over a noncommutative ring abound, where \(\displaystyle (ab) \cdot x \neq (ba) \cdot x\) ... ... "

Can someone please give an illustrative example (or two) of a left R-module over a noncommutative ring where \(\displaystyle (ab) \cdot x \neq (ba) \cdot x \)
Hope someone can help with the above questions ... ...

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  • #2
This is an old post, do you still need an answer?
  • #3
steenis said:
This is an old post, do you still need an answer?
HI Steenis ... yes, I still need an answer ... no one has ever replied to this post of mine ... and I have never resolved the issue ...

  • #4
Question 1
Your reasoning is correct so far.
We have to prove (1), (2), (3), and (4) of definition 1.4.1 adapted for the new scalar product.
For instance we have to prove (1): $(a+b)\bullet x = a\bullet x + b\bullet x$.
Proof: $(a+b)\bullet x = x(a+b) = xa + xb = a\bullet x + b\bullet x$
(2) and (4) are also easy to prove.

Question 2
But (3) is causing problems.
(3) becomes $b\bullet (a\bullet x) = (ba)\bullet x$; we have to prove this.
Proof: $b\bullet (a\bullet x) = b\bullet (xa) = (xa)b = x(ab) = (ab)\bullet x = ? = (ba)\bullet x$
You see, we cannot prove this unless $R$ is commutative: $ab=ba$.
Therefore: if R is noncommutative, the right R-module M canNOT be made into a left R-module by setting $a\bullet x = xa$.

Question 3
I think Bland meant: "right R-modules"

Define $R=M_2 (\Bbb R)$ as a right R-module over itself.

And take:

$x = \left (\begin{matrix} 1&0 \\ 0&1 \end{matrix} \right )$

$a = \left (\begin{matrix} 1&0 \\ 0&0 \end{matrix} \right )$

$b = \left (\begin{matrix} 2&2 \\ 2&2 \end{matrix} \right )$


$(ab)\bullet x = x(ab) = \left (\begin{matrix} 2&2 \\ 0&0 \end{matrix} \right )$

$(ba)\bullet x = x(ba) = \left (\begin{matrix} 2&0 \\ 2&0 \end{matrix} \right )$
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Related to Making a Right R-module Into a Left R-Module - Bland, page 26 ....

What is a right R-module?

A right R-module is a mathematical structure that consists of a set of elements along with a binary operation (usually denoted by multiplication) and satisfies certain axioms. This structure is used to study abstract algebra and is an important concept in linear algebra.

What is a left R-module?

A left R-module is a mathematical structure that is similar to a right R-module, but the binary operation is defined in the opposite direction. This means that the elements are multiplied on the left rather than on the right. Both right and left R-modules are used to study abstract algebra and linear algebra.

What does it mean to make a right R-module into a left R-module?

Making a right R-module into a left R-module means that the binary operation is redefined in the opposite direction. This can be done by simply reversing the order of multiplication or by using a different set of axioms. The resulting structure is still a module, but with a different orientation.

Why would one want to make a right R-module into a left R-module?

There are various reasons why one may want to make a right R-module into a left R-module. One common reason is to study the properties of a module from a different perspective. This can lead to new insights and applications. Another reason could be to simplify certain computations or proofs.

Is it always possible to make a right R-module into a left R-module?

No, it is not always possible to make a right R-module into a left R-module. It depends on the specific structure and properties of the module. Some modules may have a natural symmetry that allows for this transformation, while others may not. In some cases, it may be possible to make a module into a left or right R-module, but not both.

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