Maple, Integration, Invaild Differential

In summary, the user is struggling to integrate a function in maple and is trying different methods, one of which is using the keyboard. However, he is getting an error when he tries to enter the function using the integrand graphic. He is helped by another user who provides keystrokes to enter the function into maple.
  • #1
I want to use maple to check my homework problems, but I can't get it to integrate even a simple function. I keep getting the error : Error, Invalid differential. I have been looking thorought the help for quite some time, and don't see anything on what is and what isn't a valid differential.

I tried to integrate a simple function, y^2 dy with the limits from 0 to 2, but it won't do it, its an invaild differential.

Any clues as to what's going wrong or where I can read about what is and what isn't a valid differential?

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  • #2
Well, I have spent many hours over the last few days reading in maple help, searching on the internet, and today I was in the maple lab and asked my teacher. Nothing. Apparently nobody knows what is a valid differential or how to make maple integrate without this "Error, Invalid Differential".:mad: The only thing I can assume is that there is a bug in the program that will be fixed with a patch later...
  • #4


What exactly were you inputing? I couldn't get "Error, Invalid differential" with the few variations of using dy that I tried.
  • #5
yes I can input it that way, and it works.

I am trying to use the integral symbol in maple 10 where you can actually see the "long s" of the integral, becuase I want to check triple integrals that get complicated.

I am inputing it exctally like this [tex]\int_{0}^{2} y^2 dy [/tex] I also try this with no space inbetween the differential and the expression. The only way I can get it to integrate is if I leave the "dx" that it comes with alone and integrate with respect to x. But sometimes I want to integrate with respect to otherthings.
  • #6
here is a screen shot. the third one that works uses a "dx" that comes with the integral. I notice that the "x" is a purple color unlike the other variables...

somehow I need to tell it the black x or the black y is part of the differental


  • maple error.gif
    maple error.gif
    44.9 KB · Views: 876
  • #7
Attatchment is still pending approval so I can't see exactly what you're inputing.

I only have maple 9 on hand, in 9 when you hit the definite integral pallette it puts in an "?" instead of a built in "x", so it is expecting user input. I guess that's changed in 10?

In the meantime, you can use the other way and still graphically check your input before it calculates the integral-the "Int" command instead of "int" is inert (just the old command capitalized). It will convert "Int" into the usual graphical format, but not attempt to evaluate it.
  • #8
How do I get the attachment to work?

I am still struggling with this, trying to get maple to integrate using the integrand graphic and would really like some help.

Maybe there is a maple forum I could go to...?
  • #9
I don't know why you are getting that error. I use maple 10 and do not get that error.

try entering it like this, and let me know what you get:

click on the icon that looks like:
[tex] \int_a^b f \,\,dx [/tex]

the [itex] a [/itex] should be highlighted. Perform the following keyboard commands:


Where "x" would mean press the x key.
Where "6" would mean press SHIFT+ press the 6 key.

That should work. Otherwise, let me know exactly what you are doing, so I can recreate the error.
  • #10
Here's another keyboard combination:

type "int"
press, down, down, down
type 0
press tab
type 2
press tab
type y^2
press tab
press enter
  • #11
Thanks for your help, I was able to get it to work using your keystrokes. The way I was entering it was using the left right etc. arrow keys.

I combined the arrow method and the tab method and found the misbehaving keystroke is putting the cursor in front of the "x" in the differential and hitting delete, then typing in "Y". It works if you tab to the differential, or highlight it then stroke a key to replace it, but not if you use the delete key. (even though it looks the same :smile: )

Thanks again:biggrin:
  • #12
P.S. The new interface is PIMP.

Related to Maple, Integration, Invaild Differential

1. What is Maple and how is it used in integration?

Maple is a computer algebra system that is commonly used by scientists and mathematicians to solve complex mathematical problems, including integration. It uses algorithms and advanced mathematical functions to solve integrals, which can be difficult or impossible to solve by hand.

2. How does Maple handle invalid differentials?

Maple has built-in error handling mechanisms that can detect and handle invalid differentials. If an invalid differential is encountered, Maple will either provide an error message or attempt to find a solution using alternative methods.

3. Can Maple handle all types of integrals?

No, Maple may have difficulty solving certain types of integrals, particularly those that involve special functions or complex mathematical expressions. In these cases, it may be necessary to use other methods or techniques to solve the integral.

4. Is Maple limited to numerical integration?

No, Maple has the capability to perform both numerical and symbolic integration. Symbolic integration involves finding the general form of the integral, while numerical integration involves approximating the integral using numerical methods.

5. How accurate are the integration results obtained from Maple?

The accuracy of the integration results obtained from Maple depends on a number of factors, including the complexity of the integral, the precision settings used, and the algorithms employed. Generally, Maple provides highly accurate results, but it is always important to check and verify the results obtained.

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