Manipulating Tensor Expressions to Derive the Poincare Algebra

In summary, the conversation discusses how to equate coefficients in tensor expressions in order to find the commutators of the Poincare algebra. The process involves expanding the commutator and collecting the coefficients on the left hand side, using the symmetry of the equations to simplify the expressions.
  • #1
Hey guys,

as this is a basic QFT question, I wasn't sure to put it in the relativity or quantum section. Since this question specifically is about manipulating tensor expressions, i figured here would be appropriate.

My question is about equating coefficients in tensor expressions, 2.4.10-11 in Weinberg's Quantum Theory of Fields (2005).

[itex] i[ 1/2 \omega_{\mu \nu} J^{\mu \nu} - \epsilon_{mu}P^{\mu}, J^{\rho \sigma} ] = \omega_{\mu}^{\rho} J^{\mu \sigma} - \omega_{\nu}^{\sigma} J^{\rho \nu} - \epsilon^{\rho}P^{\sigma}+ \epsilon^{\sigma}P^{\rho}[/itex]

[itex] i [ 1/2 \omega_{\mu \nu} J^{\mu \nu} - \epsilon_{\mu} P^{\mu} ,P^{\rho} ]=\omega_{\mu}^{\rho} P^{\mu} [/itex]

The task is to equate coefficients on the epsilon and omega terms to find the commutators of the poincare algebra. I'm a bit confused because, for instance, the omega term on the LHS of the first equation has dummy indices, but on the RHS has real indices. I'm not sure what manipulations i can do besides raising and lowering with the metric.
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  • #2
In order to equate coefficients, for example with the (2.4.11) expression, you can expand the commutator and collect all the coefficients together on the left hand side so that it looks like:
-\frac{i}{2}\omega_{\mu\nu}\left[P^{\rho},J^{\mu\nu}\right] + i\epsilon_{\mu}\left[P^{\rho},P^{\mu}\right] = \omega_{\mu}^{\ \ \rho}P^{\mu}=\eta^{\rho\nu}\omega_{\mu\nu}P^{\mu}
This already gives you the (2.4.14) result because there is no εμ coefficient on the right-hand side. With the ω coefficients you have to do a little work because they are not in a form you can get (2.4.13) directly with. Notice that the left-hand side is completely symmetric under μ↔ν (this is because ωμν and Jμν are both completely antisymmetric). This means the right-hand side must also be symmetric under this exchange. You know that you can write the symmetric part of a tensor Aij (the whole part here) as (Aij+Aji)/2. Therefore you can do this with the right-hand side and write:
-\frac{i}{2}\omega_{\mu\nu}\left[P^{\rho},J^{\mu\nu}\right] = \frac{1}{2}\left(\eta^{\rho\nu}\omega_{\mu\nu}P^{\mu} + \eta^{\rho\mu}\omega_{\nu\mu}P^{\nu}\right)
That cancels out the factors of 1/2 and you can get the ωμν and ωνμ to look the same by using the antisymmetry of ωνμ=-ωμν. That leaves you with:
i\omega_{\mu\nu}\left[P^{\rho},J^{\mu\nu}\right] = \omega_{\mu\nu}\left(\eta^{\rho\mu}P^{\nu} - \eta^{\rho\nu}P^{\mu}\right)
which gives you what he has, only with different greek letters for the indices.
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FAQ: Manipulating Tensor Expressions to Derive the Poincare Algebra

1. What is the Poincare algebra?

The Poincare algebra is a mathematical structure that describes the symmetries of space and time in special relativity. It is composed of the Poincare group, which includes translations, rotations, and boosts, and the Poincare generators, which are the mathematical operators that generate these symmetries.

2. How is the Poincare algebra derived?

The Poincare algebra can be derived from the Poincare group by considering infinitesimal transformations of space and time. This involves using Lie algebra techniques to find the commutation relations between the Poincare generators, which form the basis of the algebra.

3. What is the significance of the Poincare algebra?

The Poincare algebra is significant in theoretical physics as it provides a mathematical framework for describing the symmetries of space and time in special relativity. It also plays a crucial role in the development of quantum field theory and its applications in particle physics.

4. Can the Poincare algebra be extended to include other symmetries?

Yes, the Poincare algebra can be extended to include other symmetries, such as internal symmetries like isospin and color charge. This results in the supersymmetry algebra, which is used in theories such as supergravity and superstring theory.

5. How is the Poincare algebra used in physics?

The Poincare algebra is used in physics to study the behavior of particles and systems in special relativity. It is also used in the development of quantum field theories, which are essential for understanding the fundamental interactions and particles of the universe.
