Manifestation of messenger particles?

  • Thread starter pivoxa15
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In summary, photons are emitted in exothermic chemical reactions. These photons are responsible for transferring heat between molecules. Nuclear reactions also produce photons, but the energy they derive from the reaction is mostly heat.
  • #1
It is accepted that in exothermic chemical reactions which is essentially a reconfiguration of electrons into a more stable form, photons are emitted. When a molar sample is experimented, we can most easily observe these photons as heat (since not all emit photons in the visible wave length).

If you think about the heat mechanism like convection, conduction. The atoms interact with each other via the collision of the outer shell electrons. When they are exicted the electrons move into a higher level orbit and when they go down again, photon is emitted. So in this way, heat transferred via conduction and conduction is also due to the photon. There is also heat transfer via radiation which obviously is a more direct way of using photons to heat objects.

In nuclear reactions the force carrier are predominantly gluons. However, in nuclear reactors used for energy generation, they claim the energy they derive from nuclear reaction is mainly heat which then goes to heat water and the mechanical energy of the water in the form of steam is able to all sorts of useful work. In this way the manifestation of gluons is heat again.

So the manifestation of photon and gluon is heat. Correct?

What about W and Z bosons? How about the graviton if they exist?
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  • #2
pivoxa15 said:
If you think about the heat mechanism like convection, conduction. The atoms interact with each other via the collision of the outer shell electrons. When they are exicted the electrons move into a higher level orbit and when they go down again, photon is emitted. So in this way, heat transferred via conduction and conduction is also due to the photon.

Aren't conduction and convection all about the random velocities of (ground state) atoms, rather than internal electronic excitations?
  • #3
Sometimes, It takes a lot of energy to start a conduction and convection going in a macroscopic sense (i.e. boiling water or cooking with a pan). I imagine when the pan is 200 celcius degrees hot or so some of the valence electrons would be excited to higher levels.
  • #4
I think your original post is nonsense. Heat is just a form of energy, just like electric/nuclear/gravitational potential energy. You can sometimes convert one type of energy into another. What of it?
  • #5
Heat is energy. But energy is in the units of Nm. So a force is recquired to exist in order for energy to occur. Fundalmentally all force comes from the messenger particles according to particles physics today. Therefore there should be a link between messenger particles and energy. A popular form of energy (especially in chemistry and nuclear physics) is heat. Have I made some mistakes in stating this? Why I am nonsensical?
  • #6
Wouldn't it be more correct to say energy is measured in the units of Joules?
Nm=Joules, right?
  • #7
Jarle said:
Wouldn't it be more correct to say energy is measured in the units of Joules?
Nm=Joules, right?

Correct but N which is the unit for force is involved. So energy=>force Whenever a form of energy is observed, a force has occurred which is carried out by messenger particles.
  • #8
pivoxa15 said:
Correct but N which is the unit for force is involved. So energy=>force Whenever a form of energy is observed, a force has occurred which is carried out by messenger particles.

You shouldn't be playing this game to "deduce" the nature of a quantity. After all, I can easily point out that "Nm" is not the most "fundamental" unit of energy. You can further break it down as "kgm^2/s^2", and now what? You are going to then deduce that "energy => length, mass and time", and therefore must have "messenger length, mass and time"? That would sound ridiculous.

  • #9
pivoxa15 said:
If you think about the heat mechanism like convection, conduction. The atoms interact with each other via the collision of the outer shell electrons. When they are exicted the electrons move into a higher level orbit and when they go down again, photon is emitted. So in this way, heat transferred via conduction and conduction is also due to the photon.
No, this is not how conduction or convection works.

FAQ: Manifestation of messenger particles?

1. What are messenger particles?

Messenger particles, also known as force carriers, are subatomic particles responsible for carrying and transmitting forces between other particles in the universe.

2. How do messenger particles manifest?

Messenger particles manifest through the exchange of virtual particles, which are temporary fluctuations in the electromagnetic field that result in the transfer of energy and force between particles.

3. What are the different types of messenger particles?

The four known fundamental forces in the universe each have their own corresponding messenger particle: photon for electromagnetism, gluon for the strong nuclear force, W and Z bosons for the weak nuclear force, and graviton for gravity (theoretical).

4. How do messenger particles affect matter?

Messenger particles play a crucial role in the interactions between particles in matter. For example, the exchange of gluons between quarks holds the nucleus of atoms together, while the exchange of photons allows for the interaction between charged particles.

5. Can messenger particles be observed or detected?

Due to their fleeting nature and small size, messenger particles are difficult to observe directly. However, their presence can be inferred through the interactions and effects they have on other particles in experiments conducted in particle accelerators.

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