Mapping a general curve onto a bijection.

In summary, a problem is given where a curve C is defined by an algebraic expression involving x and y, and a mapping B is defined. The task is to determine the equation for the curve B(C) using the inverse mapping notation B^-1(x,y). The conversation ends with one person expressing difficulty with the problem and asking for more obvious help.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Denote the xy plane by P. Let C be some general curve in P defined by the equation f ( x , y ) = 0
where f ( x , y ) is some algebraic expression involving x and y.

Verify carefully that if B : P -> P is any bijection then B( C ) is defined by the equation

f ( B^-1 (x , y)) = 0

I have no idea where to even start. Like, I really don't want an answer to it, I'd much rather be given a nudge in the right direction as none of my textbooks mention any explanation as to how these problems could/would be proven.

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  • #2
alex_vs_gmail said:
I have no idea where to even start.

Start by making yourself an example.
Let [itex] C [/itex] be the curve defined by [itex] F(x,y) = x^2 + y^2 - 1 = 0 [/itex]
Let [itex] B(x,y) = (x+3.y+3) [/itex]
[itex] B [/itex] maps the curve [itex] C [/itex] to another curve. What is the equation for the other curve?
  • #3
LOL I'm not even sure how to do that. Ill give it a shot, in F do I swap the function around so I have an expression for x and y, then substitute in the value for x and the value for y into B... if so would it look something like this...

B(F(x,y))= sqrt(1-y^2) +3*sqrt(1-x^2) +3=0 ?
  • #4
alex_vs_gmail said:
would it look something like this...

B(F(x,y))= sqrt(1-y^2) +3*sqrt(1-x^2) +3=0 ?

No, "it" wouldn't look like that, no matter which "it" in the problem we are talking about. You'll have to learn the definition of an inverse mapping and the notation for it. Figure out what [itex] B^-1(x,y) [/itex] is.

(There is no [itex] B(F(x,y)) [/itex] mentioned in the problem, so I don't know why you attempted to compute that. Furthermore the notation [itex] B(F(x,y)) [/itex] doesn't make sense because [itex] B [/itex] is a mapping from a 2D point to another 2D point, so [itex] B [/itex] needs two numbers for its argument. [itex] F(x,y) [/itex] is a single number.)
  • #5
ohhhhhhh. wtf. i don't get why they have put this in an assignment if they haven't even taught us it and it isn't in the textbook.
  • #6
Hey I am having trouble with this question as well... can you be a bit more obvious with providing the answer please? :) Stephen Tashi

FAQ: Mapping a general curve onto a bijection.

1. What is a bijection?

A bijection is a mathematical function that maps each element in one set to a unique element in another set. This means that for every input, there is only one corresponding output, and every output has a unique input.

2. How is a bijection different from other types of functions?

A bijection is different from other types of functions because it is both injective and surjective. This means that it is a one-to-one mapping, where every element in the output set is mapped from a different element in the input set, and every element in the output set has a corresponding element in the input set.

3. Why is it important to map a curve onto a bijection?

Mapping a curve onto a bijection is important because it allows us to represent the curve in a more precise and consistent way. This helps in mathematical analysis and calculations, as well as in practical applications such as data visualization and curve fitting.

4. What is the process of mapping a curve onto a bijection?

The process of mapping a curve onto a bijection involves finding a mathematical function that satisfies the criteria of being both injective and surjective. This can be done by using techniques such as inverse functions, composition of functions, and transformations.

5. What are the benefits of using a bijection to map a curve?

Using a bijection to map a curve has several benefits, such as ensuring a one-to-one correspondence between elements in the input and output sets, allowing for easier calculations and analysis, and providing a more accurate representation of the curve. Additionally, bijections are reversible, meaning that the original curve can be easily retrieved from the mapped version.

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