Mandl & Shaw QFT: Commutation Rules on Page 263

  • Thread starter Vic Sandler
  • Start date
In summary, the author is discussing the commutation and anti-commutation properties of Grassmann variables and functional differential operators. It is stated that the order of factors on the right-hand side of an equation is unimportant since they commute with each other. However, the wording is incorrect and the correct interpretation is that if a Grassmann derivative is moved through an even number of Grassmann variables, the overall sign remains positive.
  • #1
Vic Sandler
In the second edition of Mandl & Shaw QFT, on page 263, below eqn (12.75) he says (I am freely paraphrasing)

[itex]\frac{\delta}{\delta\theta(z)}[/itex] commutes with [itex]\theta(x_1)K(x_1,y_1)\tilde{\theta}(y_1)[/itex] because [itex]\theta(x_1)K(x_1,y_1)\tilde{\theta}(y_1)[/itex] is bilinear in the Grassmann fields [itex]\theta[/itex] and [itex]\tilde{\theta}[/itex]

By eqn (12.72a), [itex]\frac{\delta}{\delta\theta(z)}[/itex] anti-commutes with [itex]\tilde{\theta}(y_1)[/itex], so it would be sufficient to show that it also anti-commutes with [itex]\theta(x_1)[/itex]. However, by eqn (12.70) they do not anti-commute. Instead we have [itex][\frac{\delta}{\delta\theta(z)}, \theta(x_1)]_+ = \delta^{(4)}(z - x_1)[/itex].

What am I missing?
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  • #2
They commute as Grassmann variables, i.e. the diff. operator has parity 1 and the product has parity 0, thus it doesn't matter on which of the products of 3 in the infinite product you decide to act with the derivative first. You can start from the leftmost term, or with the rightmost one, or you can squeeze it in the middle (jokingly if you can find the middle term of an infinite product :D).
  • #3
dextercioby said:
it doesn't matter on which of the products of 3 in the infinite product you decide to act with the derivative first. You can start from the leftmost term, or with the rightmost one, or you can squeeze it in the middle.
I can do that by noting that the products of 3 commute. All I have to do is commute them one at a time to the left and then act on the leftmost one with the derivative. That's how I was able to derive eqn (12.76). However, that's different from saying that the derivative commutes with the product of 3. In other words, I can get

[tex]\frac{\delta}{\delta\theta(z)}\theta(x_1)K(x_1,y_1)\tilde{\theta}(y_1) \theta(x_2)K(x_2,y_2) \tilde{\theta}(y_2) = \frac{\delta}{\delta\theta(z)}\theta(x_2)K(x_2,y_2)\tilde{\theta}(y_2) \theta(x_1)K(x_1,y_1)\tilde{\theta}(y_1)[/tex]

but how do I get

[tex]\frac{\delta}{\delta\theta(z)}\theta(x_1)K(x_1,y_1)\tilde{\theta}(y_1) \theta(x_2)K(x_2,y_2)\tilde{\theta}(y_2) = \theta(x_1)K(x_1,y_1)\tilde{\theta}(y_1)\frac{\delta}{\delta\theta(z)} \theta(x_2)K(x_2,y_2)\tilde{\theta}(y_2)[/tex]

when [itex]\frac{\delta}{\delta\theta(z)}[/itex] anticommutes with [itex]\tilde{\theta}(y_1)[/itex] but not with [itex]\theta(x_1)[/itex]?
  • #4
Your 2nd equation is wrong. Is this eq in M&S? I suspect you are over-interpreting their words (I don't have the book to check), and that all they are doing is keeping track of relative minus signs.
  • #5
Avodyne said:
Your 2nd equation is wrong. Is this eq in M&S? I suspect you are over-interpreting their words (I don't have the book to check), and that all they are doing is keeping track of relative minus signs.

The exact wording is:

Mandl & Shaw said:
Note that the order of the factors [itex]\theta(x_i)K(x_i,y_i)\tilde{\theta}(y_i)[/itex] on the right-hand side of this equation is unimportant since, being bilinear in the Grassmann fields, they commute with each other. For the same reason, they also commute with the functional differential operators [itex]\frac{\delta}{\delta\theta(z)}[/itex] and [itex]\frac{\delta}{\delta\tilde{\theta}(z)}[/itex].

I agree that my second eqn is wrong, and I also suspect that I am mis-interpreting their words. But what is the correct interpretation?
  • #6
This is badly worded by M&S; it is not correct as written. I believe that all they are trying to say that if you move a Grassmann derivative through an even number of Grassmann variables, then the overall sign is +.
  • #7
I agree that my second eqn is wrong, and I also suspect that I am mis-interpreting their words. But what is the correct interpretation?
yes,you are misinterpreting the words.He is saying that two terms like [θ(x1)k(x1,y1-(y1)] and [θ(x2)k(x2,y2-(y2)] are bilinear(and so on).So they commute with each other i.e. you can write them in reverse order because every θ will pass through even number of θ's so there will not be any change of sign.

Related to Mandl & Shaw QFT: Commutation Rules on Page 263

1. What is QFT?

QFT stands for quantum field theory, which is a theoretical framework in physics that combines quantum mechanics with special relativity to describe the behavior of subatomic particles and their interactions.

2. Who are Mandl and Shaw?

Mandl and Shaw are two physicists who wrote the book "Quantum Field Theory" which is commonly used as a textbook for graduate-level courses on QFT.

3. What are commutation rules?

Commutation rules, also known as commutation relations, are mathematical equations that describe how two operators in a quantum system behave when they are applied in different orders. In QFT, these rules are used to determine the behavior of quantum fields and their associated particles.

4. What page of Mandl and Shaw's book discusses commutation rules?

Commutation rules are discussed on page 263 of Mandl and Shaw's book "Quantum Field Theory". This section specifically focuses on commutation rules for field operators.

5. Why are commutation rules important in QFT?

Commutation rules are important in QFT because they play a crucial role in determining the behavior of quantum fields and particles. They allow us to make predictions about the outcomes of measurements and calculations in quantum systems.

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