Making diesel with sun, water, CO2

In summary: Continued...In summary, Joule Unlimited has invented a genetically-engineered organism that it says simply secretes diesel fuel or ethanol wherever it finds sunlight, water and carbon dioxide. The company envisions building facilities near power plants and consuming their waste carbon dioxide, so their cyanobacteria can reduce carbon emissions while they're at it.
  • #1
Staff Emeritus
Science Advisor
It will be interesting to see if anything comes out of this. Sounds too good to be true.
Joule Unlimited has invented a genetically-engineered organism that it says simply secretes diesel fuel or ethanol wherever it finds sunlight, water and carbon dioxide.

The Cambridge, Mass.-based company says it can manipulate the organism to produce the renewable fuels on demand at unprecedented rates, and can do it in facilities large and small at costs comparable to the cheapest fossil fuels.

Joule claims, for instance, that its cyanobacterium can produce 15,000 gallons of diesel fuel per acre annually, over four times more than the most efficient algal process for making fuel. And they say they can do it at $30 a barrel.

A key for Joule is the cyanobacterium it chose, which is found everywhere and is less complex than algae, so it's easier to genetically manipulate, said biologist Dan Robertson, Joule's top scientist.

The organisms are engineered to take in sunlight and carbon dioxide, then produce and secrete ethanol or hydrocarbons — the basis of various fuels, such as diesel — as a byproduct of photosynthesis.

The company envisions building facilities near power plants and consuming their waste carbon dioxide, so their cyanobacteria can reduce carbon emissions while they're at it.
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  • #2

Wow interesting!

  • #3
One can hope. These things have a way of turning out a lot more expensive than expected. Go Joule, prove me wrong, please?
  • #4
There are a number of small companies working on this. The main problem is scaling up to large scale production in a cost effective manner. The big energy companies are watching, but their strategy may well be to acquire small companies that seem to be progressing well and lock up the technology until they are ready to implement it.
  • #5
There has been considerable work in the areas of extremophiles (anerobic bacteria living under high temperature and high pressure conditions) and Fischer-Tropsch Syntheses. The goal would be to recycle CO2 using sunlight.
  • #6
SW VandeCarr said:
The big energy companies are watching, but their strategy may well be to acquire small companies that seem to be progressing well and lock up the technology until they are ready to implement it.

I believe that the idea that big energy companies can lock up technology is a canard. If you look at the history of science (and technology), things tend to pop out in multiple locations once their time has arrived. It is very common to have several individuals publish almost simultaneously: See Calculus or Evolution.

It is the same as old story about the 50 mile a gallon carburetor that supposedly the oil companies have been hiding. If it were truly possible, the Chinese would have done it. After all they have a great need for oil (increasing efficiency is the same as increasing supply), couldn't care less about our energy companies and have lots of great scientists and engineers.
  • #7
MathAmateur said:
I believe that the idea that big energy companies can lock up technology is a canard. If you look at the history of science (and technology), things tend to pop out in multiple locations once their time has arrived. It is very common to have several individuals publish almost simultaneously: See Calculus or Evolution.


I'm not sure you're bringing up the relevant issues. Exxon is already investing over $600 million in biofuel research with micro-organisms, and like any large industrial company, they are always looking at useful acquisitions. It's also clear that no industrial company in a competitive marketplace is going to cannibalize it's successful products; in this case oil and gas. Exxon has the resources for financing large scale production and distribution and will do so with biofuel when it makes sense for them: that is, when it can't make enough money in oil and gas.
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  • #8
I am just saying that they can't sit on it. If Exxon doesn't do it, the Chinese or someone else will. It is impossible to suppress a technology that has come of age in a competitive World. Not when you are talking about hundreds of billions of dollars.

The large oil companies will not starve with the coming of biofuels. The fuel still needs to be refined, and distributed and sold. The oil companies have the networks so they will take it over. The people who will suffer will be the producers of "wild" oil like Saudi Arabia or Iraq.

Related to Making diesel with sun, water, CO2

1. How is it possible to make diesel using just sun, water, and CO2?

It is possible to make diesel using just sun, water, and CO2 through a process called solar fuel synthesis. This involves using solar energy to split water into hydrogen and oxygen, and then combining the hydrogen with CO2 from the atmosphere to produce a hydrocarbon fuel, such as diesel.

2. What is the advantage of using solar fuel synthesis to make diesel?

The advantage of using solar fuel synthesis to make diesel is that it is a renewable and carbon-neutral process. This means that it does not contribute to greenhouse gas emissions and can help reduce our dependence on fossil fuels.

3. Can this process be scaled up for large-scale production of diesel?

Yes, this process can be scaled up for large-scale production of diesel. Researchers are currently working on developing more efficient and cost-effective methods for solar fuel synthesis, which could eventually make it a viable alternative to traditional diesel production methods.

4. Is the diesel produced through this process equivalent to traditional diesel in terms of quality and performance?

Yes, the diesel produced through solar fuel synthesis is equivalent to traditional diesel in terms of quality and performance. It has similar energy density and can be used in existing diesel engines without any modifications.

5. Are there any potential drawbacks or limitations to producing diesel using sun, water, and CO2?

One potential drawback of producing diesel using sun, water, and CO2 is the current high cost of the technology. Additionally, the process requires a consistent source of sunlight and access to water and CO2. However, as research and development in this area continues, these limitations may be overcome.

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