Mam Talent II: Ignoring the Critics

  • Thread starter Borek
  • Start date
In summary, the Got Talent series is a popular Polish show that is similar to the American Got Talent series. The show features amateur and professional singers competing for a prize.
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  • #2
It made me stand up and do a little tap dance in the bedroom.:biggrin:
  • #3
Nice! As was the Polish chit chat.
Repeat please!
  • #4
That is great, but if you can't find some spoons...

this one I like!

or this one;
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  • #5
Wow, never heard about hambone before :bugeye:
  • #6
That spoon-guy (OP) was pretty entertaining, unlike the obnoxious jerk who seemed to show up at gigs every hunting season at the Solon Hotel. He was bad when he was sober, and got worse (and louder) with every beer. People paid a cover-charge to hear our band, not to listen to some inept clacking. Nothing against spoons in general, mind you - there was a jug-band in my old home town that featured spoons, washtub bass, and washboard rhythm (using thimbles) as well as guitar, harmonica and banjo. They were a very entertaining bunch and played lots of traditional music - usually for free and just for the fun of it. A guy who owned a hot-dog stand near my parents' house built a stage by the side of the place and gave musicians a free place to play - he gave them discounts, and they drew in more business for him.
  • #7
Borek said:
Wow, never heard about hambone before :bugeye:
I have a friend who's pretty darned good at it - he picked it up while in college in PA about 40 years ago. He hambones while seated. It was more common to see that slapping combined with clogging when French-Canadian or Maritime music was performed. We had some pretty good fiddlers in the area when I was a kid, but most of that music died out with the old-timers that brought it to the region.
  • #8
Cheered me up!

Thank you Borek.
  • #9
ahh, that's the Polish version of American Idol
  • #10
Małgorzata Foremniak :!)
  • #13
Borek said:
Close, it is a Polish version of Got Talent (Mam Talent!).

I'm just out of the loop, didn't know there was a "got talent series." Might have heard about it when Susan Boyle became famous, but then forgot about it.

FAQ: Mam Talent II: Ignoring the Critics

1. What is the premise of "Mam Talent II: Ignoring the Critics"?

The show follows a group of talented individuals who strive to achieve their dreams despite facing criticism and doubt from others.

2. Who can participate in "Mam Talent II: Ignoring the Critics"?

Anyone with a unique talent or skill can audition for the show, regardless of age, gender, or background.

3. How are the contestants judged in "Mam Talent II: Ignoring the Critics"?

The contestants are judged based on their talent, creativity, and determination to pursue their dreams despite criticism. They are also evaluated on their stage presence and ability to engage the audience.

4. Are there any prizes for the winners of "Mam Talent II: Ignoring the Critics"?

Yes, the winner of the show receives a cash prize and the opportunity to showcase their talent on a larger platform.

5. How does "Mam Talent II: Ignoring the Critics" promote a positive message?

The show encourages individuals to believe in themselves and their unique abilities, while also promoting the importance of ignoring negative criticism and pursuing one's passions and dreams.

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