Man climbs rope ladder attached to balloon with acceleration relative to ladder

In summary, the conversation discusses the acceleration of the center of mass and balloon-man system when a man stands on a rope ladder hanging from a balloon. The acceleration of the center of mass is found to be a weighted average of the acceleration of the balloon and the man relative to the ground. The acceleration of the balloon is found using Newton's Second Law and the concept of center of mass.
  • #1

Homework Statement

There is a balloon of mass Mb. A rope ladder of negligible mass is hung from it. A man of mass m stands on the rope ladder. A buoyant force F acts on the balloon, causing the man-balloon-ladder system to accelerate upwards. Now, the man climbs up the rope ladder towards the balloon with an acceleration of am relative to the rope ladder. Find the acceleration relative to the ground of
  1. the center of mass of the man-balloon-ladder system;
  2. the balloon.
The acceleration due to gravity is g.

Homework Equations

I think it's just intelligent application of Newton's Second Law of motion and concepts of the center of mass.

The Attempt at a Solution

My book provided the answers, but did not state clearly which expression belongs to which acceleration.
There is a [tex]\frac{F - m a_{m}}{M_{b} + m} - g[/tex]
and a [tex]\frac{F}{M_{b} + m} - g[/tex] .

I think the second expression is for the acceleration of the center of mass. If I consider the whole system, I get
[tex]F - (M_{b} + m) g = (M_{b} + m) a_{c}[/tex], where [tex]a_{c}[/tex] is the acceleration of the center of mass.

I'm not sure how to obtain the second acceleration expression.
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  • #2
txy said:
I think the second expression is for the acceleration of the center of mass. If I consider the whole system, I get
[tex]F - (M_{b} + m) g = (M_{b} + m) a_{c}[/tex], where [tex]a_{c}[/tex] is the acceleration of the center of mass.

I'm not sure how to obtain the second acceleration expression.
Hint: If the acceleration of the balloon with respect to the ground is "a", what's the acceleration of the man with respect to the ground? Use those results to express the acceleration of the center of mass in terms of "a" and am.
  • #3
Oops I didn't phrase my question properly. I should have written "I'm not sure how to obtain the other acceleration expression." to avoid ambiguity. Thankfully you understood what I meant.

Why haven't I thought of finding the acceleration of man with respect to the ground before?

If a = acceleration of balloon with respect to ground,
acceleration of man with respect to ground = a + am .

So net force on center of mass = net force on whole system = vector sum of net forces on individual objects in the system.
[tex](M_{b} + m) a_{c} = M_{b} a + m(a + a_{m}) = (M_{b} + m) a + m a_{m}[/tex]
And so
[tex]a = a_{c} - (\frac{m}{M_{b} + m}) a_{m}[/tex]
Then I sub in the expression for ac that I've obtained earlier and I'll get the expression given in the answer.

At first I wasn't sure about how the acceleration of center of mass is like the "weighted average" of the accelerations of the individual objects in the system. Now I understand. I hope my steps above are correct. Thanks a lot for pointing me in the right direction, with regards to the relative acceleration thing.
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  • #4
Perfectly correct.

FAQ: Man climbs rope ladder attached to balloon with acceleration relative to ladder

1. How does the acceleration of the balloon affect the man climbing the rope ladder?

The man's acceleration will be relative to the acceleration of the ladder, which is attached to the balloon. As the balloon accelerates, the ladder and the man will also accelerate at the same rate.

2. Is the man's acceleration the same as the balloon's acceleration?

No, the man's acceleration will be relative to the ladder, while the balloon's acceleration will be relative to the ground. This means that the man's acceleration may be different from the balloon's acceleration, depending on the movement of the ladder.

3. What determines the direction of the man's acceleration?

The direction of the man's acceleration will depend on the direction of the balloon's acceleration and the angle at which the ladder is attached to the balloon. If the balloon is accelerating upwards, the man's acceleration will also be upwards. However, if the balloon is accelerating downwards, the man's acceleration will be downwards.

4. How does the weight of the man affect the acceleration?

The weight of the man will not affect the acceleration, as long as the rope ladder is strong enough to support his weight. The acceleration will be determined by the forces acting on the ladder and the balloon, not the weight of the man.

5. What is the role of friction in this scenario?

Friction will play a role in this scenario if the man is wearing gloves while climbing the rope ladder. The friction between the gloves and the ladder will determine how easy or difficult it is for the man to climb. However, if the man is bare-handed, friction will not have a significant effect on his acceleration.
