Mann Whitney U test - Clarification on numerical outputs in SPSS

In summary, the conversation was about clarifying the use of a Mann-Whitney U test in comparing two groups with different data sets. The Mann-Whitney U value represents the sum of ranks for one group and the Asymp.Sig value is the p-value for the test. A smaller p-value indicates a significant difference between the two groups for a particular method, while a larger p-value suggests no significant difference.
  • #1
Hello to all!

I was wondering if anyone would help clarify a couple of things please.

I have two data sets.

The first data set has two grouped variables.

The second data set has eight independent variables (let's call them learning methods)

My understanding is that the aim of this is to compare the two variables in the group with each method.

I ran off a Mann Whitney U test in SPSS with these data.

It's outputted in a nice table which includes 8 Mann Whitney U values and 8 Asymp.Sig. vaues. However, I am not sure what some of the values are representing.

For example, the Mann-Whitney U figure for one method is 49 and the Asymp.Sig (2 tailed) figure is 0.53

What do these values mean? How do these figures inform the two groups which have been compared? I'm not sure what the values are saying.

Thank you very much in advance.
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  • #2

Hello there,

Thank you for reaching out for clarification on your data analysis. It sounds like you are comparing two groups with two different data sets, one with two grouped variables and the other with eight independent variables.

The Mann-Whitney U test is a non-parametric test used to compare two independent groups. The U value represents the sum of ranks for one of the groups and is used to calculate the test statistic. The Asymp.Sig value is the asymptotic significance (p-value) of the test, which tells you the probability of obtaining the observed result by chance if there is no true difference between the two groups.

In your case, the Mann-Whitney U value of 49 and Asymp.Sig value of 0.53 suggest that there is no significant difference between the two groups for that particular learning method. This means that the results from that method are similar for both groups.

To interpret the results of the Mann-Whitney U test, you can compare the Asymp.Sig values for each method. A smaller p-value (closer to 0) indicates a significant difference between the two groups for that particular method. On the other hand, a larger p-value (closer to 1) suggests that there is no significant difference between the two groups for that method.

I hope this helps clarify the meaning of these values and how they inform the comparison of your two groups. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to ask. Best of luck with your analysis!

FAQ: Mann Whitney U test - Clarification on numerical outputs in SPSS

What is the Mann Whitney U test?

The Mann Whitney U test, also known as the Wilcoxon rank-sum test, is a non-parametric statistical test used to compare two independent groups.

How is the Mann Whitney U test different from other tests?

The Mann Whitney U test does not make assumptions about the underlying distribution of the data, making it suitable for non-normally distributed data. It also does not require equal variances between the two groups.

What does the numerical output of the Mann Whitney U test in SPSS mean?

The numerical output in SPSS for the Mann Whitney U test includes the U statistic, which is the smaller of the two sample sizes multiplied by the larger sample size. It also includes the p-value, which indicates the significance level of the test.

What is the interpretation of the p-value in the Mann Whitney U test?

The p-value in the Mann Whitney U test represents the probability of obtaining the observed results or more extreme results, if the null hypothesis (no difference between the two groups) is true. A smaller p-value indicates a stronger evidence against the null hypothesis.

How do I determine which group has a higher median in the Mann Whitney U test?

In SPSS, the group with a higher median will be listed as the first group in the output. However, it is important to note that the Mann Whitney U test does not provide information about the specific difference in medians between the two groups.
